Thursday 7 June 2018

Audio: Shadows on the moon - Zoe Marriott

Sixteen-year-old Suzume is a shadow weaver, trained in the magical art of illusion. She can be anyone she wants to be—except herself. Is she the girl of noble birth, trapped by the tyranny of her mother’s new husband, Lord Terayama? A lowly drudge scraping a living in the ashes of Terayama’s kitchens? Or Yue, the most beautiful courtesan in the Moonlit Land? Even Suzume is no longer sure of her true identity. But she is determined to steal the heart of the Moon Prince and exact revenge on her stepfather for the death of her family. And nothing will stop her. Not even her love for fellow shadow weaver Otieno, the one man who can see through her illusions.

Audio CD, 10 pages
Published April 24th 2012 by Candlewick on Brilliance Audio (first published July 7th 2011)
The Moonlit Lands #1
Fantasy YA

My thoughts:
I should have written this review at was audio, I mean it's not like I knew how to spell names and now when they are forgotten? Sigh.

It's just that I had issues and I have thought and thought about it. I do not know what my problem is!

The premise is just awesome. "Fairytale" I am saying that loosely cos sure a way. I love fairytale re-tellings.

Suzume's mother remarries after her father was murdered. And now I do not know what to say without spoiling things. She will work in the kitchen and slave away. She will be a famous "courtesan" (I mean she only plays music.). And all she wants is revenge. See, awesome premise, but...

But what happened? Why was it a chore to listen to? No, it was not the narrator. I liked Amy Rubinate. She had a good voice and good range for different characters.

It must have been in the story. Because even though things happen...nothing happens! It moves slowly, so slowly, takes years, and there is never any OMG WILL SHE MAKE IT!? It's just like walking slowly through lots of snow. I wanted more drama, action, anything.

Instalove, though it takes time, but we do not see it! So it feels like instalove.

I did not like any of the characters and for me that is a big problem.

There is magic, but we never get an explanation to why nobody knows about magic`? Is is a secret? Is it like a death penalty? I think not since nobody ever tells anyone to be careful. 

I just had no love for Suzume.

There is this thing that the Prince gets a shadow bride. He must keep her for a year and then if he wants he can choose another. Sure the shadow bride gets a wish and that can mean money. But if he lives for a long time and chooses lots of women that is a lot of noble daughters that can never marry again. Do they have that many kids that they can just throw them at him? 
Also, I feel like the state is loosing too much on this. A woman can say that they will get all the taxes from the road. Omg, how do they have enough money to keep the country in check if like every woman, for like 40 years, wishes for stuff like that.

So much premise., just ok.

Why are audio covers so dull?


  1. yeah it's complicated when you don't like the characters...

  2. Okay agree Amy Rubinate is good so it wasn't her. Pity it didn't work out - sounds like it really needed some tension.

    1. She def made it better, much better. But the story totally needed tension

  3. Sounds like the story wasn't well developed. But yay for audio :)

  4. I like the premise, but it is hard when you don't like the characters.

    1. I do not even know why, but they were so meh

  5. Thanks for sharing Blodeuedd. I like re-tellings too but not su much YA.

  6. I am so bad about waiting too long to write reviews :) Too bad you didn't really connect with this one.

  7. A Cinderella type story retelling with an East Asian twist sounds like an amazing idea - if you can pull it off. The execution here just seems too messy though. That's too bad!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Right. Amazing! Everything about the world was fascinating but it just dragged

  8. It would be been awesome if there had been better structured

  9. Oh... you are the perfect person to help me, maybe... I'm going on a road trip with my neighbor, her daughter (13.5) and my daughter (12). I want to get a good audiobook for us all to listen to. I don't do a lot of YA, so... It needs to be strong narrator. Thoughts? Nothing too fantasy or sci-fi.

    1. Not this one then, it is wayyyyyy to slow for that. Will tweet you :)

  10. magical art of illusion? i would be all over that!

  11. Sounds like there is alot going on but no-no to insta-love.

    1. I would not say a lot going on since it drags



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