Tuesday 22 October 2013

Review: Banquet of Lies - Michelle Diener

LONDON, 1812: Giselle Barrington is living a double life, juggling the duties of chef with those of spy catcher. She must identify her father’s savage killer before the shadowy man finds her and uncovers the explosive political document her father entrusted to her safekeeping.

Posing as a French cook in the home of Lord Aldridge, Giselle is surrounded by unlikely allies and vicious enemies. In the streets where she once walked freely among polite society, she now hides in plain sight, learning the hard lessons of class distinction and negotiating the delicate balance between servant and master.

Lord Aldridge’s insatiable curiosity about his mysterious new chef blurs the line between civic duty and outright desire. Carefully watching Giselle’s every move, he undertakes a mission to figure out who she really is—and, in the process, plunges her straight into the heart of danger when her only hope for survival is to remain invisible.

My thoughts:
I finished the book in a day, I just read and read, and then I read some more. I almost did it in one sitting too if I had not had to go grocery shopping ;)

There is a lightness over the writing that makes the pages fly by. And then there is the suspense/mystery/drama that just makes it impossible to put it down. Here it's cos the heroine, Giselle is hiding from the man who killed her father and she has important information too. It's a cat and mouse game, and it's thrilling.

If I compare it to the other regency book she has written then yes I did love The Emperor's Secret a bit more. But that was cos of the heroine's past and the heartache it left me in. Still this book was awesome and it was not as dark when it came to certain things. It also made me want so much more, and I already know someone she totally should write about. But then that is how ES left me too. Wanting so much more, so please, write more :D

Honestly I had the best sentence in my head, it would have made the review. Alas now it's gone but that is how a good book usually leaves me unable to write a coherent review.

Giselle was great, brave and even if she said she was a mouse, then she certainly was a courageous mouse. Jonathan was in a way a sort of beta hero, dunno why I say that really. But in the best possible way. She was the heroine in the book after all.

A cat and mouse game in a rich setting. Danger and romance is promised. And it makes Michelle Diener the go to woman for these sort of books. A good book makes you want more, but a great book makes you crave more. And this one was great.

Paperback, 352 pages
Published October 22nd 2013 by Gallery Books
Historical fiction / romantic fiction /suspense /spy games
For review


  1. I too consumed this in almost one sitting and in one day. I love her regency tales from the characters to the mystery.

    1. They are sure fantastic :D I am so glad there will be more

  2. Damn grocery shopping! hahahaha
    But I do adore books of these nature. I can't get over the spy and regency era mixed in one. Fantastic. :D You should give Lauren Willig a go and maybe try out some Gaelen Foley. :D

    1. I know, food, who needs food! Lol

      I have wondered about Willig but there are just so many! And I do have a Foley lying around somewhere, dunno if there are spies there though

  3. I so rarely crave more these days, it comes from having far too many books to read. But I'm glad this has that effect. I might just give it a try.

    1. There is just this craving effect about these books, I do not what makes it so, I never know. It just is :)

  4. This sounds like a fantastic read, and I'd love to win this. Michelle is a new Author to me. I love the beautiful cover, it's gorgeous. Thank you for the chance to win. :-)

  5. This is not my normal type of read but you made this one sound REALLY good!

  6. Replies
    1. damn it!! Lol, see this is horrible. I do not remember

  7. oh that"s great, I was so curious to see your review after your interview. I really want to try it!

    1. I had to read the book the minute I got it ;)

  8. She does have fantastic covers

  9. Wow! This sounds fab! So need this one. Don't you hate it when life gets in the way of reading? :)

    1. Boo life, can't you see that I am reading

  10. Lol, I know ! ;) I should have called them and told them to hurry over, but that would have meant time on the phone. Evil evil

  11. I love cat and mouse games, especially when the mouse is courageous. This sounds wonderful! I'm totally with you on good books leaving me incoherent when it comes time to review. I can never seem to do them justice! Wonderful review in any case! :-)

    1. I just can't put down everything I want to say, but hey read it should be enough ;)

      She was so courageous, not a mouse at all

  12. Wow, glad you loved it that much. I want to read it now!

  13. I think I'd really like this one!

  14. Great review B, thank you. One day I will read those books.

    1. I hope that you will cos they are fun fun

  15. This actually sounds interesting!

    1. Such a great series or to be read stand alone :)

  16. Sounds like one I'd enjoy. Glad it can be read as a stand-alone.

  17. Woot! Sounds like another winner. Love Michelle's writing.



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