Thursday 27 March 2014

Warsworn - Elizabeth Vaughan

Lara is the Warprize. A powerful healer, she has sworn an oath of loyalty to Keir the Warlord, and his people. Now the Warlord and his chosen mate face enemies within the tribe and danger lurks on every hand as they journey toward Keir's homeland.

When they reach a village marked with the warnings of the plague, Keir forbids Lara to heal the sick, commanding that she not risk her own life. But both Lara and Kier are strong of will and neither will bend easily, even for love; and when Lara disobeys, she pays the price: both she and Kier are plague-struck... and so is their entire encampment.

In the midst of the dying, Iften, a rival warrior, gathers his followers and challenges Keir for the right to rule their tribe. If Keir, weakened by the sickness, loses -- he dies. And so does Lara. To save her love, her life, and her adopted people, Lara must find a cure for the plague -- and fully embrace her sworn role as Warprize to her Warlord.

My thoughts:
I read book 1 3 years ago, which sucks. Cos I do believe if I had been in the zone I would have liked it more. Of course I still liked the book, but it was a long time between them. And I should just have re-read the end ;)

Keir and Lara are on their way back. Keir has to deal with his people, and Lara wonders if he still wants her there. A healer and a barbarian warrior, what is there not to love? ;) Yes honestly that is all I have to say, I love the concept. He is all rawr! we are different but it works, and she is all...I have no idea where I was going with that, lol. Ok forget it.

Plague, yes much about the book is about the plague and how they all get it and...people doubt Keir. Damn asses! It's a plague! A horrid plague.

The book ends with so more promised. I am worried and anxious about what will come next. Oh and there is one person in this book that I want to kick in the balls.


Kindle Edition, like 300-400ish?
Published April 4th 2006 by Tor Paranormal Romance
Chronicles of the Warlands #2
Fantasy romance


  1. Isn't there always at least one character in each book that you want to kick in the balls? Or is it just me? ;)

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

  2. Kick him! Sterilize him so he won't spawn evil skids!

  3. Ooo violent thoughts..yep I have wanted to run a few characters over!

  4. LOL. You crack me up! I'm glad you enjoyed this even after it being 3 years since you read the last book. I'm making myself reread two previous books in a series before I read book 3 because it's been over a year and I'm afraid I've forgotten too much. :-(

    1. There is this other book I also read 3 years ago, 1000 pages, do I remember anything? No. But so long to re-read

  5. I do like to kick peeps in the balls

  6. ROFL! I love your reviews. That character better wear a cod piece around you. :D

  7. Ha! Kick em in the balls!

    I hate reading books so far apart. I forget because I read too much. It's all a blur lol

    1. Not good at all :/ I did want to read more but they were so tricky to get

  8. Kick in the balls, heehee. If I wait too long reading the next book in a series, I'm usually lost, unless the author is good at recapping.

    1. I was lost, I just could not remember why she was walking barefoot in the beginning for example

  9. It is hard when there is a big gap between books. Sounds like a neat series. :)

    1. It's a good one, just do not wait too long between them ;)

  10. Man, I'd love to know what the character did to deserve that hate. Not just regular hate, but kick-the-balls hate ;-)


  11. LOL some just need to be kicked or neutered.

  12. oh it's nice to see this one was better, mainly after book 1 and 3.

  13. It's been years since I read the first book in this series too (although I liked it so much that I immediately bought the other 3 *facepalms self for waiting*). And yeah, I hate it when leaders get blamed for things like the bloody, friggin' PLAGUE. Some people . . .

    1. Yes, oh people. The plague! The plague! oh well, people have always been idiots ;)

      I wish I had them all at once

  14. I really liked this trilogy when I read it years ago, especially the first couple of books. And then I tried to read the next book which was connected and uh-oh, couldn't stand it. I don't know if I would be able to deal with these books now. I suspect my reading has changed too much.

    1. Oh no! Well I just read book 3 and let the series go. Book 4 felt so...what? And I asked Marcela who read them before me if it was ok ;)

  15. I wanted to kick more than one person.

  16. I think I have this series ... somewhere ...

  17. The book cover is creepy. 0.o

  18. healer, plague ... my type of read. and I want to know who needs a kick in the balls HA



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