Monday, 29 October 2018

Audio: Duchess by Design - Maya Rodale

Audio CD, 8 h
Narrator: Charlotte North
Expected publication: October 30th 2018 by HarperAudio (first published October 23rd 2018)
Series: The Gilded Age Girls Club #1
Historical romance
For review

My Thoughts
Have I ever read a romance set in the Gilded age? I honestly can't tell. I think not. I have read historical fiction set then, but no romance. Oh and where is that tv series they talked about that would be set at this time? I need it.

Adeline is a seamstress with big dreams of her own shops, and she has this crazy idea in her designs. Pockets! Yes I told you that she is insane. Pockets, like why would women need pockets? (oh this makes me so sad, we still do not get pockets. I need pockets.) Her boss is not a big fan of her crazy idea of pockets. Poor Adeline.

The Duke of Kingston is looking for a Dollar Princess to save his dukedom. And I get it. He has responsibilities. His tenants, his family, his legacy. He needs money. He does not want to sell land and makes his people work in mines. I could not dislike him for it, because the dollar princesses thought the same. They wanted a title. 

These two meet and sparks fly. But he needs a rich wife, and she needs her freedom. But he really likes her, and she is always the one fleeing away.

I think this would have been great as a historical fiction novel instead. She brought up so many interesting things. The Dollar Princesses, the 400 and their lives, the suffragettes, a woman's place in the world. I do think I would have liked it even more then. It would have been richer.

I did not know how this would end. I know there must be a HEA, but at times I just did not know how it would happen. He needs money. She has none. But do not fear, there will be a HEA.

New York, Balls, and dresses with pockets. It is a new world. Interesting.

Narrator. Charlotte North
She had a good range


  1. An HEA is a must. I love the color of her dress.

  2. That's pretty wild. Like, pockets sound a bit too much. Lol.

  3. I don’t usually read these types of romances, but I am intrigued by all the historical events that you mentioned that this one touches upon. I will have to consider it.

    1. It was different in that aspect, really different

  4. This sound so cute. I think I'm going to grab this one.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  5. Oh I like the sound of it. Thank goodness for the HEA and yes every time to pockets!!

  6. Hahaha, the pockets thing is kind of random, but I can see how it can be cute in context :D

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  7. Huh... I was going to say, her dress seemed to modern for "historical" but I forget that historical covers a HUGE period in time. To me it's all the same. haha

    1. But you are right, for that time that is a LOT of shoulder

  8. YES!! We so need pockets. And pockets that actually useful, not fake pockets or teeny pockets that won't hold your phone or anything else.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

    1. Baby S had pockets on something when she was like 6 months. WTf, give me pockets! Not the baby

  9. Pockets are so important! Most of my daughter's prom dresses have had pockets and that was one of the main selling points. This sounds well done!

  10. It's a well written romance that has you wondering how in the world they'll make an HEA happen.

    1. I honestly thought she would be a mistress


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