Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Tell me Something Tuesday: What has changed since you started blogging?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post here on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

This week's conversation starter: 
April 25th: What has changed since you started blogging? 

Look at me, doing a discussion post.  I have been eyeing these for a while, and they are perfect now. I am writing this one in February because I thought it would be good to schedule a few things before the baby comes.

To the question!
Omg, what a tough one from the start. Changed? Changed for me? Changed for everyone? Ok, let's just do this.

For me personally, I have learned to DNF. Oh and say NO to books. I know I should be nice and send people a thank you but no email, but that would take so much time. At least they could read my policy before sending me stuff.

In the blogging world I have seen more and more drama and train wrecks. Both from authors and bloggers. Right when I am reading this it has been quiet for a while, and I so should not jinx that, a mega wreck is sure to come now.

I also feel like people are putting more pressure on themselves. This is meant to be done for fun, to talk about books with like minded people. But instead I see blogging burnout and reading burnouts all the time, And sure I have been doing this for 8 years and sometimes it feels tough, but I remind myself that it is a hobby, and that I love it.

I also feel that authors are more out there, and not always in a good way. I get these emails and it's basically read my book, post these links and do this and that. Not even a please or thank you. And then some get angry because their book is not getting enough of a spotlight, is it because their book is self pubbed, then it's the readers fault and they should read more self pubbed. But you know what, I read whatever I want, self pubbed or not. I read the books that interest me. And yes in the beginning I let myself get bullied by authors, but not now. No, I am not gonna change that 4 to a 5, wtf?!

I still love blogging. I love trying new genres and new authors. But I also feel there is so much more out there these days, and not in a good way.

Luci's BFF (Leevi)


  1. Can't argue with your points above! Some of those are the very reasons I phased out of the whole contests thing.

    I have been blogging for 11 1/2 years. YIKES. Started out as a knitting blog with cat pictures and have definitely gone through a number of iterations!

    1. Wow, that is long! Well I did have a "normal" blog before, a boring one

  2. It took me a while to learn to DNF as well. I also took my e-mail away from the blog; it may cost me a great read but I just couldnt handle the deluge of requests from self published authors.

    I was one of the blogger burnouts you talk about and I am doing things different this time. I have decided to skip reviews when they don't come to me, not doing anything that REQUIRES a post by a certain time, etc so I don't burn out again.

    1. Some of those emails, sigh, I mean how hard is it to read my policy! Or at least be nice in your email and not just demand things.

      That is good. Anything that works is great. I do fear the big burnout

  3. I love blogging and discussing books. I think what has changed for me is that there is a lot more discussion between blogs now.

  4. Yeah, a lot of things have changed. I've seen so many bloggers come and go and that kind of makes me sad. I try to stay clear of any and all drama!

    1. I think there is one blogger left that I have followed from my first few months :/

  5. Yes, blogging and reviewing has taught me the skill of DNFing as well. It has been freeing and has allowed me to try new authors and genres. Ha, yes we learn No fast don't we.

    1. Haha, oh yes. The things I said yes to in the beginning and then was bullied not to give a crap review on

  6. I started blogging almost 12 years ago and back then I didn't review anything. A book once in a while later on but mostly it was just what was happening in my life. So for me, a lot of things have changed.

    1. I do not even count those pre blogging days anymore, lol. Gosh, I did so many quizzes :D

  7. 8 years is quite a long time. I have also learned to say no but not as often as I should. I definitely put too much pressure on myself. I had to remind myself yesterday not to stress because this is supposed to be fun!

    1. It's hard sometimes. You want to do SO much, but this is supposed to be for fun after all

  8. Wow 8 years!! I so agree about DNFing...that is a really important one!

  9. Definitely the pressure. Bloggers feel this need to do it perfectly or not at all which makes me sad because we're losing so many. I'd rather go my own speed and be able to stick around.

    I also think the support and fun aspect isn't around as much any more. Everyone is just trying to keep their own blog going and not interacting as much.

    For What It's Worth

    1. It's sad when people leave, I get it, and sometimes not even a break or taking it easy can make you come back.

      I am with you, my own speed and hopefully I will be around

  10. wow 8 years! awesome. I think it's been 3 or 4 for me? Not even sure anymore. I'm one of those that did burn out last year and did not blog for what like half a year.
    I know what you mean about some authors being pushy tho ;/

  11. I rarely DNF but I'm doing it now vs years ago when I'd force myself to read it lol!

    1. To force yourself to finish is never fun

  12. Oh wow a discussion post! I had to click over to make sure it was you. Wonderful post and so true and why you have lasted so long. I know of an Aussie blogger reader who dipped out after about 8 years and didn't read for almost a year. So sad.

    1. LOL. I know right, I never do them, neeever. I really think people are awesome that can just write one up like that. I am gonna follow this tmst thing cos then I have a subject already done for me

  13. I should not even mention it, now there is gonna be a wreck of wrecks or something, lol.

  14. I've noticed burnout seems to be everywhere too, and yeah this is supposed to be fun! I mean sure it's gonna happen, but I do agree we put a lot of pressure on ourselves?

    I still don't understand authors who ask a blogger to change a review or rating. Seriously? *shakes head*

    1. I never take my reviews too seriously. I never make notes. I do think those things have helped me survive this long. Pressure is so bad.

      I know right!

  15. Mamyia is jealous of Leevi! She legit pinned her ears back and walked away. ;D lolll

    But yes...I need to be better at DNFing. Someday, but I have DNFed a couple of the unbearable.

  16. A discussion post. :) And what a great topic. The things we learn as we go... I have made the same realizations and it has been freeing and less stressful by half.

    Enjoyed your discussion post.

  17. Yes you're completely right, I agree with you about all that

  18. I think most bloggers experience much of the same. Though despite the increased pressures, I still have not learned to DNF, lol. And ugh, the author dramas. For the most part, I've had great experiences with author interactions, though once in a while I still get the occasional "read my book" with no please or thank you. One even started with literally "Dear ____", lol! No effort at all.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. How hard is it to make a bit of an effort, just a tiny tiny bit. Since yes they send out the same message to everyone ;)

  19. Great points. I completely agree that this is a hobby and should be fun. I do get after myself for getting behind on writing reviews, but that is to prevent me from forgetting everything and making it harder to review. I do read whatever I want. I had an author get very upset with me when I told her I don't take review requests. Oh well, not my problem.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. I am the same, I can not leave them too long, I forget things after a day. So that is an area I push myself in

  20. Hmm. This is a tough one. I think it's the interaction with author/reader and vise versa has changed. Both are so much bolder than they were when we started. And with that comes the friction we see so much. People seem to be louder on social media.

    But some good things, as the world has grown! :)

  21. Great points! I've been blogging for over seven years now. Drama has definitely increased, but also, I think our community is more protective and supportive now. I've seen a number of good authors come and go, I've seen bad authors come and stay. haha. As for myself, I'm spending less time on social media, and somedays even forget to say hello. I've become okay with where my blog is (size, reach, etc) and happy with me.

    1. People did worry so much about size and numbers before. I had forgotten that. i am sure that is why many fell out too


About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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