Wednesday 26 March 2014

Truth and Fear - Peter Higgins

Investigator Lom returns to Mirgorod and finds the city in the throes of a crisis. The war against the Archipelago is not going well. Enemy divisions are massing outside the city, air raids are a daily occurrence and the citizens are being conscripted into the desperate defense of the city. 

But Lom has other concerns. The police are after him, the mystery of the otherworldly Pollandore remains and the vast Angel is moving, turning all of nature against the city. But will the horrors of war overtake all their plans?

My thoughts:
I had planned to save this for Friday, but ok you get 2 Higgins after each other :D I did not know I'd read it so fast. I just could not stop ;)

Look at that, I actually liked book 2 more. That does not happen a lot but here, maybe it was because now I knew the world, now I was truly invested, or maybe just because book 2 kicked it up a notch.

Lom and Maroussia return to the city. There are more to Lom than meets the eye and I do wonder about his origin. While Maroussia is no longer the confused woman on the run, she now has a goal. Together they must run from those who seek them. They get closer and closer to the Pollandore which might change the world. 

The world is still awesome. War is coming closer, the dictator is dead. The leadership of the city had changed, and yes the angel is still watching and playing. It was a constant fear for their lives, perfect.

This book is about a journey through the city, fighting for your life, the search for something and what war do to people. And the end, oh that was rather evil wasn't it. Now I need more. Now I need to know what will happen to Vlast. Because, awesome.

Still so thriller looking

Paperback, 368 pages
Published March 20th 2014 by Gollancz (first published January 1st 2014)
Wolfhound Century #2
For review
Alternate history / thriller / detective


  1. Oh well now I am even more curious since you liked this more!

  2. I'm sure book 3 will be better. Gotta love a series with good progression

    1. I sure hope so, I love when things get better and better, instead of worse and worse

  3. Now I have the song "Thriller" stuck in my head. ARGH!

  4. As I said yesterday, I wantz! I wantz! I wantz!

  5. Those are the best kind of series books! Oh you have peaked my interest even more!

  6. Okay, you've sold me on this one. Gonna add the first book to my TBR! :D


  7. Hmmm now you have me thinking about the cover and what the words on the star say.

    1. Must ask someone Russian if they are real or not

  8. I am really intrigued. An alternate history thriller and you liked it? :O

    1. Well thriller and thriller, I never saw it like that ;)

  9. Nice review the books sounds really interesting.
    Rimsha@Ramblings of a Bookworm

  10. oh it's nice to see book 2 is even better, I love when it happens like that.

    1. I love it :) Cos I feel that mostly it just goes downhill, or maybe I am just unlucky

  11. Oh man...lady you have officially sold me on this series. :-) Two reviews back to back AND you enjoyed book 2 better. I've found that sometimes I have the same reaction because I understand the world more. Normally the first book I'm trying to wrap my head around things that are new and by book 2 I've figured it all out in my head. :-)

    1. It was a lot of new things, but book 2 went down smoothly as...butter, oh that was bad, anyway, moving on ;)

  12. Gotta love books you can't put down. :D

  13. Yep I want this series and it's your fault ... another ugly cover though ;)



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