Thursday 20 February 2020

The Eye of the world by Robert Jordan

Mass Market Paperback, 814 pages
Published November 15th 1990 by Tor Books (first published January 15th 1990)
Series: The Wheel of Time #1

According to Goodreads this is my third re-read, but since I read it like back already in 1996 I do have a few more re-read in me than this ;)

And there will be spoilers.

If you do not want spoilers then back away

The spoilers are not that bad really.

but they are there.

But yes they are not bad.

This is just a few thoughts.

And I will be thinking of the show in my mind.

I like Rand with Tam, I always wanted more Tam

Not a Moiraine fan.
Not an Egwene fan, she is uppity.

The fleeing is kind of so and so. No feelings about Min since we meet her once.

I HATE THE CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT! Balefire those suckers.

Is Shadar Logoth necessary? I mean sure yes cos of the dagger, but still eh.

I like Perrin. Are the tinkers necessary? Sure cos of the Aiel, but eh.
Wolf power!

M, Lan and Nyn does not show us their journey. And this should be more crucial since obvi Lan and Nyn grew close. I do like Nyn.

Not a fan of flirty Mat, a fan of mad Mat.
I like his and Rand's journey. Esp when they hit the big city and Rand meets Elayne and her family. FU Galad.
I like how everyone is all Aiel! Aww, good times!

I still hate that this is our world cos it makes no freaking sense. I'd rather have it be another world that fell into despair. Also I have no idea who John Glenn was but his story made it throughout the ages, very US centric of you. You can't remember other things, but that. Ann Landers? Who. Another one that made it through age after age even though like everyone died. Sure. I guess only US survived the breaking then.

Fal Dara
I always though this could have been a good ending, sort of, if there had not been more books. But I am glad there will be more and omg the banner, the FEELS.

The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. In the Third Age, an Age of Prophecy, the World and Time themselves hang in the balance. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.

When The Two Rivers is attacked by Trollocs—a savage tribe of half-men, half-beasts— five villagers flee that night into a world they barely imagined, with new dangers waiting in the shadows and in the light.


  1. You are the epic fantasy queen Blodeuedd, I like them too but I need a big break between them because they're usually very intense and also very long. :)

  2. This sure sounds like it had a lot going on in it.

  3. I've read the books only once and only last 3 books in english. I thought I would re-read them in english but of course library has only the last 3 in english... I miss library in Turku... I've always liked Moiraine.

  4. Ooh I started this once, years ago, but never got back to it.

  5. I read this one a long time ago but never went beyond it...I don't think I will ever get around to reading the rest of the series, sadly.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  6. Wow! To re-read a book three times is pretty cool for sure! Hugs, RO

    1. I meant I have re-read 3 times on GR, read the first book for the first time 10 years prior to that so many more than 3

  7. John Glenn and Ann Landers? So an astronaut and an advice columnist made it into a fantasy legend. That's funny.

    You do remind me that I've been terribly remiss not to have started this series yet since I know its fabulous.

    1. Yup, so like 6000 years ago they lived and now they are legend



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