Saturday, 9 June 2012

Friday Flash Fiction as always Saturday style

Every Monday Dottie over at Tink's Place posts a picture and then on Friday (Flash Fiction Friday) we post a story to go along with the picture. The story has to be about 350 words, give or take. 

(pic has been removed: a face
Waiting by Blodeuedd

She was all dressed in white, even her body was painted white and her hair colored. All do show purity and innocent. All to prepare her for her upcoming wedding. She let them put on the veil and she cried a single tear. She would not let them see her sad. She was supposed to be happy, glorious and, no, she hid behind the veil and felt her heart racing. It felt like it was going to jump out of her chest. If only it would. Blasted heart!

She feared what was to come; she feared it more than death itself. She knew the stories; she heard the whispers of the women around her. Broken and bruised. She lifted her head high and followed the women out. They lead her to an empty chambers and she heard cheering outside. The men were drunk and she shivered. The king’s men would come, take her and break her and then she would burn with the king. An offering to him on his funeral pyre. Now when she was alone she cried and wondered how fate could punish her so. What had she done to deserve this?! She had been a good daughter, she had made offerings to the Gods. She had done everything she was supposed to.

The door opened and she braced herself. A figure came inside and she clenched her hands. Would fate be so cruel? She sat still until he came up to her. She loved him, she always had loved him and these last few months when he father had been ill they had grown closer. She knew they had no future, him being a prince and all but she cared not. He had felt the same but obviously not enough.
She wrinkled her forehead and look up.
“Damn it Sassa, I have not come for that. But they will come soon.” He offered her his hand and she took it. He smiled for a moment and then showed her the way out. Together they ran, the prince and the Handmaiden of Death.


Haha a HEA ;)


  1. I love these stories that you put together! The Handmaiden of Death and her Prince. *swoon*

    1. Even a girl of no importance can get a prince..if he runs away ;)

  2. Ha ha indeed...and I was waiting for a nice bloody murder, how very stupid of me. I like the Handmaiden of Death title though. Promising somehow...;p

    1. Fooled you there ;) I just could not let the poor girl suffer so I gave her a prince and a HEA

    2. I like torturing my characters a tiny wee bit more. ;) Next time!

    3. It all depends on Monday's pic..*waits and hopes for blood*

  3. I'm glad they ran off together :)

    1. A good HEA is excellent now and then :)

  4. awwww I'm so glad he saved her! I was really worried. XD

    oooooh I should get mine posted today. mmm. lol

  5. Are you sure that's not just an HFN? :D

  6. oooh, definitely a different character than I thought she would be!!

  7. Ah... some of that evilness is back with a huge dose of HEA! You know I loved it! I really like your imagination!!

    1. Yup evil beyond words, but then I managed to save her and give you a hea

  8. Oh the handmaiden of death! I like that, and a HEA, for the moment. ;) Well done!

  9. I thought she was gonna die for real and my heart broke a little. Thank you for the HEA :)
    And loved the name "The Handmaiden of Death."

    1. I just could not let the poor woman suffer, so I had a prince come to her rescue :) A girl needs a HEA

  10. I was so worried. I'm glad he came for her.


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