Monday, 8 October 2012

Mini Interview and giveaway: Sarah-Jane Lehoux - Thief

Please help me welcome Sarah Jane Lehoux to my blog today. There will be a giveaway at the end, and it will be open to all :) Good luck!


Who is Sarah-Jane?
1. Sarah is an introvert with a love of animals, the paranormal, and pretty much anything weird or macabre. She is gradually becoming a hermit thanks to an anxiety disorder, and her general inability to figure out social etiquette. She gets her inspiration from a sleep disorder which produces some wacked out waking dreams and hallucinations, and strives for originality and quirkiness in everything she writes. Growing up, she wanted to be a pirate, then an archeologist, then a primatologist, and finally decided that she’s not cut out for anything other than telling stories. Her greatest ambitions are to explore the catacombs of Paris and convince her husband to take a Hippo Tour in Toronto with her. If she ever becomes a successful author, she’ll buy a Queen Anne style house in the middle of nowhere, zombie proof it, and install a hidden door that leads to a turret room, where she can sit on rainy days and freak out anyone who happens upon her estate. Plus she’d get her cats a puppy. Because puppies are cute, and she thinks her cats would appreciate the gesture.

Why is this the series to read?
2. Reason 1: No one sparkles, and the female characters don’t put up with douchey, abusive behaviour from so called Alpha males. There are consequences, and there is more at stake than just getting two characters together.
    Reason 2: A sexy dark elf named Revik will rock your world.
    Reason 3: This ain’t your daddy’s fantasy. It’s a new spin on the genre. Gritty, realistic, unpredictable, and emotionally involving.

3. Why fantasy?
 I’m a big fan of hyperbole. I love using over the top expressions to get my point across. It’s the same with crafting a story. I take average, everyday characters and plunk them down in the middle of extraordinary circumstances to see how they will react. By doing so, I believe I can better examine human nature and the human condition. Strip away the magic and monsters, and at its heart the Sevy series is about people trying to do the best they can with their lot in life.


3 winners with receive both books, Thief and Shades of War

1. Open to ALL
2. Ends Oct 24th
3. Just enter :D

For review of the Thief go to:  and Shades of War
"Sarah-Jane Lehoux has brought a rainbow of emotions through me with these reads; surprise, tears, and worry."

If you are curious about Sarah-Jane Lehoux and her works, she can be found:
On her site: Sarah-Jane Lehoux ~

The Blurb for Thief:

In the crumbling city of Eloria, there is one indisputable fact: everyone has a price. Protestations of morality and better judgment have little meaning when confronted with the chance to obtain the unobtainable. The only question remaining is just how much a person is willing to sacrifice in order to win their heart’s desire.

Sevy has always been a quick study in the wicked ways of Eloria. She has no qualms about taking what she wants, and when the love of her life is mysteriously murdered, Sevy will stop at nothing to get him back. Elvish black magic, necromancy and demonic pacts are of little consequence if it means she can once again have her beloved at her side. But is she willing to murder her only friend to get the job done?


  1. Wow, that is some blurb. It sure sounds intriguing, so count me in please. Thanks for the guestpost/interview, I enjoyed reading it.

  2. I'm not usually a fan of fantasy but this series sounds amazing!

    Great interview - I thought I was reading my own bio there until you got to the writing part. Sadly I have no talent in that area.

    Thanks for the giveaway :-)

  3. I just adore Revik!! I want more of him! :-)

    1. Thank you, Mel. Revik is heavily featured in the sequel, Shades of War, and also in the upcoming Masquerade. Readers will get to see...a lot more of him. A lot. Wink wink.

  4. Nice interview!
    'A sexy dark elf named Revik will rock your world'<-sounds interesting.

  5. Thank you so much for hosting this mini interview and giveaway, Blodeuedd. :)

  6. I am intrigued - finally heroines who don't like those obnoxious so-called alpha males...thank you Sarah-Jane, I like fantasy as defined by you!
    Please enter me. Sometimes I win here ;p.

  7. A sexy dark elf you say? Yes please! I can't say I've read any books that feature sexy dark elves:)

  8. I am with Jenny---you said sexy dark elf! You pretty much had me at Sexy dark elf! :)

  9. It sounds really great, lol how can I say no if no one sparkles? And the covers are really nice. Thanks for the post!

  10. Twitted about your giveaway at:

    Cherry Mischievous
    cherrymischif-spamme [at] yahoo [dot] com

  11. I really love the sound of the females! Oh and I think that those cats would totally appreciate a puppy. One that LOVES to play. ;)

    Not entering but wishing everyone good luck! :D

  12. Hello ;)) awesome giveaway! I love wait no I ADORE fantasy because is a combination of everything. Please count me in that books sounds interesting ;DD

  13. Ok I will admit I am now curious about A sexy dark elf named Revik who will rock my world! Great post and thanks for introducing me to this series!

  14. I must say the first reason caught my attention. And I liked everything else that I read about this series, so count me in! I would LOVE to win and read this! :D

  15. Thank you for a fantastic giveaway, that i would love to have the oportunity of reading and reviewing both increadible books! They sound facinating and totally origonal, hence i would love to find out more. I am a huge fantasy fan from young adult to classics such as Robin Hobb, Tolkien and Raymond E Feist. I adore this genre and so would be thrilled and excited by the prospect of reading something new.
    Thank you so much x

    Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk

  16. Great interview. These books sound fantastic! Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  17. This sounds great and an excellent interview!

  18. Woop! Great interview Sarah-Jane & Blodeuedd. :D And love the reasons to read this series, as they are soooo true. lol.

    Thank you for all the help Blodeuedd! :D (Of course I'm not entering)

    1. Thanks for the email :) I am happy to help

  19. I like the extraordinary factor in fantasy too. more of an escape (not an entry-too much to read :))

  20. Elf was what grabbed me!!! I need to get back to some great fantasy!

  21. thanks for a great post and congrats on the releases! I love fantasy too and it's getting harder and harder to find good fantasy anymore

  22. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me. I would love to read this book.

  23. I love this part of the interview: "Plus she’d get her cats a puppy. Because puppies are cute, and she thinks her cats would appreciate the gesture." - Couple of weeks ago I told DH our kitties wanted a puppy and he said our older cat will commit suicide if we get a dog, he's not fun nor is our older cat.
    Thank you for the opportunity and good luck to me :)

  24. Thank you for the great giveaway & interview. Please enter me. Greetings from northern Europe! :)

  25. Reasons 1-3 and blurb have me intrigued. Thanks for the giveaway.

  26. Wow, they sound really interesting. Definitely adding them to my to-read list.

  27. Fantasy is my favourite genre and your books fit my fantasy. A take-no-s**t woman and a sexy dark elf can come live in my world.
    I knew from your bio that I would love your books.

  28. Wow! So nice to hear all the positive feedback from everyone. I hope that if any of you win these books/buy them, that you'll enjoy them.

    FYI, the best is yet to come! Masquerade, the third in the series, brings it to a whole new level. (And yes, more of the sexy dark elf) ;)

  29. Thief sounds excellent. I've been looking for something gritty to read for a while. This one looks very promising.

  30. count me in for the giveaway!

  31. I've read a short story by this author and it was fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway.


  32. Alright that blurb has totally piqued my interest. Thank you so much for introducing me to a new series and a new author!
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

  33. both of books sound have good story, please enter me to the giveaway. Thanks for the giveaway.


  34. Sounds like a book that should be on my wish list. Count me in please.


About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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