Tuesday, 30 October 2018

TMST: Halloween

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

October 30th: What do you like to do to celebrate Halloween?

We don't celebrate Halloween here, though of course it has arrived in a fashion but people do not seem to get when Halloween is. They either celebrate it the weekend before or after, and is all when is Halloween? Omg people, it is always on the same day!

And if any kids showed up I'd tell them to take a hike. We have pur own candy holiday. On Easter kids dress up like witches and go around begging candy. To scare the witches away when they go to dance with the devil.

But yes I do like to buy a pumpkin and carve it. It is so dark here in the fall so a little candle in it looks so nice. And that is it. Pumpkin.

Here the holiday celebrate is All Saint's Day. We light candles in graves, and that is it.


  1. we don't really celebrate here either

    1. Who really cares about Halloween in the end

  2. A lot of people celebrate early here too. Each town announces when trick or treat day will be. A lot of times they will pick and Friday or Saturday night, so kids don't have to go to school the next day (which is odd to me, since they usually announces times until like 8pm). When I was a kid, it was always on Halloween night. Funny that your country dresses up for Easter. I've never heard of that.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

  3. I didn't know Halloween wasn't a thing everywhere. Sounds like Easter is sort of your Halloween. Have fun carving your pumpkin! :)

    1. It is, so yes if someone actually tries trick or treating, no way

  4. Halloween is HUGE in Northern New England - bigger than Christmas sometimes. I think because of the witch trials and such. My kids aren't as into it though. I used to dress up and trick-or-treat until I was 17. My son won't do it. My girl will (she's a jellyfish)!

    1. I actually checked the Easter thing now and it does say that it might have originated int the whole witch hysteria in the 17th century. So yes like u guys then

  5. I'm from the Philippines and Halloween just started to become a thing there, we celebrate All Souls/Saints Day. That said, I do love Halloween here not to mention all the candy sales AFTER lol

  6. Halloween is a big deal here in my town. I live in a rural farming town and it's so neat to see all the kids from the surrounding farms coming in on decorated wagons. I love it. There is a petition to get Halloween moved to Saturday i say NO

    1. I say no to that too! I mean yes I get that a weekend is better.

  7. We get a ton of kids during the Halloween so candies are a must in my house otherwise, we'd get egg'd. Lol.

    1. I'd call the cops on them then and have the parents pay for damages ;)

  8. I love Halloween here. I love seeing houses decorated with spooky things and see the kids dressed up walking around looking for candy.

    1. It would be fun! But we have our thing so :)

  9. I'll pass out candy but that's about it.

  10. I love Halloween, and I still do, but once I had kids, I become a million times busier for this holiday, believe me LOL! Getting costumes, trick or treating, pumpkin picking and carving, and just in general carting them back and forth to all these Halloween parties!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Sice we do not really do Halloween we have no pumpkin patches. I just buy one from the store ;)

  11. I never get when trick-or-treating is here...they have changed it so much. Good thing I don't have kids XD

  12. Yeah pretty similar here in New Zealand. I don't pass out sweets - in fact I padlock my gate on the night!! It is a USA celebration really.

    1. I have never heard of anyone walking around here, but if they start! Hiiide

  13. I feel like some people have been celebrating all month! I don't plan to do anything but hand out some candy :)

  14. Interesting how Halloween took in some countries, but not others. Or, in your case, in the spring rather than fall.

    I'm lousy at pumpkin carving, but glad you're able to have fun with it- and yay for candy!

    1. Oh it has nothing to do with Halloween. Halloween is your Samhain thing. We do not even have a Samhain here. Our Easter thing originates in the 17th century when they thought witches went to the devil to party on Easter so one had to scare them away

  15. I didn't know about your Easter. That's kind of cool.

    It's my favorite holiday!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I have to make a post about it around Easter :)

  16. "On Easter kids dress up like witches and go around begging candy. To scare the witches away when they go to dance with the devil." Wait, what? I want to see a post about Easter lolol

    I have a feeling a lot of kiddos are going to be begging for candy tonight even with the rain. My porch light is burned out and I didn't buy candy so booo :P

    1. I promise! I will make a post on Easter :D

  17. Ha ha. This post made me laugh. You say go take a hike and yet you dress up like witches on Easter. That is awesome! I need to come there for Easter.

    1. But they are supposed to come then :D I will gladly give out candy then, but if they start coming on Halloween *grumbles*


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