Thursday 20 December 2012

Interview and Giveaway: Anne Elizabeth and A Seal at heart

The Holidays are around the corner, and I am celebrating early with an interview with Anne Elizabeth and giveaways.


1. Who is Anne Elizabeth? 
 I am a romance author, a comic creator, a monthly columnist, a wife, a step-mother, a grandmother, godmother, a friend, a mentor, a fur-mother, and an adventurer.

2. Could you tell me about your new book, A SEAL AT HEART?
 Being a Navy SEAL means everything to Jack Roaker, but a mission gone wrong has left his buddy dead, his memory spotty, and his world turned upside down. His career as a US Navy SEAL is threatened unless Dr. Laurie Smith’s unconventional methods of therapy can help him.

3.  Give me 3 reasons why my readers will fall in love with the hero, John... 
John "Jack" Roaker is a not a typical guy. He's stubborn, tender, determined, spontaneous, and purposeful. He loves strongly…as if this is his last moment on earth…and he never gives up.

4.  How did you come up with the idea for this book? 
My husband, who is retired from the Teams, was sitting at the table one night and we were chatting about romance and Navy SEALS. One of my sister romance writers was there and the idea suddenly popped out. I knew it the moment I said it aloud.

5.  I see that you have written comics too. Is there a big difference on how you work on a comic and working in a novel? 
There is definitely a difference. Strangely enough, comics take longer. You have to use a different part of your brain and you have to boil everything down to one detail or visual that moves the action along. It takes a lot of work to really hone the concept and images. Alisa Kwitney (romance author, former editor from DC COMICS, and talented graphic novel author) has given me a ton of advice and she is brilliant!

6. What can we expect next from you? 
I'm working on edits for BOOK II of the SEAL series and writing BOOK III. Also, I've been scripting the next graphic novels and comics for the PULSE series. Oh, then there is my monthly column at RT BOOK REVIEWS magazine, I'm working on the next interviews for that, too.

Giveaway 1:
BTW, to winners of your choice, I'd be happy to give away TWO autographed copies of my latest graphic novel, THE POWER PLAY-A Story From The PULSE OF POWER World. Thank you for asking about A SEAL AT HEART and the PULSE comics. HOOYAH!

Giveaway 2:
A copy of A seal at heart

1. Open to US and Canada
2. Ends Dec 30th
3. Just enter :D

And yes be free to enter both contests!


  1. Oooo a Navy SEAL! Yes please. I have a thing for military romances:)

  2. I didn't know there were graphic novels of romances!

  3. No, don't let me even look at the cover. No. No. NONONONONONONONO. I appreciate the effort but no.

  4. Love military romances and can't wait to read A Seal at Heart!

  5. Great interview! I'm now curious to the comics as well...

    Oh I like the sound of the book. I'm with Jenny... yes please... Enter me in both. :)

  6. Thank you for the interview Anne

  7. This sounds so good! Great interview.

  8. I would give one of these a shot!! I love the author's hair!!!!!!!

  9. Sounds fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing and congrats to Anne on the new release!

  10. This book sounds great and so do the graphic novels. I would love to win either, especially the book. Thanks for the gorgeous cover, he is hot. I love miltary stories and especially love seals. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Christinebails at yahoo dot com

  11. Thanks for the great comments! Hope you like the book.

    Have a safe and blessed holiday season! HOOYAH!!!

  12. The cover looks awesome =) A Seal at Heart sounds like a very fun read. I would love a chance to win it or the graphic novels. Also great job with the interview.

  13. Military romances are at the top of my list!

  14. Yummmmm, I like the cover. ^.^


  15. I really enjoy reading military romances. Love the cover.Thanks for sharing and the giveaway.


  16. Great interview! Seals are intriguing...

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  17. This sounds like a great military romance! Nice post.

  18. Sweet..i have a soft spot for military men!

  19. Please enter me in both contests. I would love to read these books. They sound very good.

  20. I love books about military men. Both books sound wonderful. Please enter me in both giveaways. Thanks!


  21. Both sound great. Thanks for sharing!!

    bacchus76 at myself dot com



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