Monday 22 June 2015

The Providence of Fire - Brian Staveley

War is coming, secrets multiply and betrayal waits in the wings...
The Annurian Empire's ruling family must be vigilant, as the conspiracy against them deepens. Having discovered her father's assassin, Adare flees the Dawn Palace in search of allies. But few trust her, until she seems marked by the people's goddess in an ordeal of flame.

As Adare struggles to unite Annur, unrest breeds rival armies - then barbarian hordes threaten to invade. And unknown to Adare, her brother Valyn has fallen in with forces mustering at the empire's borders. The terrible choices they face could make war between them inevitable.

Fighting his own battles is their brother Kaden, rightful heir to the Unhewn Throne, who has infiltrated the Annurian capital with two strange companions. While imperial forces prepare to defend a far-distant front, Kaden's actions could save the empire, or destroy it. 

My thoughts:
I liked this one better than book 1, book 1 was also good, just shaky at first. Here it all just flowed better.

First, I love everything I hear about the Csestrim (sp?). They are so evil and dark. Every time we get another tidbit I am all, ohhhh, are they all dead? Are some still around? They are so strange.

But back to the story. In this one Adare had a bigger part. She was hardly around in book 1. But here she is fleeing for her life, and getting in deeper.

Valyn found his brother in the last book and now he is trying to stay alive and figure out who is trying to kill them.

While the heir to the throne, Kaden, wants to find the mysterious monks that knows secrets long lost to the world.

They are all running and trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Who is after them. Who is trying to destroy the empire. And then a new enemy emerges too. Ohhh.

Adare, hm, I had difficulties with some of her choices. Valyn is all valour. Kaden, ok I get your ideas but for them to work, no chance.

And then more stuff happened and I was all whaaaat? No way, I did not see THAT coming.

Yup, this review is all over the place. We have action, intrigues and secrets. 

At the end I wanted more, and darn it! I have to wait until 2016, sigh.


Hardcover, UK edition, 606 pages
Published January 15th 2015 by Tor UK
Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne #2


  1. Sounds good and it's a type of fantasy I just don't read often enough lately.

  2. Do you need to read book 1 to understand this one?

  3. yay good to hear that it all flowed better in this one

  4. I love that this surprised you so much and that you enjoyed it even more than the predecessor. Sounds interesting.

  5. I LOVED THIS BOOK. I was the same, book one didn't blow me away, but Providence of Fire was like better in every single way and even addressed some of the issues I had in Emperor's Blades. I need book three!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Me too! But omg, sooooo far away still. I want it now!!

  6. Good to know it gets better with this one. I have the first book but haven't read it yet.

  7. Seems like in a few fantasy books, once the world is established it really takes off. Hm... I'm curious about the twist but I may wait until 2016 to start the books. :D

  8. eeeek I am impatient for you! 2016 is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away

  9. So glad book two was stronger, and I like the darker elements :) 2016 will be here sooner then we think!

    1. Sigh, time does move fast but then I want it to move slowly now during the summer

  10. Oh the torture of waiting for the next book. Sigh.

  11. It's always so great when book 2 is better than book 1

  12. Too many books, too little time. :(

  13. I won't touch an unfinished series, thank you very much, nuh-huh.

  14. Aw, you were left wanting more :) That's the trouble with series - the WAIT between books! Writers can be so cruel :)

  15. I wasn't ready for my vacation to be over...

  16. hi 5 for evil and dark antagonists! They do make the heroes more heroic!

  17. I've heard a few people say that book one was shaky but all these positive reviews for the second book makes me want to reconsider reading it!

    1. Ok so I confess to giving up fast, but even though the first book was shaky at first it was never bad, just shaky

  18. I'm fixated with the book cover model's hands. Cool.



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