Friday, 26 February 2016

The Immortals - Jordanna Max Brodsky

Manhattan has many secrets. Some are older than the city itself.  The city sleeps. Selene DiSilva walks her dog along the banks of the Hudson. She is alone -- just the way she likes it. She doesn't believe in friends, and she doesn't speak to her family. Most of them are simply too dangerous. 

In the predawn calm, Selene finds the body of a young woman washed ashore, gruesomely mutilated and wreathed in laurel. Her ancient rage returns. And so does the memory of a promise she made long ago -- when her name was Artemis. 

My thoughts:
This one was very cool, but then Greek Gods where my first love. I was a really weird kid who fell asleep to audiobooks about Greek myths. Nothing makes you sleep as a kid as the story of Helios son who flew to close to earth. Aww, the good old days.

Which brings us to this book and Selene. She helps women. Her memories about her past are ever changing and she is fading. Because she is a Goddess and no one believes in her anymore, so therefore the fading away. Which is totally awesome, if I were to believe I'd go for ancient ones anyway. Kind of sad too, they have no believers, and they were actually real her.

She is nothing like her myth anymore, since she has wandered the earth alone for so long, being almost human. But not nearly anything close to human. She has changed.

And yes the rest of the Gods are still around too, those that have not faded. For even if no one believes, they still believe in what they stand for.

Right so yes, cool worldbuilding!

The story is about strange murders, she is on the case, someone else is on the case and the hunt is on.

I liked learning more about her, the fading and more. A nice concept and I have no idea what will come next. Not an idea. But I look forward to more. This was a promising start.


Kindle Edition, 464 pages
Published February 16th 2016 by Orbit
Olympus Bound #1
Urban fantasy


  1. I passed this on to my sister - it sounds right up her alley.

  2. YAY! I'm getting read to start this one soon, so glad you enjoyed it! I so love Greek mythology:)

  3. You had me at Greek mythology. You know I also love a good worldbuilding book as well. Yes, you can say I'm intrigued. :D

  4. Mythology is epic and entertaining. :)

    1. I wish we would believe in them still, they were much more fun

  5. I loved this book! I can't believe this was her debut, it was so well put together and well written. She made the city came to life, and the Greek gods were hilarious. I'm looking forward to more in this series too :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. It did not feel like a debut at all :) I went to NG after your review ;) I just had to try it

  6. I kind of like that cover. :D

    I was really into the Greek gods when I was a kid, too!

    1. After them I found more Gods, but they were my first

  7. It does sound fantastic. I wasn't deep into Greek Mythology, but I do love when I come across it blended into a modern story.

  8. Interesting. And it's pretty much the premise of Neil Gaiman's American Gods - all these old gods who are fading away because no one believes in them anymore as opposed to the new ones (technical god, media, etc) Mythology, old or new, is awesome. Yep, I loved the Greek myths too as a child... :p (birds of a feather and all that jazz, lol) Have a good weekend, Linda.

    1. True, but then I have seen the fading done by many authors, it's an old concept. About how they fade when we stop believing.

      Yay for us Greek myth kids

  9. ah yes this one sounds reallt interesting

  10. Greek Gods and Manhattan sounds good!

  11. Oh... this sounds pretty interesting!

  12. This sounds so great. I'm a huge fan of Greek Myths too. I remember reading The Iliad and The Odyssey in school. I read it at a time when I wanted nothing to do with school and it was the only thing that I actually paid attention for, everything else I ignored.

    1. Never read those, movies, listened, yes, but they were such asshats everyone

  13. I am a fan of Greek Mythology as well. I can't wait to read my copy!


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