Tuesday 2 January 2018

TMST: 2017 Goals

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

Here is this week's TMST: January 2nd Goal Check for 2017

I can not say I had a book goal other than read SO MANY BOOKS before the baby was born and then hopefully manage a few more.  That I managed, goal checked.

So instead here are some stats:

  • I read 216 books in 2017
  • 49 of those were audiobooks
  • 8 were novellas
  • Only 1 was a short story
  • Though 1 of the audiobooks was a short story 
  • 0 graphic novels
  • My biggest shelf this year was Audiobooks followed by historical romance and fantasy.
  • I gave mostly 3s, I always do
  • I only read 5 PP variations! OMG
  • 41 books was shelved under historical romance 
  • 40 under fantasy

I already did my best of list (check here) and no others have managed to get into that list. Or wait, A Corner of White was really good, special mention to that one then. My review will come in Jan, or later, will see.

And of course I also took part in the Carole Awards ;) A few best of things there too.

TV Goal
I can not say it is a goal, but yes I like to try and finish tv shows. To catch up. I binged a few, and my binge watch for December was this one. I recommend it.

I did not do Fitreaders Check-ins after May, too little time, but I continued the best I could with my walks. I do fear eating wise the year went to Hell as quick snacks were a most and sugar a need. I will try, tryyyyyy to do better in July. Exercise wise I am doing great.

Life wise
We bought land :D We just could not find a good house so eh, better just build one. But that will not happen this year, maybe next year. It's a lot of space, lot of trees and what I wanted. Farther away and more place to roam around.


  1. You had a great year in books! Congrats on the land - building a house will be exciting!

  2. Congrats on the land buy. Exciting to build your own house - whenever that happens. Have a great year!

  3. Wow what a great year for you :)

  4. After looking for a house for over a year we decided to have it built too. Best choice. Good luck with that and all your goals. You read so many books last year!

  5. You did such an awesome job but nothing tops that adorable baby :)

  6. Did I miss the post when you bought land? That is so exciting to be able to build from scratch and pick your own layout!

    My tv goal is always to watch as little as possible. And aside from book reviews on youTube, I am able to hold to that.

    Happy 2018! :)

    1. There was no post ;) We are still waiting for the final papers anyway. Bureaucracy is so sloooow

  7. You did awesome. I, on the other hand, failed miserably. I was 29 books short of my goal and I also did not blog as much. I'm hoping 2018 will be different, though.

    Happy New Year!

    1. I had my worst year since I started blogging ;) OMG I am obsessed with books, I can not stop

  8. Congrats on the land purchase. You did an awesome job with your reading.

  9. Thanks for sharing your goals with your blogger friends Blodeuedd. Happy 2018

  10. Sounds like you had a good year. I hope 2018 is a good one too. Happy New Year!

  11. Yay! Looks like you had a really great year, book wise (I know you had a great year, otherwise because of your little one). Also great to see Luci again.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. It was sure an interesting year :D

      Oh yes I needed to show some Luci too, poor guy

  12. You had a great year! I can't believe that you read over 200 books with a new baby. Go you! Congrats on buying the land.

    1. Mostly thanks to being on sickleave before the baby was born, I read like crazy then

  13. 216 -wow! And congrats on the land!!

  14. Always interesting to see how the reading trends and moods take one when stats are figured. Only five JAFF? You're slipping. LOL Just teasing.

    Yay for your land purchase and plans to build a home and for your fitness habits doing well. I'm sure it will all keep you very busy and make you even more of an audiobook listener. :)

    Happy New Year!

    1. I know! I honestly refuse to believe it, GoodReads must have messed up

  15. Wow, you had a great year! And congrats on buying the land. Happy New Year!

  16. I'm impressed! You did amazing with more than 200 books, especially with a baby. Audiobooks really are the best, aren't they! :D

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. That they are! WHat would I have done without them!?

  17. Yay for buying some land. Sometimes that's the best route to go.

  18. Dang, more than 200 books AND a baby? You're a superwoman! And congrats on buying the land -- and exciting adventure, for sure.

  19. Yay for a fantastic 2017! Happy New Year =)



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