Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Sword of the Bright Lady - M.C.Planck

Christopher Sinclair goes out for a walk on a mild Arizona evening and never comes back. He stumbles into a freezing winter under an impossible night sky, where magic is real -- but bought at a terrible price. 

A misplaced act of decency lands him in a brawl with an arrogant nobleman and puts him under a death sentence. In desperation he agrees to be drafted into an eternal war, serving as a priest of the Bright Lady, Goddess of Healing. But when Marcius, god of war, offers the only hope of a way home to his wife, Christopher pledges to him instead, plunging the church into turmoil and setting him on a path of violence and notoriety.

To win enough power to open a path home, this mild-mannered mechanical engineer must survive duelists, assassins, and the never-ending threat of monsters, with only his makeshift technology to compete with swords and magic.

But the gods and demons have other plans. Christopher's fate will save the world... or destroy it.

My thoughts:
How to explain this book...I mean...*silence* Ok I will try. The first part is easy.

There is our world, but there are other worlds too. As Christopher finds out when he suddenly finds himself in one. And like he should, it is totally alien to him, everything. He has questions about everything (and yes they speak another language, Norwegian to my eye). There are Gods? What about this religion? What is magic? Why are people ranked? Why are farmboys used as canon fodder? Who are they fighting? What is the Dark? Thanks to his questions we get to know this world were a constant war is going on and where there is magic. And the Gods are real as he pledges himself to one.

The whole magic thing and how you can move up in society was cool. I also liked that he was both clueless and had something to offer. He knows science, and hey if you want to get anywhere in this war then that might be a good thing. I would be totally lost if I got there btw.

Sure he was smart, a bit too smart. But hey he has a purpose in that world. So if someone got him there then of course they are gonna take someone who can make a difference.

An interesting world and I wonder how this whole adventure will turn out in the end for him, and this world.


Paperback, 429 pages
Published September 9th 2014 by Pyr
World of Prime #1


  1. I wasn't a big fan of this one. The whole thing read like someone was explaining a X-Box game they were playing.

    1. I can understand that, I was a bit wtf at first, but I enjoyed it, but I could have liked it more if it had been better

  2. I had a copy arrive in the mail 2 weeks ago, so I'll give it a read at some point. It does sounds intriguing.

  3. I would totally get lost in this world. LOL

  4. This one is on my list of books to tackle! Sounds fascinating, I really gotta get to it before the end of the month :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  5. The worldbuilding sounds interesting, but I'm not really sure about the rest. It doesn't sound like somehting I'd pick up on my own, but you never know.

    1. Hm, can't help you there. Maybe you will see it at a library one day

  6. It must be interesting to discover a world like that and intriguing.

  7. Sounds too confusing. I think I'll pass this one...

  8. So it's like parallel universes?

    1. Sort of yes, there seems to be a hierarchy. Our world is more on the bottom

  9. Sounds quite interesting, Linda! I have a weakness for crossover fantasy :)

    1. I am not actually a fan of cross over to be honest ;) I am always I wanna go too!

  10. Well I hope he can eventually make it back home to his honey. =)

  11. I'm not sure I understand the plot, to be honest...but it doesn't look like something I would read ahhaha Aliens? Oh my

  12. Sounds interesting, but I'm not sure it's for me. I kind of liked the cover :)

  13. I would definitely be lost there as well. I have no illusions that I'd be able to rally as he does!

  14. Hm...not sure if this one is for me, but I do like the sound of the worldbuilding. Might wait to see what you think of the next one if you read it.

  15. Interesting, I may wait to see what you think of the next one

  16. This sounds like something I would like, but I think I'll wait for your review of second book to decide.

  17. This does sound like an interesting world! Curious to hear your thoughts on the next one.

  18. Awesome cover. For that reason only I'd read this :)


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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