Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Review: Shadows at Stonewylde - Kit Berry

Thirteen years have passed since Yul fought for his life at the quarry, and Stonewylde has flourished in a new, golden age—but now the shadows are gathering. Wild and disobedient, Leveret is the bad girl who disappears at night and would rather roam the woods than sit in school. Only Clip recognizes the girl's magical sensitivity, and believes she may be the one to lead Stonewylde out of the approaching darkness. The shadows thicken as Yul and Sylvie find that something, or someone, is tearing their beautiful relationship apart. As Stonewylde starts to disintegrate, a sinister alliance is forming, but they have no idea what evil they are really up against.

My thoughts:
Oh Yul, I can't believe what a bastard you turned into. Ok so he is still "nice", but there are some things that just made me mad. First, after all he has been through one would think he would look at both sides of a story. No. Second, he is smothering Sylvie to death. Third, the outside world has taken over too much. Soon Stonewylde will be no more.

Yes this book, 13 years after the last book, the Magus may be gone but shadows are gathering. I wished Sylvie would stand up for herself more. I wished Yul would stop being so selfish and I wished people would see the bullying going on. It's not a happy book, but then these books have dealt with some serious stuff. Some real things for sure and life is tough.

But this is Leveret's book, Yul's little sister and again my heart is broken. That poor child! Bullied and brought to despair. And no one notice! I am so disappointed with Stonewylde. Look up and see around you. Shadows, and more shadows. Dark books.

And then it ends, one more book to come soon. But I fear utter destruction at the moment.

This series sure brings out some emotions on me. I just wanted to scream and rage. I hate bullies! This author sure know how to create deep feelings for her characters. She is pretty evil (but in a good way as I get so attached to them and emotional.)

Creepy and good

Series: Stonewylde #4
Genre: YA, paranormal'ish
Pages: 426
Published: OCtober 2012 by Gollancz (first 2011)
Source: For review


  1. Well, based on your last sentence this book seems like it's a bit of a downer. Not sure how I feel about that! I need at least the tiniest sliver of a silver lining in my books:) Thanks for the review!

    1. I am used to it now. All is well...sort of. But you know that things will go to hell

  2. Your first review of this series grabbed my attention, but it doesn't sound like one I want to read after all.

    1. Oh :/ You know they are good and they are meant to cause emotions

  3. Oh yes, you can say that again

  4. I hate bullies too and so I know it would affect me the same way. Oh too bad there wasn't Magus in this one. I bet you missed him. LOL

    1. Haha oh yes Magus, still..I can't say more but grrrr Magus!!!

  5. wow it sounds intense, I hope the sequel will be as good as this one...

  6. Wow a 13 year time leap. Hmmm I'm not sure if that would bother me or not.

    It seems like you're still enjoying it despite being put through an emotional wringer lol

    1. It's not a problem since book 3 ends well and that could have been the end to it all. Then the author continued to write

  7. Wow! I love how emotional you get and that means this author hit the mark!!!

  8. Reading from your review, looks like this is the kind of book which would make me angry... I don't think I would be picking it up...

    1. But you know angry in a good way, books should make you feel

  9. I hate bullies too! I love that the author can bring out such strong emotions---that is what books are for :)

  10. I love books that bring out strong emotions in me. (Though I usually have to read something light afterwards.)

  11. I'm more and more intrigued with this series with your every review, Blodeuedd! ;)

  12. That Yul sounds like quite the character. It seems like this author creates great storylines and characters that will make the reader get all wound up!

  13. I think I have to read this series now. Great review!

  14. Ooo, now if I didn't like the sounds of this series before... Well, I do think I need it. Yes, definitely. :) Thank you!!


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