Monday 19 November 2018

Lost boy - Christina Henry

Paperback, 318 pages
Published July 4th 2017 by Titan Books

My Thoughts
Wow, Henry made me hate Pan. She even made me look at the original story in another way. It is creepy. Going to get boys for that island. Making those boy fight pirates. Getting new ones as old ones perish. What if those boy leave something behind?

Jamie was the first boy Peter brought to the island. He was happy there but decades went by, and now he is more like a mother to the new ones. And there have been so many new ones. Disease, pirates, animals, each other, they have died to so many things, and Jamie does his best to protect the boys.

While Peter is a flighty thing. Talking about adventures, how fighting is fun and wanting everyone to love him. Ugh, he is so creepy and he only gets creepier.

And yes this is the story of how Captain Hook is born, and I have never understood him better. Pan is a menace.

It is a brutal book, all told through rose colored lenses until those fall off. It's a great story, and a sad one in a way. Because Peter is a monster hiding behind a smile.

There is one version of my story that everyone knows. And then there is the truth. This is how it happened. How I went from being Peter Pan’s first—and favorite—lost boy to his greatest enemy.


  1. I'm really curious about her last books like this one

  2. I always thought that was a weird/creepy story lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  3. Sounds interesting. Did you see the movie, Pan? That was a slightly different version too.

    1. Hmmm *goes to google* I must have but I can remember nothing

  4. This was probably my favorite Pan retelling with Hook as the main character. Still not perfect, but I did like how dark it was!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  5. don't you hate it when what you believed about never never land all along was a lie. Great review

  6. Yes, this was quite the book. I hated Peter so much and before had never felt strongly one way or the other about the story. I want to read/listen to her Alice story at some point.

    1. I did not really feel anything before either, but here, ugh, damn Peter!
      I want to read Red too. I hope to get it for xmas

  7. I loved this book. Peter was not a a nice guy and I loved understanding James. I do want to read more from this author.

    1. I have my eye on her Red Queen from Alice book. Must have

  8. I have had this book kicking around in my pile for two years. You reminded me to read it. I am not sure what to think about Pan after reading your review. He sounds like. Jerk.

  9. I listened to this author's version of Alice. She has an interesting take on these characters. I like seeing the differences. I watch the show Once Upon a Time and they took Pan to a dark place too.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart



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