Monday 7 October 2013

Author Interview and Giveaway: Pamela Sherwood

Today I have Pamela Sherwood on my blog and there is also a giveaway of her latest book.


1. Tell me about yourself...
I am a third-generation Chinese American and an ardent Anglophile. As a child, I was a voracious reader (and  still am!), which led, naturally enough, into making up my own stories and entertaining myself with them  when I was bored--like on long car trips or the daily walk to and from school.  Eventually, I began committing some of those stories to paper, leading to the discovery that I wanted to be a writer. It took me a number of years to make the transition into writing full-time, but I’m glad that I did!

2. Why is A Song at Twilight the perfect historical romance book for the Fall?
Romance novels often have a seasonal "mood," I've found. Light, frothy books tend to be perfect for spring and summer--my previous novel, Waltz with a Stranger, contained some angst, but otherwise was very "summery" in mood and feeling. Books with somber or more serious tones and subjects seem appropriate for fall and winter, maybe because those tend to be seasons of reflection and thought for many of us. I also feel that an older, more introspective couple revisiting their relationship are  likewise apposite for the fall. A Song at Twilight concerns two lovers whose early romance was blighted by shocking secrets from Robin's--the hero's--past. They meet again four years after their heart-wrenching break, as older, sadder, wiser people. But they're also stronger and more resilient--especially the heroine, Sophie, who's had to grow up a lot in the intervening years. When Robin sets eyes on her again, she's become a successful professional singer, a rising star of the opera and concert stage. She's acquired poise, confidence, and self-assurance--despite never having fallen out of love with Robin. He, in turn, has learned patience, endurance, and self-sacrifice. But when fate hands Robin and Sophie a second chance at love, they're determined to take it--and to fight for the happy ending they were denied the first time around.  

3. How did you decide to go for a Victorian romance?
I love the Regency, but it’s an eyeblink compared to the 64 years that comprise the Victorian period. So many exciting things happened in that era--huge changes in technology, science, art, society, and politics. Inventions like the telephone, electric lighting, and railroads all brought us closer to the world we know today. The role of women changed dramatically: by the end of the 19th century, women could travel, seek employment outside the home, and study at universities.  Laws were changed so they could retain their property after marriage, and, in some cases, custody of their children if their marriage broke down. True equality between the sexes was far off--some would argue that it still is--but an important start had been made. And since I have always preferred historical romances in which the hero and heroine were on a more equal footing, I found myself gravitating towards the late Victorian and Edwardian eras rather than the Georgian and Regency periods.

4.  For something fun:  If you could choose, which era would you time-travel too? :)
The Roaring '20s! Such an exciting time, with exhilarating new freedoms for women to explore. They had the vote in both the US and the UK, they could receive degrees at Oxford and Cambridge, they could party, drink, and let their hair (after bobbing it), with the same abandon as men. And I've always wanted to learn the Charleston … I'd be sure to check out of the '20s before the stock market crash, however!

5. What's coming next from you?
Right now, I'm working on several projects, including a novella featuring Thomas Sheridan and Amy Newbold, the secondary couple from my first book, Waltz with a Stranger. They travel to Newport, Rhode Island for the summer season, where they find romance--and danger. And I'm plotting a novel about Sophie's brother Sir Harry Tresilian, who falls in love with the beautiful but mysterious tenant of his family's summer cottage. And there's an all-new project in the works as well--about a  somewhat dysfunctional ducal family who get together (explosively) for Christmas.

Thank you for hosting me today on Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell!

And now on to the 
1 copy of A song at Twilight

1. Open to US and Canada
2. Ends Oct 13
3. Just enter :)


  1. Sounds like a great fall romance. (not entering giveaway at this time though)

  2. Like the cover on this book, thank you for the chance to win.

  3. The 20's would be a blast to visit! I love the fashion in that time period, I wouldn't mind getting to wear cute flapper dresses or bobbing my hair:)

  4. I love more and more historical romance books, I'll have to make a new list to add all the ones I want.

  5. Brandi, glad you like the sound of the book!

    Charlotte, the cover grew on me too--evenually! :-)

    Jenny, the '20s would be like a nonstop party! You might get tired of it after a while, but it sounds like it would be fun in the short term.

