Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Bigfoot Loose and Finn Fancy Free - Randy Henderson

Finn Gramaraye is settling back into the real world after his twenty-five-year-long imprisonment in the otherworld of the Fey. He's fallen in love again with Dawn, the girl next door who waited for him. He's proved his innocence of the original crime of Dark Necromancy, and he's finding a place in the family business--operating a mortuary for the Arcane, managing the magical energies left behind when an Arcane being dies to prevent it from harming the mundane world.

But Finn wants more. Or different. Or something. He's figured out how to use the Kinfinder device created by his half-mad father to find people's True Love, and he'd like to convert that into an Arcane Dating Service. It's a great idea. Everyone wants True Love! Unfortunately, trouble always seems to find Finn, and when he agrees to help his friend, the Bigfoot named Sal, they walk right into a Feyblood rebellion against the Arcane Ruling Council, a rebellion being fomented by unknown forces and fueled by the drug created by Finn's own grandfather. 

My thoughts:
What would I compare this book too, oh I forgot that I hate comparing books. Ok let's not compare it to another book. Instead let me tell you that it is urban fantasy mixed with humour and a mystery. 

Finn is not a kick-ass hero. No, he is nerd lost in time since he spent 25 years getting his memories sucked out of him and not experiencing anything new (read book 1 to understand.) He is clumsy at times, but trying his best. And for that I like him, he is really normal, well for the exception that he is a necromancer.

In this book he decides to use an invention to find true love for people, well people and people.... His first client is Bigfoot, and soon Finn is in trouble. The Fey are up to something. The Arcana Council are asses as always. War seems to be brewing again. And can poor Finn ever find the time to get time for a date with his girlfriend?

Like I said, humour! I always like that. A mystery as someone is dead, but what really happened? That got really complicated. 

I did find the book even better than book 2. Something I do like when that happens. And at the and I found myself looking forward to book 3. Everything ended well enough, but yes there is something going on....

An amusing urban fantasy tale

Paperback, 512 pages
Publication: February 16th 2016 by Titan Books
Finn Fancy Necromancy #2
Urban fantasy
For review


  1. Sounds very unique! That cover is a trip. ;-)

  2. This definitely sounds like a fun series! I'm always on the lookout for books with humor:)

  3. This series sounds like so much fun! I'll have to add it to my TBR pile.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  4. Intriguing... What do you think of the cover?

  5. Actually the cover looks exactly like book 1, this is the UK one

  6. What an odd book! It works, somehow. :D

  7. An urban fantasy with a nerd protagonist? Ooo I am curious

  8. Sounds like a light fun read to relax and just enjoy. :)

  9. This is a series I really want to read! Your review of the first book is coming back to me now, because I remember the really unique cover.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. It seems I reviewed book 1 exactly a year ago :)

  10. An urban fantasy with plenty of humour. Like that!

  11. it sounds fun I didn't know about this one

  12. Oh cool! A beta hero and a nerdy necromancer all in one. Unusual.
    Humor and mystery in an UF sounds fab. Didn't know about this series. Thanks a bunch! ;)

    1. I like the betas :D I guess I want a beta then

  13. Not too many books with Big Foot in them! Sounds like an interesting UF.

  14. You get the coolest fantasy books

  15. This sounds a bit silly :)

  16. lol yeah the necromancer bit would be a little outside of normal ;)


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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