Friday 16 February 2018

Olympus Bound - Jordanna Max Brodsky

Summer in New York: a golden hour on the city streets, but a dark time for Selene. She's lost her home and the man she loves.

A cult hungry for ancient power has kidnapped her father and targeted her friends. To save them, Selene must face the past she's been running from: a past that stretches back millennia, to when the faithful called her Huntress. Moon Goddess. Artemis. 

With the pantheon at her side, Selene must journey back to the seat of her immortal power: from the streets of Rome and the temples of Athens, to the heights of Mount Olympus itself.

Kindle Edition, 544 pages
Published February 13th 2018 by Orbit
Olympus Bound #3
Urban fantasy

MY thoughts:
Review I was disappointed. The first book was amazing, the second one good (but no where near amazing), and now this was only ok.

Theo was a mess. Honestly, loser. Sorry but he was not fun, he was not sexy, he just felt like a total loser.

Selene was not kick-ass either. She kept making mistakes and seems her alone is dull. Only together they work.

Not that they worked together now either....

The other Gods were dull too.

It should have ended faster

I forget, are there other goods? Why Only Greek? Cos then just go to like India and take over a role there. Why complain about Christianity all the time when they can go to yes India then and find a new Godrole whatever.

Honestly considering how bored I was and how I skimmed cos the book never end. Ok is too nice.

Very disappointing 


  1. I don't read much urban fantasy, and so sorry this didn't work out for you. On to the next one! Hugs and Happy Friday! RO

  2. Oh no! Disappointing books in a series you were enjoying is the worst. I'm sorry this didn't work for you. :(

  3. Oh I do hate when this happens xxx


  4. Oh, what a bummer. Time to say goodbye to the series it seems. And at over 500 pages... that's a huge disappointment.

    1. I know, I would have given up too, but when it comes to NG books it is hard

  5. It's a bummer when a book is that many pages of disappointment. :(

  6. Sorry to hear this one ended up not being one you liked.

  7. I'm surprised you still read the whole book. But sorry to hear it was a disappointment.

  8. Series are tough. A lot of time they don't get better than the first book. It's awesome this was about Artemis though!

  9. Sorry this one was a disappointment. I hope your next book is much better.

  10. ouch that does sound like a mess, how unfortunate

  11. Oh, no! I was hoping this book would return to the level of book 1 (I had a similar response to the first two as you)

  12. I'm sorry. There is nothing fun about a series where none of the books live up to book one.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads & Books of My Heart

  13. Aw that's too bad but I'm not surprised. I liked the first one too and was disappointed with the second as well, so I gave up. sometimes I wonder if certain series just shouldn't be... series? Maybe leave it at one book.



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