Tuesday, 9 October 2018

TMST: Horror Movies

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

 October 9th: What horror movies would you recommend for those who want a good scare?

Oh no. I am not the person to ask. OK so it is not that scary movies makes me go all OMG! Mostly they are pretty lame. I think the scariest ones are the ones that you do not think will be scary.

One that I remembered scaring me at the end was The woman in Black. I think it was at the end something happened that caused chills and I closed the blinds on the windows.

As for real horror, well I remember watching Mama and a friend said it was so scary, but it wasn't in that way. Yes yes, I still do not watch horror, cos they are scary and another way. Creepy and such. I like the ones that mess with your head instead. The ones where you think someone is outside looking in. That is scary!

I did watch IT as a kid, big mistake. Clowns are scary! But then I was little and should not have watched it.

But yes, so the wrong person to ask for this week.


  1. I don't like to be scared so I don't do scary movies or books.

  2. I also don't like scary movies. I watched the new IT movie because my husband wanted to but it wasn't so scary.

    1. Still NOT gonna watch it, no way, clowns are freaky

  3. The one I have in minf right now is Mirrors

  4. I recently read the Woman in Black. Very atmospheric, and the ending! Wow.

    1. That must have been the chilly part for me

  5. I find most horror movies funny, I'll have to think of some I thought were scary hmmm

  6. I startle easy so I tend to jump a lot when watching horror movies since things are always coming out of nowhere. I don't watch a lot of movies though.

  7. Hmmm the horror movies I have watched are not in the least bit scary.

  8. I'm not big on horror movies either, but when I do watch them, I prefer the creepy and atmospheric kind over the bloody slasher type films. I just can't do those.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Creepy are better, those feel so much more real

  9. Yeah, not my thing, either. I like suspense and murder mysteries for my brand of scary.

  10. I don't really like horror movies but they don't scare me - I watch a lot of them because of my husband though.

    The scariest ones to me are the ones that could happen in real life - I remember Silence of the Lambs scaring the hell out of me. But not Hannibal lector - the dude that was luring all the young women from his van.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Yes real stuff, or that which feels like it could be real is so much scarier. That is why the window thing always gets me, cos who knows if someone actually is outside looking in

  11. I love horror movies, but most of them are soooo bad. I thought the IT miniseries (because the one from the early 90s was made for TV) really followed the book well. I watched it again after reading the book a few years ago. I watched the first part of the new movie too. Not bad. Some of my favorite horror movies, The Omen, The Exorcist, A Nightmare on Elm Street (only the first one), Halloween (again, only the first one), all the Hannibal Lecture movies.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

    1. Ohhh yes the omen is a good one! Not like scaary! But creepy and it gives a good chill


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