Saturday, 27 February 2016

#FitReaders: Weekly Check-in Feb 26 2016

#FitReaders is hosted by Geeky Bloggers Book Blog  and That’s What I’m Talking About.

Join in 

Sat 30 min and 30 min walks
Sun 30 min walk. 20 min shoveling snow
Mon 4 km bike
Tue 1 h yoga. 1 h workout class. 8 km bike
Wed 6 km bike. 15 min walk
Thu 30 min walk. 8 km bike. 3 km skiing. 45 min zumba toning
Fri 4 km bike, 30 min walk
Sat 5 km skiing

I have next week off from work, well work is closed since it is "sport holiday" here. BF has planned lots of skiing. No classes either since that is closed too.

Luci and his bestie Leevi


  1. Great week and the cats at the window - priceless! Enjoy the week off and the skiing.

  2. Keep up the good work! It's nice that you can work skiing into the fitreaders routine :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  3. yay for lots of skiiing!! It definitely can be a workout and so much fun at the same time. So its a win win in my book.

  4. The kitties look like they are begging to be let in from the cold. It is nice that you're able to mix up your exercise routine so much. I can't wait for Spring to get here so I can start riding my horses. Glad you had a great week.

    1. Ha, no, Leevi begged Luci to come out, they were still there for a moment before running around crazy

  5. beautiful pics as usual and adorable kitties

  6. A sport holiday??

    I did a 5k but you put me to shame this week lol

    And I think that's one of my favorite Luci pics :-)

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. It is called that, you are supposed to do sports ;) Many go up north for some downhill skiing

  7. Sports holiday? What is this you speak of? The kitties look adorable!

    1. Our spring break, just with sports and being outside in the snow

  8. Looks awesome!! It was 60F here today... no snow for us! Skiing has been nonexistent this year. Enjoy your week off!

    1. That is HOT, wish it was that warm, ok not hot, but for us, yeah

  9. Yay, for week offs. :)

    Have fun!


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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