Friday, 19 February 2016

#FitReaders: Weekly Check-in Feb 19 2016 and The Last Romanov

#FitReaders is hosted by Geeky Bloggers Book Blog  and That’s What I’m Talking About.

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Sat and this is why i need to document my week on idea, I guess I walked something...
Sun 30 min walk
Mon 4 km bike
Tue 1 h yoga. 8 km bike. 1 h workout class
Wed 4 km bike. 1 h zumba
Thu 8 km bike, 45min  zumba toning
Fri 4 km bike, 30 min walk

Guess it was a bad week for photos too, srsly what did I do?


She was an orphan, ushered into the royal palace on the prayers of her majesty. Yet, decades later, her time spent in the embrace of the Romanovs haunts her still. Is she responsible for those murderous events that changed everything?

If only she can find the heir, maybe she can put together the broken pieces of her own past - maybe she can hold on to the love she found.

Bursting to life with the rich and glorious marvels of Imperial Russia, The Last Romanov is a magical tale of second chances and royal blood. 

My thoughts:
I had high hopes cos I really liked the other book I read by her, and reading on I still had high hopes. But, I never truly connected and time just moved so fast and I had not time to breathe and know anyone.

Darya's mum was a noble woman from a diamond family. Her dad was a Russian noble. Darya was really speshul and had an opal eye that made her hallucinate. See saw some kind of Goddess and she also saw her old reincarnation. Oh and other stuff. Then Darya became a nurse at 17 to the ...whatever, crown prince. Cos she could heal and had that freaky eye.

All good so far.

But somewhere along the rode I just felt that the magic took too much place. Her with her ambergris and seeing that goddess. Being all chummy with Rasputin. Not liking Rasputin later on as 7 years had gone by and I was all what? Time moved too fast, I never felt like I knew why people did anything.

The romance part was botched up too. That could have been so much better. Everything could have been so much better.

So..ok read, cos the beginning had promise. The rest was a mess 

Paperback, 333 pages
Published April 3rd 2012
Historical fiction


  1. Too bad about the book. Hopefully the next will be better.

    KITTY! Mine would have never touched the snow. :)

  2. Love the pic of your kitty in the snow! Sorry about the book though :(

  3. With all that snow, I'd guess you tried to stay warm all week!

  4. That's all right, if you can't take pics from your walks, then cat photos are always welcome :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  5. You document better than I do and you are definitely more faithful to your exercise. Nicely done!

    Guess I know not to be too excited about this book when I snag it off the pile. It sounds so good.

    1. Thank you

      Go in with a meh and maybe u will like it

  6. it sounds good and I love books like that, just bought one, I need to read it now

  7. I have a hard time tracking my workouts too. I've forgotten to do posts two weeks in a row now. I did get my 10,000 steps in every day for the last 7 days. So yay for that. Sorry the book didn't work out for you. Better luck next time.

  8. You had a better week of exercise than me. Can't wait for Spring.

    1. Spring, oh...maybe in 1,5 months...2,5 months

  9. Oh boo. Hate when you go into a book with high expectations. Sorry this was a dud.

    1. her other book was so awesome, such a shame

  10. Oh dear a little mental lapse for Sunday but I am sure you did something. Nice exercise week though. Sad at no photos!!

    1. I remembered when I was out yesterday, I did 30 min walk to and from the bookmobile and a 30 in the evening :)

  11. I'll take the one pic of the kitty! I loved that one you posted on Twitter with his little friend :-)

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. He sure is a cutie.
      They are so cute together those two, his friend comes here looking for him


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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