Monday, 11 October 2010

Review: In the Arms of Mr Darcy - Sharon Lathan

Genre: Historical fiction/romance/Pride and Prejudice variation
Pages: 358
Published: October 2010 Sourcebooks Landmark

This lushly romantic and historically fascinating story is filled with lavish details of Regency customs and social events including Elizabeth's presentation to the Prince Regent, Georgiana's debut at the exclusive Almack's Assembly, and the Darcys' travels through the dramatic Peak District of Derbyshire. Romance finds nearly everyone as confirmed bachelor Richard Fitzwilliam sets his sights on the seemingly unattainable Lady Fotherby, Georgiana Darcy learns to flirt, the very serious Kitty Bennet develops her first crush, and Caroline Bingley meets her match. Through it all, Elizabeth and Darcy are kept busy helping friends and family navigate true love's inevitably rocky course.

This book is actually part of a series, and you know what, there are two books I have missed. I think I am loosing my series OCD. I have read the first one and it's easy to just jump in, but I do want to know how Mary met her man. I must go back for that book.

In this one Lizzy had given birth to a highly beloved son. It's Christmas and the whole family has come. Mary with her fiancé (how did that happen?), and all the rest. Colonel Fitzwilliam is aching for someone he always has cared for, Georgiana is introduced into society, Kitty falls in love and Caroline Bingley feels passion. Among a lot of other little things happening at Pemberley.

Even Anne de Burgh has found someone so yes, need those two previous books to see how this happened. Lathan slowly makes people fall in love, get married, and live their lives. And I meet all my beloved PP characters again.

Lizzy and Darcy are at it like rabbits, they are first passionate, and really loving and cute. Darcy is wonderful in this book, he adores his wife and the way he is with the baby makes my heart melt. The passion between them just makes it more loving.

Still a lot of things to come, not all people meet happy endings here so more to come, and I do want to know. Lathan has found her own way and introduces new characters that feels true to the Austen world.

This book also shows that a PP series is possible, there are always things that might happen, but what is constant is the love Darcy and Lizzy feels for each other, it is heartwarming.

Blodeuedd's Cover Corner. Kind of wished he was more handsome, oh I am wicked
Reason for reading: From Sourcebooks
Final thoughts: It will be interesting to see what happens next.


  1. Darcy is sounding so much more attractive in this book!

  2. Great review! When I read the title of the book, my first thought was: "Where do I sign up for some Mr Darcy cuddling?" :)

  3. Couldn't get into this series (never finished the first book) as it was like she never read P&P and just went by that stupid Kiera Knightly movie. I made the mistake of saying that on Amazon and got blasted for it. LOL!

  4. I bet my mom would love this book!

  5. Oh there is a whole series out there I didn't know about? I need to get on this!

  6. Uh Oh, I may have to read them as well. I have not read past the first book.

  7. A whole series? Dear me, somebody loves Austenworld a bit too much I guess...but your review was interesting, thanks. Lynette don't worry what people say; if you feel like watching a movie than reading a book it shouldn't be anybody's problem ;).

  8. Sorry, @anachronist I wasn't clear earlier.

    I felt with the first book of the series (which by the was is a free Kindle download now) that the author based the book on the movie starring Keira Knightly instead of Pride and Predjudice by Jane Austeen.

    I'm not a Keira Knightly fan and didn't like that movie much and it kinda annoyed me that the book was OBVIOUSLY based upon the movie instead of Jane Austen's book. I wish that it was stated in the book before I wasted my time reading it.

    While I love Pride and Prejudice adaptations, that story drove me a little batty personally. I felt that you should at least read the book you were basing the story on instead of just watching a movie.

    But that's just my .02.

    And since I went on that long soap box. LOL! I am planning to read it again now that it's a free download on Kindle. I'm hoping that I can handle it better now that I know it's not going to have anything to do with the book just a continuation of the 1996 movie.

  9. Vivienne
    He is really, everything a man should be ;)

    Lol, oh he likes to cuddle *giggles*

    I am sure she would if she is a Darcy fan

    4 books so far...must go and check lathans site if it says how many more she will write

  10. Lynette
    I can't be sure, but I think I read somewhere that she hadn't read the book before writing. That explains it. But to get blasted for that, tsk, silly people, you're just stating the obvious. Any Austen lover would know that.

    And you know, I had totally forgotten all about it! Instead I keep picturing my two favs, Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle

  11. Nise
    There seems to have been a lot going on, still very curious about that

    ...guilty as charged, I love it, the author love it

  12. I laughed out loud with the rabbit comment!!! I must get my hands on a copy of this one!!!! I love Mr. Darcy and enjoy reading how devoted he is to his wife. Where can I get a husband like that?

