Friday 22 June 2012

Review: The King of Attolia - Megan Whalen Turner

The King of Attolia
By scheming and theft, the Thief of Eddis has become King of Attolia. Eugenides wanted the queen, not the crown, but he finds himself trapped in a web of his own making.

Then he drags a naive young guard into the center of the political maelstrom. Poor Costis knows he is the victim of the king's caprice, but his contempt for Eugenides slowly turns to grudging respect. Though struggling against his fate, the newly crowned king is much more than he appears. Soon the corrupt Attolian court will learn that its subtle and dangerous intrigue is no match for Eugenides.

My thoughts:

This one was different. Costis was the main character so we never really got under Gen's and Attolia's skin. We never really how they felt. I'll take a step back...

Gen and Attolia are now married (and I still do not know how old he is, sure if I only remembered how old Eddis was I could count but do I know? Arghh, anyway, boyking gets his older bride ....edit: I found someone who had figured it out, so 17/18 at the beginning here). And Gen is not at ease at court. All this we see through Costi's eyes as he grows to like Gen. As people try to kill Gen, as Gen does nothing to make people like him. Poor Gen. The court was not nice to him. And I also kept wondering, does Attolia love him back? But we could not know. Oh the evilness of a POV switch, she sure knows how to keep the readers on our toes.

I liked it, as I wanted more, I wanted to know. I wanted to see Gen do well. And I still do not know how he still could love her...she, well if you are reading this then you might have read book 2, or well, you should know better since this is book 3 and I am obviously gonna mention some things. She cut off his hand when he was in her dungeons. Now that must be true love from his side. That crazy thief.

On to book 4 then.

Cover: Ok

Series: The Queen's Thief
Genre: YA / fantasy
Pages: 387
Published: 2006 by Grenwillow Books
Source: library


  1. Wait---you still don't know how old he is? I am loving reading your reviews of this series--it is like doing a follow along. They should at least tell you how old he is already *sigh*

    1. Nope, only after I googled it I came over an answer that said 16-18 in this book. But I still do not know exactly.

  2. niiiiice. "She cut of his hands..." that IS true love there.

  3. She cut of his hand and he's still in love with her? Huh. That definitely has me curious about these books!

    1. She sure did, and he is still smitten, even after he nearly died from fever since he was thrown in that dungeon..and his hand was gone

  4. You're making me want to start this series and I really don't have time right now. Lol. There's 5 books isn't there? I like the cover in this one too.

    1. So far only 4 books. I read that she is thinking that she might write more..thinking

  5. I agree with Darlene - after you review book 4 I think I will find and read book 1 . ;) Keep reading.

    1. Since it's read it will come soon enough ;)

  6. Cut off his hand? He must be a VERY forgiving guy!

    1. Oh yes, Gen Gen, I sure could never forgive that

  7. Lol glad you enjoyed it, and that you finally found out his age! But I do agree that it is an important detail in a book, especially in a romance.

    1. Only after googling it. I mean we never learn of any ages at all, for anyone

  8. She cut off his hand? And he's in love with her? What's wrong with him?!

  9. So fun review. It's strange you didn't know the age, I would have thought about it all along the book lol.

    1. I did think about
      it and still am. It just annoyed me

  10. Nope, he loves her, even after she cut off his hand..she personally did it. Oh love, crazy.

    But yes I still do not know, and we will never know

  11. Wow! That is either love or insanity... maybe both. :) I can't believe they didn't show his age clearly. I could see it annoying me.

    1. It annoys me, cos it was always done in a way that was annoying. In some books it does not matter but here it was always man or boy, manboy yada yada

  12. It is going to be rough when you finish book 4 and then don't have another one ready to keep you going!

    I also don't really understand Gen/Attolia's relationship. But you gave away a big spoiler about the hands here!

    1. I know, but I thought that if you are readingt the whole review about a book 3 in a series then you must expect some things. Since this happened in book 2 and colored that whole book. The whole marriage thing is just a big spoiler then

  13. So how did you guys finally figure out how old this guy is? The third book already and he's only 17/18?

    1. I googled it and someone had spent time counting. Something about when his cousin was little, when his cousin became queen and by that trying to figure it out. Yikes. And yes so he was a kid in the first book where he was tortured too

  14. Reading from your review, I don't think I would like this book....

  15. Yikes! Yes, that must be love if it cost a hand!

  16. You'd think by book 3 you'd have an idea how old he is. At least you liked it enough to move to book 4.



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