Thursday 6 March 2014

The Maid of Milan - Beverley Eikli

Adelaide Leeson wants to prove herself worthy of her husband, a man of noble aspirations who married hernwhen she was at her lowest ebb.

Lord Tristan Leeson is a model of diplomacy and self-control, even curbing the fiery impulses of his youth to preserve the calm relations deemed essential by his mother-in-law to preserve his wife s health.

A visit from his boyhood friend, feted poet Lord James Dewhurst, author of the sensational Maid of Milan, persuades Tristan that leaving the countryside behind for a London season will be in everyone's interests. 

But as Tristan's political career rises, and Adelaide revels in society's adulation, the secrets of the past are uncovered. And there's a high price to pay for a life of deception.

My thoughts:
This is not some fluffy romance book, but then I knew it would not be. No, it's between historical fiction and romance. It brings more drama and doubt.

Adelaide, oh poor Addy. Her mother has her firmly in her grasp. Sure she is married to a sweet and kind man, and yes she is happy and loves him. But her mother keeps her down, tells her not to be passionate and just makes life dull and miserable. She used to be passionate, but that brought tragedy and a broken heart. And now her former lover comes back into her life.

Tristan was such a nice guy, I mean he was really really really nice, and on top of that he had a mother in law who told him his wife needed rest all the time. He kept up with her cos he loved Addy. Oh yes I loved Tristan.

We have a book with a heroine that wants to spread her wings but is held back, by a mother and by a husband who loves her (but listens to her mother). A husband who adores his wife and would love for her to show more passion but is afraid to hurt her. And then of course a meddling mother in law, who is not kind.

Doubts, life and the will to truly live or not. A romantic tale about finding what you really want.


Paperback, 356 pages
Expected US publication: March 15th 2014 by Choc Lit , but out already in ebook form
UK pub: March 7th
Romantic historical fiction
for review


  1. I have to say, I sort of expected a more fluffy romance based on that cover! I kind of like that there's more drama than anticipated though:)

    1. One would think so but nope :)

    2. It's a Regency-set 'Dynasty' with its drug addiction, love triangle and manipulation themes :) Gritty rather than fluffy. I loved writing it.

  2. Even though I'm not an historical fiction fan, I'm always finding historical fiction books that look good on your blog :) This looks good, too.

    1. Good to hear :) I do love history so they will keep on coming

  3. Oh this sounds like a great read! Every once in a while it's nice to read a book that isn't just based on two characters finding romance, this is more about her finding herself and getting out from under her crazy mothers thumb. :-) Glad you enjoyed it!

    1. She did find romance in the end, but yes first what does she want? And the best, getting away from her idiot mother

    2. So glad it appeals:) I love writing about women in powerless situations discovering creative ways in which to wrest happiness and self determination. Oh, and lots of plot twists, too.

  4. Tristan sounds wonderful, and I like the cover!

    1. I love a multi-dimensional hero. Tristan has many of the traits of my husband - the gorgeous Norwegian bush pilot I met around a camp fire twenty years ago :)

  5. Hmm definitely not what I would expect from the cover at all.

    1. If she looked a bit unhappy it would fit ;)

  6. I've never read a straight up historical romance, I usually prefer there to be a bit of paranormal in the mix, but this title sounds interesting. Thanks for the review!

    1. Never? Oh I read a lot ;) As you can see. But I do like to mix them with straight up his fic and these

  7. Historical Fiction isn't my thing but this does sound interesting! Thanks for the great review :)

  8. Another book with a bad mother? Hmm...

    1. Haha, I know! They have been around in my books lately

  9. There's something just not right about her shoulders/chest/neck/head on that cover...

  10. Sounds like it might be worth the read for Tristan alone!

    PS. Haven't been here in a while :/ ...I like the new look!

  11. Still sounds cute. I'm surprised it wasn't fluffy.

  12. yup the cover made me think this was fluffy but it sounds deeper then that, great review.

    1. So much deeper, she does not have it easy

  13. I hope they end up happy together - minus meddling mother.

    The cover makes it appear like a light & fluffy story.

    1. That they the end, but a long long way there

  14. Oh I want to discover Tristan!!!!

    1. Poor Tristan has been deceived for three years by a mother-in-law determined to hide her daughter's 'past'. Poor Adelaide has been shackled by a lie. But Tristan is a real hero. :)

  15. I don't think this one's for me. Too much mamadrama drives me batty, and it sounds like BOTH the mom and the mother-in-law are nightmares. Great review :)

    1. Oh they are not two, her mother lives with them, he has none. So her mother does all the drama and there is a evil reason behind it all

  16. Tristan does sound like a good guy and one I would like to read abotu

  17. I don't think this is for me Blodeuedd, a heroine who is married and still controlled by her mother, is too weak for me to like.

    1. She was not weak, she was broken. And her mother had given her drugs, lots of them for a long time

  18. Thanks so much for such a lovely review. I was striving for subtlety rather than melodrama, and a nuanced melding of manipulation and a yearning to be the debutante before she made her fatal error of judgement. The Ingrid Bergman film 'Gaslight' was a real inspiration in writing the book.

  19. This sounds really good. I'm not much into sappy romances so this is more my style.

  20. I would have expected this one to be another fluffy romance. I'm glad it isn't and I'm intrigued by the drama. I definitely wonder how it all turns out.

  21. B, you always manage to write a review that makes a book sound interesting. A trait I both love and fear, the latter only because I fear for the content in my wallet ;)

    1. Hihi, well thank you, those are lovely words to hear

  22. This sounds good and I like the cover.



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