    Melliane, there's no shortage of historical romances coming out this fall and winter!

    Thank you all for commenting, and good luck to everyone on the giveaway!

  6. Great interview. I love the cover to your book. Thank you for the giveaway.

  7. Thank you Pamela for stopping by :) And I must say lovely cover

  8. I've always be curious about the 20s as well. Plus, love the music. Also love the fashion. Seemed like fun. :D

  9. Not entering the giveaway, just wanted to say that was a great interview. I always wondered what made historical romance authors choose the period that the write in.

  10. Crystal, glad you enjoyed the interview, and I have had good luck with my covers.

    Heidi, my grandparents were also alive during the '20s, though sadly they were deceased before I was old enough to ask them about it.

    Blodeuedd, thank you for having me.

    Melissa, the music of the '20s was definitely intoxicating. This was the start of the Jazz Age, after all. And some of the great fashion houses in Europe started up then too.

    Good luck to everyone entered in the drawing!

  11. Buckeye Girl, glad you enjoyed the interview! Yes, the Victorian Age has its hooks in me, no question!

  12. Felicia S., yes, they would--like walking into a chapter of The Great Gatsby!

  13. Ooh, this sounds so good! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the contest!

    inthehammockblog at gmail dot com

  14. I love a good Victorian romance and this sounds delightful. Wonderful interview it was nice getting to know the author.

  15. I enjoyed this interview. I've read Pamela's first book and enjoyed it.

  16. Great interview! Very interesting.

  17. Carrie, glad you like the sound of the book! Hope it delivers!

    Kimbacaffeinate, always nice to meet another Victorian aficionado!

    Nise, happy that you enjoyed Book #1 and hope that you'll also like Book #2.

    Good luck to all!

  18. Yvonne, glad you enjoyed the interview!

  19. I really enjoyed the interview, and I would love to read "A Song at Twilight". The cover art is lovely, and I absolutely love the color of her dress. Thank you for the chance to win.

  20. I totally agree with Pamela's assessment about Spring/Summer "lighter" books versus darker books for Fall/Winter - my reading trends do seem to go that way - maybe because in the cooler weather I can snuggle up & be cozy, therefore more comforted.
    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  21. Diane, glad you enjoyed the interview and I hope you enjoy A Song at Twilight too.

    Di, I tend to be a seasonal reader myself, drifting towards weightier stuff during fall/winter and light-hearted froth during spring/summer. As a writer, though, I don't have quite the same luxury and my work is sometimes set in seasons other than the one I'm currently experiencing!

  22. This looks great! Thanks for the giveaway!
    mestith at gmail dot com

  23. I always enjoy a second change at love story, and A Song At Twilight sounds like a great one.

  24. Meghan, glad you like the look of the book!

    Good luck, everyone!

  25. Barbara E., second chance at love is one of my favorite romance tropes!

  26. This sounds really good. I love that they get a second chance.

  27. sounds fatantastic! Thanks for sharing :)

  28. Carol, glad you like the sound of the book.

    Erin, you're welcome!

  29. Awesome cover and good luck with this book and all you have coming!

    dianemestrella at gmail dot com

  30. I would also love to visit the Roaring 20's, but I agree, I'd need to make sure it was before the crash. Awesome interview. A Song at Twilight sounds like a lovely read!

  31. Diane, thanks for the good wishes!

    Lauren, we always think of the 20s as a nonstop party but it came to such a shattering conclusion. Glad you enjoyed the interview, hope you enjoy the book!

  32. I so agree that historical romances have moods! The light fluffy stuff I crave in the heat of the summer...but when the leaves change and the snow flies I want to walk through the darkened halls of a mansion and feel the tension.

    Enjoy the roaring 20's! ;)

  33. I like variety in my reading - sometimes lite, but the darker stories also provide an extra satisfaction in the HEA.



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