Tuesday 6 December 2016

Alien Nation - Gini Koch

It’s a typical day of bureaucracy and stress for President and First Lady Jeff and Kitty Katt-Martini, made more stressful when alien spacecraft are spotted making a beeline for Earth, none of them from the Alpha Centauri system. Then a cryptic request from an old adversary pulls Kitty out of the White House and into an explosion—and an even more explosive situation. Not only is the Mastermind back in the game, influencing the Club 51 True Believers to find and destroy all Centaurion bases, but he’s also found a dangerous benefactor and created some frightening new cloning abilities. 

And, just to make things a little more challenging, those alien spacecraft are coming to ask Kitty for protection, and asylum on Earth. Police stations being blown up and war helicopters in play aren’t enoughto keep Kitty down, especially when she’s got some new alien friends helping out. But what these aliens share will rock the world—the other aliens on their way to Earth are fleeing an enemy so terrifying that even a Z’porrah ship is trying to get to Earth for safety and protection. And if Earth isn’t able to stop this threat, there may not be anything left of humanity. Now Kitty and Company have to figure out where the Mastermind is and stop him, before any new aliens land. And then they have to save the world from a deadly invasion. Or, as Kitty calls it, Thursday. 

My thoughts:
So obviously this review is filled with spoilers, it is book 14 after all. That is a lot of books! Kitty is now the first lady and Martini is the president. Yup, stuff happened and that came to play. She is of course the most kick.ass first lady that there ever has been. She has lots of other alien buddies, she has her animals and she has her enemies.

Earth is, well we suck. We are pretty evil and we can fight. And now lots of aliens are coming. And not at the best of times since well duh an ALIEN is the president of the USA! Everyone is now cheering, some are pretty pissed. Humans are petty things. But hey I get it, if an alien as the president is a lot to take in. We do not even like our neighbours, how can we like people from space now too?!

But I must say, there is still a lot of talking in these books. Maybe there always was, but these days I am just, get to the action! They talk, think and talk for ages, and then finally action, and that was over pretty quickly. And then we are left with...well I can not say that, cos that was a real spoiler, all these other things I have mentioned were just a reminder to read all those 13 books before this one. Oh and the music thing, it is also getting a bit too much, I do not need to know every song she is listening too. More like the highlights.

Oh and more Martini for the people! You can never go wrong with him ;)

My thoughts:
A brave new world, with hot aliens (and some not so hot *coughs*). A kick-ass series with a smart heroine that knows how to handle things, and does not need a man to save her or the day. 

Paperback, 534 pages
Expected publication: December 6th 2016 by DAW
Katherine "Kitty" Katt #14
In exchange for a review


  1. I love the fact that the main female character doesn't need a man 😂😂

    1. She does have one ;) But she can kick ass without him

  2. I need to read more alien books!!

  3. So this is a series you have stuck with and that speaks volumes.

  4. I understand, I have that feeling with other long ones I have yet to start

  5. Sounds good, but I'd have a long way to go if I started at the beginning.

  6. We are up to 14 books in this series now? I really want to read these books, but my chances of catching up are looking more and more unlikely :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  7. Still haven't started these, but wow, an alien US Pres does amaze one. ;)

    I will get to these someday.

    1. Hehe, would so not happen, but to be fair he was VP first

  8. Oh wow. You're really far into this series!

    I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the books. :)

  9. I'm not crazy about aliens but I should try these. But there's so many books in this series...

  10. Someday... The books are getting bigger and bigger. Are they on audio? *spoiler question* Does the US know he's an alien?

    1. Felicia just say they are coming so perhaps then

      Oh they know , the whole world knows now

  11. I keep saying I am going to try this author! I needs more time :)

  12. Martini Rosso for everyone! :D 14 books - quite a series!

  13. Ugh. That many books!?! Good grief. I'll never get caught up. lol. I do want to get to the series though. :)

  14. My goodness, 14 books! That's a lot, and that's coming from someone who often reads UF series with 8 or 9 books.



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