Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Review: Season for Surrender - Theresa Romain

Honor Among Rogues
Alexander Edgeware, Lord Xavier, has quite a reputation—for daring, wagering, and wickedness in all its delightful forms. But the wager before him is hardly his preferred sport: Xavier must persuade a proper young lady to attend his famously naughty Christmas house party—and stay the full, ruinous two weeks. Worse, the lady is Louisa Oliver, a doe-eyed bookworm Xavier finds quite charming. Yet to refuse the challenge is impossible—he will simply have to appoint himself Miss Oliver’s protector…

Mischief Among Misses
Louisa knows her chance for a husband has passed. But she has no desire to retire into spinsterhood without enjoying a few grand adventures first. When Lord Xavier’s invitation arrives, Louisa is more intrigued than insulted. And once inside the rogues’ gallery, she just may have a thing or two to teach her gentlemen friends about daring.

My thoughts:
Are you getting a sense of Deja vu? Well then you are correct cos I have already posted a review of this one on my blog. Rameau's review, but then Anachronist asked if I would write one too? And I thought about it and thought why not. It will be fun to compare.

I am glancing at Rameau's review while writing this ;)
I did think the smexing came to fast in this book, suddenly there it was and I was all lime wow, slow down people. Seems Rameu found a way of approving this while I am not too happy about it. Just too fast.

The heroine loves books, and that means I loved the heroine and it really showed what a booklover she was.

The whole rogue aspect around Xavier I did not get, I would have wished for him to be explored, or explained more.

Seems Rameau liked the discussions the couple had, I fear I found those part the most dull. Nothing happened (of course then smack! smexing).

She wonders about Lockwood, well I sure hope he does not get a book, but yes Jane should get one. She is a cousin of Xavier and a sweet thing.

All in all, bluestocking meets Rogue and soon it all starts. Of course he means to seduce her to win a wager and she, well she wants to live for once.

For Rameu's more excellent review go here

Series: Seasons #2
Genre: Historical romance
Pages: 368
Published: 2012 by Zebra
Source: From rameau


  1. You lie, it's a good review. Just different.

    I guess I've come to expect and accept that these days even historical romances come with explicit sex scenes. If I were still holding on to my Jane Austen standard, then I would have to agree, it comes too soon and too fast.

    Although, if someone would find a way to write and make work a romance novel with a man having a mistress for the sex scenes and courting a virginal ingenue then they'd have both...

    Jane is sweet, but I thought Lockwood was the more interesting character. Alas, different people and different opinions ;)

    1. True, I know they will have sex, just that sometimes it works better and sometimes not. I still remember a Julia Quinn book, which I loved. Sure the sex came late there but it just felt so wrong.

      Here, well here it felt too fast for me. She was a bit slutty. More than I ;) I am such a prude it seems.

      Nooo, he is an ass!!!!!! I will kick him in the nuts

    2. A man having a mistress and courting an ingenue? Why it WAS written. Balzac, who else! Eh these French authors and their immoral ideas...;p

    3. They make me faint, immoral ideas are not for this lady with my poor prudish heart

    4. right, I sooo believe you...;p

  2. It seems strange to me if the smexin comes too fast in a historical romance. I always pick these types of books up expecting to have to work for it, to wade through a lot of tension and almost kisses before anything else happens, and I like that about historical romances:) Still, I probably wouldn't be too upset with early smexin. Just saying:)

    1. Lol, I can't say it was bad ;) Just that I do feel sometimes too early is too early.

      I do want some tension first, some tender kissing, not straight to down and dirty

  3. I so agree with you, often the love scenes are so soon in the story, it is unbelievable. Why would a virgin of a good family give in and not just to kisses, but everything there is at once.

    1. And it's often kissing ..ahem other parts and then smexing comes later which seems even worse. But yes too early is too early

  4. All in all, bluestocking meets Rogue and soon it all starts. Of course he means to seduce her to win a wager and she, well she wants to live for once.

    I liked your review, honestly we MUST write a review of the same book all three of us: Rameau will be sense, you will be sensitivity and I will be pure madness and scorn. ;) Let me know if you approve.

    But wait. WAIT. You mean she hasn't lived before she met that rogue? So reading books is not the same as living? Noooooooo. That's high treason.

    1. Haha, *serious face* No, living through books are not living. Living for real means kissing boys and throwing caution for the wind.

      Sense, sensitivity and pure madness and scorn. Ohhhh I like it :D

    2. I for one would love to read that! It will for sure be epic!

    3. It's enough to choose the right book now...

  5. Sometimes getting to the sex takes forever! and other times it's just too fast! lol

    I'm not sure if I would like this one. It depends if I can connect to the characters or not I guess.

    1. Lol, true, too fast, too slow, I guess we are never happy ;)

  6. These are fun books and I'm glad you enjoyed it. A lot of times the smexing is way too early in these things, but still usually fun. Gotta love the rogue and a bookish girl. :D

    1. Hihi, yes as a bookish girl myself I'd sure love a..nah, I do not want a rogue, I want a bookish guy

  7. I would sure a love a dress like that :)

  8. it's always nice to read many reviews about the same book, like that we can really know the feelings of the persons.

  9. gotta love different views. It makes life fresh and it shows that we are all individuals. Sometimes in HRs the smex scenes come too soon for my taste too, I like it when they have to fight for the rogue for example the little virgin makes the rogue work extra hard for his conquest. lol

    1. Yes they should work harder for it, the virgins should stay virginal a bit more. We can't have every rogue going around seducing every woman of age in England ;)

    2. bahahaha yes. There would be no respectable women left for the rest of the men unless England established a law saying that men can marry more then woman, so there could be a lot of shot-gun weddings.

    3. So true, I would think the rakes would have gone trough every woman in the country ;)

  10. I might read it just because the heroine is a book nerd. :)

    1. It was fun to see :D And she loves to organize books too

  11. I do remember this one being reviewed here before, it sounds like a good read.
    Nice review Blod!

  12. This looks good and what a lovely cover :)

  13. Great review, I had fun reading this and loved Xavier's facial expressions

  14. Yep, when smexing is too quick in historicals, I just... can't believe it. It such a huge step for a women, that she really needs to think through all the consequences. Still, glad you loved the main heroine! :)

    1. True, I mean shall we just think the throw caution for the wind, when it is so against everything they know. And the thing is, it would have been too early for me in Rl too

  15. It wouldn't be a proper historical without a rogue and bluestocking :)

    Actually I would probably be ok with the smexing coming fast as long as the story eventually caught up :)

    1. I am just a prude sometimes...and then secretly enjoys it, lol


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