Wednesday, 26 February 2020

The fate of the Tala by Jeffe Kennedy

Kindle Edition, 316 pages
Published February 8th 2020 by Brightlynx Publishing
Series: The Uncharted Realms #5, The Twelve Kingdoms Complete Universe [publication order] #11
For review

I liked reading on my phone a few books ago, but now, I always love print more! Oh do not listen to me, I was too lazy to put it on my reader. So it took me like a month! I know right, slow reader here.

Back to business!!

Omg why is Rayfe so weird. That is honestly my thought for most of the book. Why is Rayfe such a weirdo! Book 1, people! Book 1! They were so right and now they are so right, and it broke me!

Other than weirdo Rayfe, there were actually a plot too. Those evil mofos Deyrr, Dasnarians, that evil Sorceress are coming to kill everyone. So everyone has to band together to bring them down, which means everyone from previous books show up.

So the end finally came. I did feel that maybe they did not have to make a list of who ws for them and who was against, but other than that it was quite the ride and omg Rayfe, it had me so worried. I was all what is happppppening?!

As the undead powers of Deyrr gather their forces, their High Priestess focuses on Andi, undermining her at every turn. At the magical barrier that protects the Thirteen Kingdoms from annihilation, the massive Dasnarian navy assembles, ready to pounce the moment Andi’s strength fails. And, though her sisters and friends gather around her, Andi finds that her husband, Rayfe, plagued with fears over her pregnancy, has withdrawn, growing ever more distant.

Fighting battles on too many fronts, Andi can’t afford to weaken, as she’s all that stands between all that’s good in the world and purest evil.

For Andi, the time to grow into her true power has come. .


  1. Lol!! Slow reader! I'm actually reading VELOCITY WEAPON on my phone, only because I needed something to read in my dr's waiting room and now it's just easier to keep going.

    But I do have this in paperback and I CAN'T WAIT to read it!!

    1. I should not read on my phone, they just sit there for aaaages. And I only read like once a week at work

    2. I had to hang out in another waiting room today and only got a few pages done, not because the time was short but because I kept getting distracted by my son's iPad game! At this rate I'll maybe finish my phone book by the end of August :)

    3. Oh no a game! Lol they can be evil

  2. Rayfe is a great name. This sounds good.

  3. LOL now I know that Rayfe is strange.

  4. I could never read on my phone. I can barely do regular stuff on my phone lol

    Sounds like a fun book though and I still need to try this author.

    1. I can't even comment on blogs on my phone cos I can't remember wp passwords

  5. I feel you. I have a book just sitting on my nightstand and its taking foreveerrrr

    1. I had the chance to start a new phonebook ;) and did not. But I must

  6. I really need to try Jeffe Kennedy.

  7. I can't read on my phone either, it's hard enough on my Kindle lol.

    1. I am just a print girl, yes kindles are handy, but I skim them more

  8. So I tried my first book by her last year, but something tells me I would have liked this series more!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Right the, orchid? Yeah, this series is better

  9. Sounds like it was a good read and i'd never read on my phone and hate the iPad even. Kindle or Print!

    1. Next time I shall not be lazy! But a phone is just so handy cos you can read anywhere, also in the dark as I do at work

  10. OMG... this is the best review ever! It is all so true and perfect! This was a good one. Rayfe wasn't weird - he was an a-hole! haha.

    1. I didnt want to spoil anything lol, but F_ck Rayfe! I will kick him his effing balls. Damn him ;)

  11. That's a pretty cover. I can't read on my phone too much but sometimes I will if I forget my book.


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