  13. I was just talking about all of the new Austen based books the other evening. Of course I was talking to a bunch of men who probably haven't read Austen in the first place.

  14. LOL about losing your series OCD! How could that happen?
    Great review, B. :)

  15. I really enjoyed this book as well. I too, love the passionate relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth.

  16. Excellent review, Blodeuedd. I have this one sitting in my TBR pile next to my bed and am anxious to pick it up after your observations and thoughts.

    Happy Monday!

  17. Thanks for the great review B! LOL about the OCD and the Lizzy and Darcy are like rabbits! You are too funny. ;)

  18. I'm going to really have to get more into these books. Seriously, I wouldn't have thought that a P&P series would work. I'll have to give it a go!

  19. I seriously love ALL of the Darcy Saga books...This one is especially amazing! Great job Sharon for creating a series that keeps me away from the TV and using my imagination. These books are so wonderful!

  20. I heard this series is good. I was burned on a couple of Austen pastiches and was afraid to try another one. I'll give this a shot. I'll start with the first one.

  21. Maybe it'd be easier to keep track of the books that aren't about Mr Darcy...

  22. Staci
    Lol, well they are really at it like that. can't keep their hands of each other. In the first book I was a bit...but then it was just like a loving relationship should be.

    Maybe not the best audience for that, no. But they should learn too

    I have no idea, it's freaking me out! But I do think when it comes to UF books, and fantasy, there it will still be strong.

  23. Alaine
    It's truly lovely to watch, and it feels so real, they are so loving, and not just loving cos the sake of doing just that

    I hope you like it. Have you read the others?

    Hihi, I aim to please :) I am glad you liked it

    Who could have guessed? But then there are still a lot of conflicts and things that could happen, so it worked

  24. Sheena
    She has sure done a great job with that, and I love my shows ;). I hope she will write many more.

    Oh no, burned out! I hope that never happens to me. You know, you should try Emma and the Vamps, cos that one was just so witty

    ;) Perhaps, but where would the fun be in that.

    :D It was

  25. *perks* they are at it like rabbits?? ooooh...I like ;)

  26. Lovely review. Sharon's series is for those of us who love romance and really want to see Darcy & Lizzy spend a blissful life together.
    With each novel the story just gets better and better. I have loved JA's P&P for 30 years and Sharon's positively passionate and uplifting series in my fav.
    The story gives us loads of romance, history, drama and humour throughout.
    TSBO devotee

  27. oooh sounds like a great austen spin off!! i'm not a stickler for reading entire series or for reading them in order, lol.

  28. Mandi
    Lol, I am sure that could make people rush to read them and yes, they sure like that aspect of marriage ;)

    So true. It is lovely to see them happy and loving together. They have the marriage people should have, sure the fight, but all do. So fun to read this one

    I am sure you could :)

    And I didn't feel one had to with these :) Still would like to know some things, lol

  29. Another one? *sigh* a PP lover can never get enough of Lizzy and Darcy, I understand :)

  30. Jen
    So true, I am hopelessly addicted

  31. Ahah, and that my friend, is a great addiction!:D

  32. Great review. I just got the first one in the series although haven't read it yet. I'm glad to hear it's good.

  33. Blodeuedd, Thank you for taking the time to read my novel and write a review. I do appreciate it.

    I hope I do not offend or get in trouble, but I would like to point out that I have said numerous times that although I fell in love with Pride and Prejudice as a result of the 2005 movie, I am now a rabid fan of everything Austen as a result. I love the movie and am crystal clear that I am largely inspired by it on numerous levels as I write. I honestly stated so in the forward of Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy so there would be no confusion. However, I have read the original novel MANY times (and did so before I ever wrote a word of my sequel) and performed extensive research into the Regency world. I still do!

    If it is being said in various places that this is not the case then it is misinformation and NOT what I have ever said. Please forgive any testiness, and Blodeuedd I do sincerely apologize for stirring up trouble and you can delete this if you want, but it is painful to see this sort of misquoting still happening after all this time!

    Most humbly, Sharon Lathan

  34. Jen
    It sure is :)

    Would love to spend some time there, awww

    I hope you enjoy it if you start on it :)

  35. Sharon
    No worries, you are not stirring up anything, I am glad you set the record straight. I do not know why I remembered that you had seen the movie and then fallen in love with anything Austen. Must have read it somewhere, and I thought it was cool to base it more on things happening there. Books gets changed all the time.

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  36. I'm glad you're enjoying the series. Is this the same baby Elizabeth was pregnant with at the end of the first book? If so, it seems a bit drawn out for my taste.

  37. Anna
    Same baby, she must have gotten it in the end of book 3


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