Monday 15 June 2015

Too Charming - Kathryn Freeman

Detective Sergeant Megan Taylor thinks so. She once lost her heart to a man who was too charming and she isn’t about to make the same mistake again – especially not with sexy defence lawyer, Scott Armstrong. Aside from being far too sure of himself for his own good, Scott’s major flaw is that he defends the very people that she works so hard to imprison.

But when Scott wants something he goes for it. And he wants Megan. One day she’ll see him not as a lawyer, but as a man ... and that’s when she’ll fall for him.

Yet just as Scott seems to be making inroads, a case presents itself that’s far too close to home, throwing his life into chaos.

As Megan helps him pick up the pieces, can he persuade her that he isn’t the careless charmer she thinks he is? Isn’t a man innocent until proven guilty? 

My thoughts:
A bit of suspense; a tiny bit, some drama and romance. Two people falling in love, two people being idiots. That good old story,

Megan is a cop. She was hurt by the man she loved, now she thinks pretty men are no good.

Scott is a defense attorney. He has played around...a lot. But when he sees her, he wants her.

First issue: She is a cop, he defends criminals (or well people accused of a crime). Clashes at once. How you can defend that a-hole!? It's my job! You get the point. She thinks like a cop, he like a defense attorney. 

Second issue: She can not trust men. 

Third issue: Her case, his case, clashes. A new case. Oh no!

SO you can see that they have their work cut out for them. I did feel that she was too I do not trust him. I understood her, but at the same time, trust him a bit wont ya! The chip on her shoulder was too big, I would have left long ago. But that proves what a great man Scott was, he did not leave. He stood by, trying to make her trust him. 

So the romance is not really a romance. It's a story about a woman learning to let go. It's also a story about how the past can haunt you, and not just her, him too.

A romance that builds.


Paperback, 288 pages
Published June 7th 2015 by Choc Lit (first published September 8th 2013)
Women's fiction /romantic fiction
For review


  1. So, a nice read but without surprise. Still glad you enjoyed it :)

  2. This push and pull thing in romances, the will they won't they, is a bit hard for me to get through sometimes. Depends on the characterization, though.

    1. I hear you, sometimes the drama is just too much drama

  3. This character facing her past with the budding romance sounds interesting

  4. I am on vacation all week!! :D

  5. Now this is one I would have picked up based on the blurb, but not after your review. I can tell I'd be annoyed.

    1. Oh no! Bad me. But then there are things that if they annoy you, then so not the book for ya

  6. At least it seemed to work. Sometimes the chip on the shoulder gets in the way.

    1. I have been reading a lot of chip on the shoulder books lately

  7. Sometimes this way is good, not just straight into hot, sexy romance, although that is good too lol

    1. LOL, I like this way, fine, I like the other way too, but this feel more like it could last

  8. A chip on her shoulder eh. That's not very appealing to me, Scott seems to balance that off though.

    1. It's usually men who have the bigger chip, and we do forgive them

  9. Well, it sounds like fun no matter how antagonistic their relationship may seem like. I like it. 😊

  10. It sounds nice, not too complicated but it can be fun.

  11. This one sounds like something I could enjoy.

  12. Learning to let go can be difficult. I already know that there are some things in my life I'll never get over. I really like the sound of this one, Linda.

    1. True. Some things you never get over.
      But for her it was learning that now all men are pigs, there are some good ones out there too

  13. Hmmm sounds like a maybe! I like she's a cop but too much of the distrust can start to take away.

  14. It sounds worth giving a try!

  15. Sometimes opposites make for excitement.

  16. Def not an easy romance! But totally worth once they work out the kinks....

  17. The cover reminds me of another book, I just cannot remember which one. So annoying that I cannot remember it.



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