Monday, 17 December 2018

Battlemage - Stephen Aryan

Paperback, 512 pages
Published September 22nd 2015 by Orbit 
Series: The Age of Darkness Trilogy #1

My Thoughts
I really enjoyed this one. I did not know what to expect, but I decided to give it a go and I am glad I did.

It was all war. I like war ones!

There are 3 major POVs.
Balfruss is a battlemage who tries to keep his country safe. All around good powerful guy.

Tallandra is a princess, but no dainty miss. She is the country's spymaster and tries to sow discord in other countries to help their own cause.

And now my favorite. Vargus, a grizzled veteran who made me go all whaaat? I love going whaaat!

This idiot king is invading and has invaded lots more. All in the disguise of true religion. Grrr, kick their asses back to where they came!

SO like I said, it is all war. Spying and battles. It was easyread and enjoyable. I do want more. But dang, the next book is about 4 new people?! Nooo, what about Vargus!? Must read more!

BALFRUSS is a battlemage, sworn to fight and die for a country that fears his kind.

VARGUS is a common soldier - while mages shoot lightning from the walls of his city, he is down on the front line getting blood on his blade.

TALANDRA is a princess and spymaster, but the war will force her to risk everything, and make the greatest sacrifice of all.

Magic and mayhem collide in this explosive epic fantasy from a major new talent


  1. This one looks good and it's the first time I hear about it!

  2. Those three characters sound fantastic, I'd want them around in the next book too.

  3. This sounds great and the cover is great - although it freaked me out at first glance. But I don't know if I like that the next book is four new people. I await your thoughts.

  4. I do like books with a lot of action. I wonder why the next book is about 4 new characters?

    1. No idea. Maybe cos the war is over and he wants to show new people doing things. But I want the old ones

  5. Yeah I remember I enjoyed this a lot. Reminds me I still need to read the last book to finish the trilogy! And yeah, each both I believe is standalone, so different characters :\

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I hear book 2 is not as good, so that has me worried

  6. Yep, fantasy must have battles and then I love it. I fall for those older, crusty soldier types, too. :)

  7. WAR! After all this holiday joy I'm going to need a bloody war novel.


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