Thursday, 27 December 2018

Muse of Nightmares - Laini Taylor

Hardcover, UK Edition, 522 pages
Published October 2nd 2018 by Hodder & Stoughton
Series: Strange the Dreamer #2
YA fantasy

My Thoughts
Wow. Just Wow. This was so freaking boring!

She is a great writer, her words flow and are beautiful, and then it falls apart in one freaking mess with melted lava on top.

The book is 500 pages. Most of the book takes place in the same palace and people talk and whine. Ugh, wtf! The world could have been so great! Gods who took every woman in the city and made them bare children, and some of the men was taken too to impregnate goddesses.  And then everyone was slaughtered in that Godly Palace. Until they realise some did not die. Epic! But she failed to deliver, instead it was a boring book where the story went nowhere and the end sucked and I felt let down.

This was the filler of fillers. And now the series has ended. Waste of time.

Sarai has lived and breathed nightmares since she was six years old.
She believed she knew every horror, and was beyond surprise.
She was wrong.

In the wake of tragedy, neither Lazlo nor Sarai are who they were before. One a god, the other a ghost, they struggle to grasp the new boundaries of their selves as dark-minded Minya holds them hostage, intent on vengeance against Weep.

Lazlo faces an unthinkable choice--save the woman he loves, or everyone else?--while Sarai feels more helpless than ever. But is she? Sometimes, only the direst need can teach us our own depths, and Sarai, the muse of nightmares, has not yet discovered what she's capable of.

As humans and godspawn reel in the aftermath of the citadel's near fall, a new foe shatters their fragile hopes, and the mysteries of the Mesarthim are resurrected: Where did the gods come from, and why? What was done with thousands of children born in the citadel nursery? And most important of all, as forgotten doors are opened and new worlds revealed: Must heroes always slay monsters, or is it possible to save them instead?


  1. YIKES! Sorry this one didn't work for you. I enjoy books that are about this length, but they have to grab my attention from the 1st chapter and keep me captivated. Otherwise, it's a DNF. Hugs...RO

  2. I wasn't blown by book 1 so I don't know if I'll read this one

  3. I love her writing - it's so gorgeous but it also seems to go round and round in circles and I've given up on her. You invest so much time in the series and for no reason really.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  4. ouch too bad Blodeuedd. I'm surprised you made it through

  5. Oh, that's too bad... but YA and boring, I'll pass.

  6. Oh no, sorry to hear it was boring.

  7. As you say could have had promise. Nothing worse than boring book!

  8. oh no. I've heard so much good about her books but haven't read any yet.

  9. I haven't read the first one yet...uh oh, now I wonder if I should. I've heard from others too that this one was long and filler-ish :\

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  10. She does have beautiful writing, but I think the she sacrifices plot progression in the process. I read one or two books by her and then quit. Sorry this didn't work, but I understand completely.

    1. That might be it. I do adore the writing, but it does not always turn out well

  11. I'm sorry that this didn't work for you. It is even harder when the writing is good, but the plot is boring.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

  12. Oh no! Boring is no good. I have the first book in this series but haven't read it yet.


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