Friday, 5 February 2016

#FitReaders: Weekly Check-In Feb 5 2016 and A Crown for cold silver

#FitReaders is hosted by Geeky Bloggers Book Blog  and That’s What I’m Talking About.

Join in 

Sat 1 h walk
Sun 7 km bike
Mon 1 h walk. 4 km bike
Tue 1 h yoga. 8 km bike. 1,5 h workout class
Wed 4 km bike. 1 h zumba
Thu 8 km bike, 45min  zumba toning
Fri 4 km bike, 30 min walk

I haven't taken any pics, I have been bad  :/


Twenty years ago, feared general Cobalt Zosia led her five villainous captains and mercenary army into battle, wrestling monsters and toppling an empire. When there were no more titles to win and no more worlds to conquer, she retired and gave up her legend to history.

Now the peace she carved for herself has been shattered by the unprovoked slaughter of her village. Seeking bloody vengeance, Zosia heads for battle once more, but to find justice she must confront grudge-bearing enemies, once-loyal allies, and an unknown army that marches under a familiar banner.

My thoughts:
An older woman as one of the main POVs, I did like that. Older women can kick ass in fantasy too, and with older I do mean oooolder. Not not 30s, oooolder. A former rebel, villain, general, queen..hey now I am thinking of Xena, if she has stopped while she was on top and faked her death. And married and lived the small village life.

But for all those cool things I did not particularly like Zosia, because, well I just did not. I did not dislike her either

Then there was this princess who went all this land is mine. Well kudos to you, bring them down. 
But I never felt like I knew her or cared.

The church just seemed evil for the sake of being a church.
The queen, why was she bad? Maybe I missed that while skimming.

There was some kind of horned wolf guy, never got that or why he was there.

I really tried, I thought of my rules, but this was a NG book, and it was fantasy, and I really wanted it to work for me. But...I felt nothing, I was bored, nothing happened, maybe it tried too much. It was not for me, so I skimmed the rest cos I had no other book anyway where I was.

Kindle Edition, 656 pages
Published April 14th 2015 by Orbit
The Crimson Empire #1


  1. Kitty frowns on your lack of pics. :) So cute!

    Well, if there was more about the horned wolf guy, I would have picked up that book.

  2. Yes to older women. Sad at no photos but cat is cute! Great exercise week.

  3. I'd like to try zumba one day - it looks like fun to me. Keep it up!

    1. It's fun :D But you do need the right teacher, I once had one who did not make it fun

  4. The reviews for this book are SO mixed! Like you I happened to fall in the "nay" camp. I just couldn't get into it, the story felt overly bloated and the characters were all so flat. I had such high hopes for it too.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I wanted to like it, but nope, nothing made me like it

  5. I like the idea of an older narrator for a refreshing change, but I don't like the idea of a meh story for that long. :)

    Your kitty looks a tad reluctant to go out. Haha!

    1. 600 pages of meh is toooooo much!

      Yes he is sick and tired of snow

  6. I'd love to try zumba, my eldest daughter would love it too ! Too bad the book didn't work for you, the idea of an older heroin is appealing...

    1. Yeah it would have been awesome, sigh.

      You and your daughter so have to try it :D I have 2 left feet, I still like it

  7. sorry to see you didn't feel a thng for the story, I know the feeling... not a good one

  8. Great job on your exercises even if you didn't provide us with pretty pictures this week. :-P

    Sorry this book didn't work out for you.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

  9. Well now I'm wondering how old she was!
    Good job on the exercise.

  10. Bummer about the book..but you are doing great fitness wise :)

  11. I do not like books that bore me to tears. It takes me twice as long to read it. But hey, you persevered. So, yay! Lol.

    1. And here I had my DNF post and all, SIGH, but then I had nothing to read, and 1 hour to spend

  12. such a cute kitty! that's too bad the book didn't work out, I like the older woman heroine though.

  13. Well at least you gave us a kitty pic - you are forgiven :-)

    Blah book sounds blah....

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  14. Totally forgot to post this week. Sighs

  15. I love the pick with the feline!!! I do hate those books that are so boring to read. I love the idea that the heroine is older though. You don't see that very often and I love seeing it. I usually only see it in christian romances. So it would have been better if this book had worked out for you!!

    1. :D

      I so wanted it too, but the I just skimmed and wish I had another book with me

  16. Your kitty does not look pleased by the snow & ice.

  17. Great week on the exercising! And does Lucifer like snow? Look at him! He's gotten so big! :)

    1. He likes when there is a lot, he does not like when it's wet


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

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I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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