Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Audio: Extraordinary Means - Robyn Schneider

Audiobook, 8h
Published May 26th 2015 by Katherine Tegen Books
YA Fiction

My Thoughts
I wish books weren't compared to other books. Because when they did compare this one to a book it became obvious how it would end.

Short, must make it short!

Lane has drug resistent TB and is sent to a sanitarium. He was the kid on the honor roll and who did nothing else but study. And he has a hard time shaking it.

He meets real friends for once.

1 out of 5 sent there do not make it home

Spoiler where I talk about how idiotic they are
Wtf. Sneaking into town! They might infect someone!
Taking of their sensors! Those will help if you die! Stupid effing idiots.

I liked it. Lane learned that there is more to life. He falls in love and he hopes.

No it was never sad cos well look what I said at the top

Khristine Hvam , James Fouhey

They were both good but I had this problem. Khristine talked too fast and James too slow. It was hard to find a speed that worked for both. And then I still felt he was too slow.

Up until his diagnosis, Lane lived a fairly predictable life. But when he finds himself at a tuberculosis sanatorium called Latham House, he discovers an insular world with paradoxical rules, med sensors, and an eccentric yet utterly compelling confidante named Sadie—and life as Lane knows it will never be the same.


  1. I hate the book comparisons too.

  2. This doesn't sound like a very happy book, and yes, I can guess what happens at the end. :(

    I've had that happen with narrators, too. You're always adjusting speeds then.

    1. Yeah...stupid comparison blurb thing.

      It was not fun

  3. Please oh please STOP comparing books already!!!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  4. oh complicated for the narrators

  5. Just because there is a girl in the book doesn't mean it's for fans of Girl on A Train etc, etc. I hate that too. This is different and my first time seeing it. You have me curious!

  6. Read the spoilers D: Dummies!

  7. Hmm, not sure what to think about this one, it's hard to get a bead on it. But I don't like comparisons either when it's overdone.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  8. Book comparisons don't usually work for me either. Like that he found some one to relate to at the asylum, so important.

    1. He so needed it and to realise that he is really sick

  9. Curious to which book it was being compared. I have this one but I don't know when I'm going to be able to read it. Sounds like I can afford to wait a bit longer. Lol.

  10. I hate book comparisons. They are usually inaccurate or give too much away. Sounds like an iteresting premise though.

    1. Compare it to that one and you know what will happen

  11. Not that I'll ever read this one, but what was it compared to?


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