Monday, 22 February 2016

A lady's revenge - Tracy Devlyn and Duality by Renee Wildes

British agent Cora deBeau has spent the last three years seducing secrets from the most hardened of French spies while searching for her parents’ killer. When her latest assignment goes awry, she suffers at the hands of her French captor until Guy Trevelyan, the Earl of Helsford and master cryptographer, saves her during a daring rescue. Scarred and wary of men, Cora shies away from the one man who could heal her savaged heart.

After rescuing Cora from a French dungeon, Guy discovers it was one of his deciphered messages that led to her captivity. Guy strives to earn her forgiveness while outwitting their enemy. But will he find the scars on her wounded soul run too deep? 

My thoughts:
OH there is only one person in this dungeon, damn! Oh well, I will rescue that person anyway, even though the only person in this dungeon was supposed to be the woman called raven. The awesome spy. But this woman can't be her. I almost changed my mind and left her there.
Great logic there Guy.

I will not tell Guy that I know this is a trap, I will rush headstrong into it, even though we could make a trap ourselves and save us a LOT of time. But I am just a headstrong young woman that do not listen to men.
And almost gets kidnapped more times than I can count.

But it was still fun. The villain was an idiot too. I mean you had her SO many times. LOL.
The heroine was an idiot cos she kept putting herself in the villain's path.
The hero, well he was actually not an idiot later on, but how he put up with her. Oh man.

The fall in love. She is all I am ruined..yeah, you were a spy. Duh. Women! They conquer the bad guy and live happily ever after. 

Mass Market Paperback, 432 pages
Published April 3rd 2012 by Sourcebooks Casablanca
Nexus #1
Historical romance
Dara Khan Androcles is really in over her head this time. From childhood she s been forced to hide her half-dragon mage fighting skills behind a public persona as a healer. Now, with a traitor and his demon threatening the throne of Safehold, Dara has no choice but to turn reluctant warrior and seek help.

She strikes a bargain with runaway Elven prince Loren ta Cedric and his sentient, pain-in-the-butt war mare, Hani ena. Loren s not only too handsome for Dara s own good, the powerful empath can see right through to the pain that drives her.

Loren can't help but feel Dara s every hurt, physical and emotional. Though his need for her drives him half mad, he must stay his course to see justice done for his people. Even if it means swearing a Life Debt to the distracting mortal.

That vow, made in the heat of their parallel quests, carries more power than either of them guessed. The power to bond the unlikely pair as Life Mates. The power to lay bare the fears and desires that could bind them to a single purpose or tear them apart.

All the while a demon awaits, ready to destroy all that they hold dear.

My thoughts:
Oh this was a silly light fantasy romance. Do not expect any world building. It starts off in a country and then suddenly there are lots of more things. Like it took a 1 day to walk to the elves and I was all, whaat? Cos weren't they fairytales? Or wait, just, never mind. The world building lacked

But if you want a little romance about a woman who has nothing and meets a cute guy, who then turns out to be a prince, and whose family are assholes to her (well not all). And then we find out she was more than just a silly little peasant. And she is an awesome healer too btw, and everyone loves her. And then they live happily ever after.

Oh and there is a bad guy, but to not worry, it takes 80% of the book, one week, for all nations to meet him in battle. And then it's over in 10 pages and there is this loooooooooooooooooong blah blah blah where they find happiness.

But hey, it was ok, I just think it could have been fleshed out more. 

ebook, 411 pages
Published October 21st 2008 by Samhain Publishing
Guardians of the Light #1
fantasy romance


  1. The heroine sounds super frustrating in this one! I think she would drive me crazy. So glad it was still a fun read though:)

  2. Oh both do not sound great. At least the first one was more entertaining. :)

  3. I had to laugh at your thoughts on A Lady's Revenge, I'd be thinking the same thing from the sounds of it :P

  4. Oh boy. I don't think I could've been as patient with this book as you have. Lol.

  5. The first book... lol... one too many idiots.

    Belated happy birthday!!

  6. Hmm idiots or no world building? Nope I do not think these are for me. Thanks for making me laugh though. Happy Birthday!!

  7. Well I guess if they're all idiots at least it's an even wash and they're all on the same ground.

  8. The first book sounds completely absurd! But I suppose for the story it's trying to tell, that's to be expected. It isn't really my genre though, of the two I think the second is more my thing.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. The fantasy one could have been better...a lot better

  9. they sound ok even if not more

  10. lol! I love your take on these books.

  11. Hope the birthday went well.

    The first sounds irritating- I've met my quota for TSTL characters for the month- and the second sounds okay. Light fantasy is good escape reading.

    1. The first one was better, that one I could enjoy, the second one was just too Mary Sue

  12. :3 *waves* Pre-birthday cake? *magically appears with cake*

  13. oh the heroine sounds a bit frustrating. But I do want to try this author out soon....the covers are always so pretty.


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