Tuesday, 6 November 2018

TMST. Blog Friends

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

November 6th: How Do You Make New Blog Friends

I *thinks about it* Well I visit blogs and it just happens. I mean what do you mean with blog friends? There are blog friends and blog friends. Some you get to know really well. Like Carole :D I visited her blog and now I honestly can not remember.

And some you visit their blogs and then you get to know them more on twitter. So I would say on their blogs, obviously, but that does seem to be the first step. Twitter helps t get to know people more, or wherever you happen to talk.

Then there are those I used to talk so much with. And now, I never see them around. There should be a sad post about how you loose blog friends.

Some people you just click with it in the end :)


  1. Yep, visit their blog, follow them on twitter, etc, and it just happens.

  2. I agree, you visit their blog, and maybe you get a friend, but there's a lot of blogs where you comment and get no response/comment back.

    I'm glad I connected with your blog. I love getting your no-nonsense thoughts on books, you always make me smile. :)

    1. Yes, there are lots of those. And these days I like interaction :)

      Haha, thank you!

    2. Agreed! Your comments generally make me giggle!

  3. YOu're right. And it's so much fun to see blog friends too, to really meet them.

  4. I went through my feeds in Feedly recently, and it showed me the last time various blogs posted. There were SO MANY that hadn't posted in more than 5 years. What happened to them?! I hope they're all ok...

    1. Last time I did that I found a bunch of dead blogs :/ And yes what did happen to them all! Some who stopped blogging I see on twitter. But some are just gone

  5. I look at blog comments and click on their names and visit their blogs. If I like the blog I will leave a comment and hope they check out my blog too. Some blogs just disappear and it's weird.

  6. I think if you visit peoples blogs often enough you start to get an idea of what the blogger is like as a person then, like you say, social media does the rest.
    I don't think I've ever given this question much thought before!

    1. It does make me think now, how I do stay on some blogs, while others i might forget

  7. I just hate it when blog friends suddenly disappear and I hear or see them no more, I nearly always think they are sick or have died!!! Most likely they just got sick of blogging!

    1. True. They just said forget about it! And left. I do like it more when they actually tell that they are leaving

  8. I love my blog friends! It is amazing how much you do get to know a blogger just by reading their posts and comments.

  9. You are spot on about blog friends Blodeuedd, it's how we met :) and I'm glad!

  10. I'm trying to reach out more these days and look for new blogs to follow, but I usually end up finding them when their creators actually comment on my posts and I click their links to their sites. I love networking :D

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. A click for a click does work the best. I have not really gone bloghopping in a while. Maybe for that the last time no one ever visited back

  11. Yes, exactly. Blog friends come and go and some stay. I do love my visits to your blog. :)

  12. =A sad post about losing blog friends....."To all the blogs I've loved before" lol

    So many are gone and it's hard to find people you connect with to replace them :-((

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Right! I feel like I have lost so many :/ And yes I met new blog friends but it is hard

  13. I agree. I think it usually happens because I'll see someone comment on another blog I'm visiting and so I'll visit their site and if I like their content, look them up on Twitter. And then we just start talking via social media if we click! Yea for blog friends!

    1. Yay for blog friends :D
      I mean I did know you for ages before we talked more, funny that. I was just one of those lurkers on your blog


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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