Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Audio: The last wolf - Maria Vale

For three days out of thirty, when the moon is full and her law is iron, the Great North Pack must be wild.

If she returns to her Pack, the stranger will die.
But if she stays…

Silver Nilsdottir is at the bottom of her Pack’s social order, with little chance for a decent mate and a better life. Until the day a stranger stumbles into their territory, wounded and beaten, and Silver decides to risk everything on Tiberius Leveraux. But Tiberius isn’t all he seems, and in the fragile balance of the Pack and wild, he may tip the destiny of all wolves… 

Audio cd, 8 hrs 3 min
Publication: February 6th 2018 by Tantor audio
The Legend of All Wolves #1
Paranormal romance / UF
In exchange for an honest review

My thoughts:
I really have fallen in love with audio and that is why I wanted to give pnr another go, though I feel this was more UF in this. It was just, dunno, darker.

Silver is the runt of the pack. At the bottom, hopping around on 3 legs, and no mate. She was also more wolf than human. She did not like to be in skin, and it did make it a bit funny at times when she tried. She was nice and she was a wolf.

Tiberius shows up and asks for mercy and she is the only one that can save him. Because then she might earn a real place. But he is a shapeshifter, and they are bad. They always turn on wolves and kill them. But he really seems to want to work for it. And I liked seeing him trying to be a wolf cos here it was he who was bad at it.

He must learn to be a wolf so that the pack will accept him. There are troubles outside the gates. And Silver must think of her own future if they fail being accepted as a couple. So there is passion (obviously), danger and so many wolves.

I really liked how wolfish these people were. In other books they might be wolves but here they really were wolves. Pack was pack. Pack raises pups, pups runs around as wolves. Everything from mating (with a big M), to eating. Really wolfish. It made it different.

I enjoyed it. I wonder if the next one is about them also, or another couple.

Rachel Dulude
I liked how she narrated this and I felt she got Silver right. It made for a fast pleasant listen. And like always, def listen to it.


  1. I don't like that cover, but the book sounds great! Really wolfish you say? Sounds like Anne Bishop's series!

  2. I love when wolves (or any shifters) act like their namesakes.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  3. You have me curious and love that it has a UF vibe. Not a fan of the cover

  4. This book is new to me. I don't read alot of paranormal but I would like to branch out my reading a bit more.

    1. If it had been in, but audio rocks

  5. One of these days I might try an audiobook myself... but perhaps not PNR.

    1. LOL. Nah, you must try with that which always work for you

  6. I need to get back into paranormal romance, it's been awhileeeeeee

  7. I have this book but still need to read it. Glad you liked it.

  8. Sounds like a good one. I'm always looking for new audio books.

  9. Interesting, a book about shapeshifters that also features actual wolves as characters!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Well I mean they are humans too, but they really are wolves that turn hu,am

  10. I saw your other comment, so I don't think you'll agree, but I just want to stare at the cover...! I think I love it, lol. I can't remember the last time I read a book about wolves, so I might pick this one up on a whim. I love a good audiobook!

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. I do not love it, but it's not ugly either. Those eyes are perfect, that torso weird

  11. I stopped reading shapeshifting novels a while ago, and I'm glad the audio worked well for you. Hugs...RO

    1. I get that. I only wanted to try if I could like them in audio and I did

  12. I saw this one, but had to skip it b/c I already had too big of a pile, but now I'm really curious with them acting more wolf-ish than human.

  13. I love a good wolf story! And ahh yes, the classic "urban fantasy or pnr" debate.

    1. Yes there is romance so pnr but it was just...different. But yes yes it was pnr

  14. Mating with a bog M lol. Life's different in the pack I suppose. :) Cool cover, it took me a minute to realize it was a person and a wolf juxtaposed.

  15. This sounds like something I might enjoy.

  16. This is one that I want to read. The audio sounds like it was very well done. Great review!

  17. Hadn't heard of her before. Most of the UF I read has at least a little thread of romance.

    1. In that aspect sure it is pnr, but it is just not all about the romance like pnr can be a lot of times

  18. I'm not familiar with this series, but sounds interesting. I also really liked Rachel Dulude. She read some Katie Ruggle books that I loved.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads & Books of My Heart

    1. It's new and yes I do want to hear more by her


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