Monday, 1 October 2018

Audio: One perfect Kiss - Jaci Burton

Audio CD, Unabridged 9 h
Published September 19th 2018 by Tantor Audio (first published September 4th 2018)
Hope #8
Contemporary romance
For review

My Thoughts:
Two teachers gets the hots for each other. That sums it up. Though they have been friends for a while since they are in the came circle of friends, and they have flirted. But they have never taken that next step since they teach at the same school.

Also Josie is an English teacher and some of the football players are failing. And Zach is the football coach and he wants his team to go state. Though it does not really cause drama cos they are both so understanding.

Josie has some issues from her past.
Zach seems ready to love, so no issues there.
Though again, it does not cause that much drama cos they take it slow.

She freaking LOVES animals and wants to adopt them all. That was cute. Someone needs to adopt the ugly, old and those that need love too.

You all know there will be a HEA so there is no surprise that in the epilogue they talk engagement and I found it weird when she said they were taking it slow and still they were getting married after a year together...that is not taking it slowly.

OK so that all seems great right? Weeeell, frankly I kept wondering where that something was. I mean it was good and all, but at the same time it was boring. There was SO much dialogue, and most about trivial thing like what they would eat or talking what they would wear. And on top of that she also described what they were eating and wearing all the time. And then there were the friends, I could not keep them all straight. She always mentioned them in a group and never one on one. So ok one single, 2 preggos, married peeps, why do they all have to meet together? I get that they are previous couples but still, I do not care about them and no for the hundredth time i do not wanna hear that you are preggo and how you all are dealing.

It does work as a stand alone, it's not like I felt lost. But she obvi expects that you are invested in the other characters which I was not.

It felt like she had phoned it in. I like drama free books, but this one needed some drama to get it exciting and get these lovely people to stop talking and being kind towards each other. 

Too much talking, not enough action

Narrator Allyson Ryan
I fear I had issues here too, her female voices sounded the same (except Josie's mum who sounded 80), her males voices blended together and then both female and male voiced blended together. Put in 6 couples and you have no idea who is talking. 

Josie Barnes has always craved a sense of home. She's found that in Hope, Oklahoma-she bought a house, has a new job as an English teacher at Hope High, she's made wonderful friends, and she's taking in stray animals that no one else wants. Now she's flirting with fellow teacher and hot high school football coach Zach Powers. But he's almost too good to be true, and Josie learned long ago not to trust in the too-good-to-be-true, because it has always let her down. A former pro football player, Zach had to pull back when a career-ending knee injury forced him to rethink his future. Now he's happy calling plays as Coach. If he could just get Josie Barnes to stop benching his players for their poor grades, life would be perfect. Instead, she drives him crazy as the stern teacher at school and the sexy woman of his dreams outside of the classroom. He knows she's been hurt in the past, but he wants to be that guy she can trust. The one thing Josie has never been able to count on is the people closest to her. But Zach intends to show her that what they have between them is a textbook case of love. 


  1. I was a bi disappointed after some books in this series so I stopped

  2. By action what do you mean? Sex? LOL

    I think I will enjoy this (maybe). I skip sex scenes in books, they bore me lately. Hahahaha I'm so weird sometimes.

    1. I mean anything. Cos all they ever did was talk on the phone or talk at a bar or talk talk talk. Talk about eating, talk about clothes. This was the dullest book

  3. I have never listened to an audio book, even in print I am not sure this one would be for me xxx


    1. I fear that it would be really boring in print

  4. I am not a fan of books that talk too much, I got frustrated with the outfit descriptions in the newest Chloe Neill book. So I think this one would irritate me.

    1. I mean who needs the heroine to call her friends and discuss what they are gonna wear?

  5. One perfect book not for me :). Have a lovely week!

  6. I understand your frustrations.I'm I guess I will be avoiding this one.

  7. I want to try her books some day, this one sounds like it would be a miss for me personally hmm

  8. Hm... sounds like this one should not be on my audio list but I may have to put it on my reading list.

  9. I haven't read this series but it does sound like it would work best for readers that knew all of the characters. Sorry it wasn't better for you.

    1. I would not say that. If I had read the previous ones I would still think it was dull. I mean nothing happened. They talked at home, phones, at a bar

  10. Sounds like it has some high points, some low. I also dislike it when an author injects characters from previous books into the story like we are supposed to care. If it's a stand alone about new characters, let's just focus on them and let them have their chance to have their own book to themselves.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. And they were not even the neg parts, I could have rolled with it, if it had not been so dull

  11. Oh too wordy is a death knell for me. Thanks for sharing

  12. This is funny. I found this one a little boring, too.

  13. I read a few of the first books of this series and then quit. The stories became just "okay" for me. Lol about the narration! I can understand why it'd be hard to figure out who is who if they all sort of had the same voice. Hope your next read is better. :)

    1. Oh, well yeah I am not going back and reading more that is for sure

  14. There needs to be a balance of dialogue and action so can see your issue with this one. A romance needs something to stop it from being boring!!

    1. If they had at least talked about interesting things! But what they are gonna wear? Whyyyy

  15. I love drama free but you need something to keep you interested.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  16. Nope. This does not sound like its for me. I need action. LOL

  17. I love easy-breezy romances, but there has to be a hook - something that makes you cheer for the couple. This one sounds like it fell short.


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