Monday, 8 October 2018

The Turn of Midnight - Minette Walters

Hardcover, 464 pages
Published October 4th 2018 by Allen & Unwin
Series: Black Death #2
Historical fiction
for review

My Thoughts:
This is the second book and it felt lighter. The writing itself, but also the story. The first book was filled with fear of this unknown pestilence. Fear for the sake of their souls, questioning if everyone else was dead and well you know going crazy being in a small space with 200 people. But in this one there is a sense of maybe the world will be saved after all.

Lady Eleonore is one crazy girl. I despised her in book 1, but slowly, and I mean slowly I started to forgive her. She was constantly hating the serfs and spreading poison, but yes that girl has issues and I did feel sorry for her. Poor child. Her dad really was a monster.

Lady Anne is a saint. She saved her people by closing the gates, and letting her stupid oaf of a husband die outside. Way to go Lady Anne! 200 people saved because of her. She also educated her people and understood that happy serfs are better serfs.

Thaddeus was one of those serfs she educated. And he acted as her steward in book 1. Instead of a slimy Norman who was poison. He was a bit too noble in book 1, but here he had grown even more and he is truly a great leader. Especially after what he did in book 1.

Right, so being stuck in a manor does not make food plentiful. And here they must starve or find food. So some venture outside and find a dead world, and hope. There is also some drama at the end and I was fearing that if the plague hadn't taken them something else would.

It does make you think. What did they think of the world after the plague? It must have been terrifying. 40-60% dying. But I liked that there was hope in this one, hope of a better world.

Final Thoughts:
It was Interesting and a fast read. A woman with crazy heretical ideas in those times makes for a good thrilling book.

As the year turns from 1348 to 1349, the Black Death continues its relentless course across England. In Dorseteshire, the first county to be afflicted, the people of Develish begin to question if they are the lone survivors of this terrible pestilence. 

Guided by their heretical mistress, Lady Anne, they wait inside the protection of a moat as their stores dwindle, knowing that when the food is gone they will have no choice but to leave. But where will they find safety in the desolate wasteland their county has become? And how can Lady Anne, a woman without rights herself, grant them the freedom they long for?

One man has the courage to find out. 

Thaddeus Thurkell, a bastard serf, educated in secret by Lady Anne and risen to the post of steward, takes a band of raw, untested youths in search of supplies and news. As free-thinking and heretical as his admired mistress, Thaddeus makes a compelling leader, and his companions quickly learn to throw off the shackles of serfdom and set their minds to ensuring Develish’s future.

But what use is freedom that cannot be won lawfully? Aided and abetted by Lady Anne, Thaddeus conceives an audacious and dangerous plan to secure her people’s right to determine their fates for themselves. Neither foresees the life-threatening struggle over power, money and religion that follows…

…or the trial for heresy that will imperil all in Develish… 


  1. This one sounds very interesting and Lady Anne sounds like a great character.

    1. SHe was really interesting and a force to be reckoned with

  2. I always romanticize the past but truthfully I don't think I'll survive lol. This book sounds like it gave a real depiction of what it must've been like living in this time period. was it filled with gory details? Gosh, I'm just imagining the smell...

    1. Sure it would be fun, but I would have to pick my period and I would have to live like a princess and even then it would be all ewwwww.

      Some gory stuff, but they are isolated most of the time so no plague

  3. it's great that's an other good one there!

  4. oh it looks good I'm checking to see if its available in the US thanks Blodeuedd and I'll leave the smelling it to Braine :)

  5. life was rough lol

    Glad you're still enjoying it.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  6. So this is the second plague book? Glad you enjoyed the second one!

  7. I can't even imagine what I'd be thinking if I went through that time period and survived the plague.

  8. It is good you enjoyed the sequel. Lady Anne sounds like a wise woman.

  9. The second book felt lighter even with a crazy heretic? Interesting.

    1. Well I do not think she is a crazy heretic, You wouldn't either. She is just kind towards those under her

  10. I'm glad you were able to like a character over time. That's always nice when characters evolve, and hope is always good!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  11. This does sound like an interesting series. I am glad you enjoyed it!

  12. Sounds like there is more hope in this one and someone who challenges.

    1. Yes, those idiots, ugh, down with baddies!

  13. Interesting how it took a turn in book two and you ended up slowly admiring the spoiled brat girl. Fun when authors can do that to us.

    1. Wow, not admiring, god no. I wanted her dead at first stupid brat. No, but I understood her and she matured

  14. Crazy people are fun to read about!

    1. Well no one was crazy here, just spoiled and a normal woman who was called crazy


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