Wednesday 17 June 2015

Author Interview and Giveaway: Kathryn Freeman

Today's author interview is with Kathryn Freeman, and there is a giveaway of her new book at the end :)


1.Anything new and exciting that has happened in your life? Since you were last on my blog in 2014.
Well, let me see. I reached a milestone birthday – but though the celebration (a weekend in London) was certainly exciting, reaching fifty was not! From a writing perspective I’m thrilled to have my second paperback out this month (Too Charming). I’ve also been writing and editing my third Choc Lit book (Search for Truth).

2.  And tell me about your new book, Too Charming?
It’s a romance, perhaps an unlikely one, between dashing defence lawyer Scott Armstrong, and no nonsense police detective Megan Taylor. Megan’s been hurt in the past by a man who was too handsome and too charming, so she doesn’t have much time for Scott. Her opinion of him isn’t helped by the fact that he spends his days defending the very people she works so hard to imprison. 

Scott’s a confident guy though, and he isn’t too daunted when Megan snubs him. As he sees it, she’ll soon start seeing him not as a lawyer, but as a man. He does make progress (it’s hard for a woman to keep turning down a sexy man, I imagine …) but then he’s caught up in the middle of a case that throws his life into chaos. It also has Megan re-evaluating everything she thought she knew about him.

3. What was the inspiration behind this book?
I’d just written a book where the hero was gorgeous but gruff (Do Opposites Attract, my first paperback) so I was keen to write about someone very different in my next book. That’s how the charming, smoothly handsome Scott was conceived. But I also wanted him to be more than the reader saw on the surface, so I had to find something (and someone) that would rattle him. The rest of the story flowed from there.    

4. Now give me some nice details about our hero Scott? ;) What makes him tick?
He’s a barrister and he practically bristles with self-assurance, at least on the outside. At just over 6ft with dark hair, grey eyes and a dimpled smile, he’s good-looking and a bit of a ladies man. He likes to flirt. He also likes to ride his Harley-Davidson and draw. But what you see with Scott isn’t quite the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth (sorry, it was too hard to resist ). Beneath his easy charm and ready wit is a man not quite as confident as he appears, which is one of the reasons I really enjoyed writing his point of view.

5. Why is this a perfect book to read this summer?
I like to think it has something to please most readers. A feisty heroine, a witty, sexy hero, a bit of mystery and some scenes which I hope will sizzle as much as the summer (and if it’s an English summer, I hope they will sizzle more ).

Thank you so much for interviewing me. It’s such a pleasure to be on your blog.

Thank you!

1 e-copy of Too Charming

1. Open to everyone in the world.
2. Ends June 24th
3. Just comment and you are in.

PS. Remember, if I can't find your details, I can't find you.

A former pharmacist, I’m now a medical writer who also writes romance. Some days a racing heart is a medical condition, others it’s the reaction to a hunky hero. 

With two teenage boys and a husband who huffs at buying a Valentine’s Day card, any romance is all in my head. Then again, his unstinting support of my career change proves love isn't always about hearts and flowers - and heroes come in many disguises.

Contact details:

Buying links:
Too Charming is now available in paperback as well as ebook format.


  1. Like the sound of Scott. (not entering giveaway at this time, just saying hello)

  2. I do so love a feisty heroine! :)

  3. Scott does sound dreamy...

  4. I loved 'Do Opposites Attract' so I can't wait for this new book!

  5. Great interview and the book sounds wonderful. I'd love to enter.

  6. this looks and sounds fabulous :) congrats to Kathryn on her new release! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Thanks for the nice internet, your review was nice and it's great to learn even more

  8. *waves* the cover is nice ;)

  9. A great interview thank you.

  10. I cannot believe that she is 50? Even before reading about her birthday I looked at the picture and thought she might be a bit younger than me(I am 32 in a month).

    Oh, I hope the two of them makes it, the couple instantly made me think of the divorced couple in Michael Connelly's crime series about Mickey Haller. I guess the pair in Too Charming does have a bit better odds, seeing the genre they "live" in ;)

  11. Great interview! Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. :) Awesome giveaway
    like Mari, can't belive she is 50...

  13. Wow, she wears her 50s well, isn't she? :) Great interview, Linda.

  14. I love the different elements in this romance, and Scott sounds yummy

  15. Sounds fantabulous and I look forward to reading regardless! Thank you! ☺️ cheers ~ Lisa (@NurseLisainOhio)



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