Friday, 1 October 2010

Review: Trade Winds - Christina Courtenay

Genre: Historical romance Fiction
Pages: 384
Published: September 30th 2010 Choc Lit

Marriage of convenience or a love for life? It's 1732 in Gothenburg, Sweden, and strong-willed Jess van Sandt knows only too well that it s a man's world. She believes she's being swindled out of her inheritance by her stepfather and she's determined to stop it. When help appears in the unlikely form of handsome Scotsman Killian Kinross, himself disinherited by his grandfather, Jess finds herself both intrigued and infuriated by him. In an attempt to recover her fortune, she proposes a marriage of convenience. Then Killian is offered the chance of a lifetime with the Swedish East India Company's Expedition and he's determined that nothing will stand in his way, not even his new bride. He sets sail on a daring voyage to the Far East, believing he's put his feelings and past behind him. But the journey doesn't quite work out as he expects...

I got interested in this one cos it was set on Sweden, and I thought, a book in English, set in Swedish. I wonder if she knows her stuff ;) Which Courtenay does being half Swedish. It was fun seeing Swedish words used and knowing what they mean for once. Cos when that happens with other languages, it's trickier.

Jess is of Dutch origin and her father started this trading company. Now she lives with her stepdad, whom she hates, and her mum. But she is pretty sure he is scaring away suitors so he does not have to pay her dowry. Among other things. Then there is Killian who is gambling away in Scotland, his grandfather doesn't want him as the next laird and his cousin hates him. So he goes to Gothenburg, where he meets Jess. Together they will figure things out.

Jess was a strong woman, she refused to back down to her stepfather, because she knew he was bad business. She was also stubborn and wanted things done on her terms. While Killian is her opposite, impulsive, a bit of a rogue, but what they have in common is that they both are smart and willing to go that extra mile. A perfect fit, if both just could see it, and be happy.

The story takes places in different places. Sweden of course, fun for me, Scotland (gotta love that), on a ship, and in China. I could sure not have made that journey to China, the time away, so freaking long.

These two doesn't fall at once for each other, now they fight, resist, and make arrangements. You have to love slow real love. There is not only romance, no some kind of action too, as someone hunts Killian. Drama, and adventure, what else to expect from a journey like that.

One thing though, they got really cold when they were in Småland, and, that being much southern than here, well I wish it was that warm. But then we do have more clothes on these days. Other than that, a good, accurate book. Overall a good book.

Blodeuedd's Cover Corner. The swirly things are really pretty
Reason for reading: For review
Final thoughts: A nice era to write about, the 18th century, exploring, new places to trade, and all that.

Btw, the link has the wrong first name, my bad


  1. Great review! The book sounds very interesting :)

  2. Great review! I feel relief that you think it's good because I have it on my wishlist and this is the first review of it that I've read. Very cool!

  3. ooh, love the cover. i love books that take place on a ship, it's so pirate-y good!

  4. It's neat that she is Swedish and can lay it out in a story. Great review

  5. This sounds good! And since it's in Sweden makes it even more interesting. Makes me curious if I'd understand the swedish words...

  6. Thanks for your review, the book sounds interesting indeed!

  7. Isn't it great when those non-english words are recognizable! Glad you enjoyed the book :)

  8. Wonderful review, B! Now I want to read this one. Great fun with a novel written in English set part in Sweden. And with a Scottish guy in it? Sounds great to me :D Also Swedish words shouldn't cause any problems for me either and it would be nice to check out how that works out for the novel.

  9. This book sounds wonderful and I do love historical fiction and, wow, I love that cover!

  10. Host
    It was fun to read a book about my part of the world. Sort of

    I like it, it was kind of pleasant you know.

    Lol, yes pirat-y ;) No real ones though, just some Dutch merchants that were a bit, well you would see

  11. Inked
    Before I read something about the author I did wonder, but then who would set a story there if not ;)

    Thanks Chris :)

    I am sure you would, it was only easy ones like Good Morning, and things like that

    Thanks Ana!

  12. Svea
    It's so fun! Usually there are these Italian or French words that just confuses me, but not this time

    They would be so easy for you, the only ones used were the one that are mostly the same in Norwegian :)
    And really cool to read a story set there.

    You should see it with those beautiful borders

  13. I totally love the cover and just to get to know a bit more about Sweden would be very interesting!

  14. Staci
    Not that much info, but still something is so nice :) Hopefully someone will write about Finland too ;)

  15. This one sounds good. Nice that it takes place in all those different places. Scotland settings are my favorite.

  16. Naida
    Who can say no to Scotland, that places is just pure romance for me, must be the kilts

  17. Nice review as always B!

    I enjoy novels about distant places I haven't visited especially when they are well researched.

    The cover art sure is pretty!

    I'll be in touch with you by e-mail soon. ;)


  18. Lea
    Oooo, can't wait :)
    Not so exotic for me, but China sure was cos it was so very different then, and well still is for me

  19. Your review made this book sound intriguing even to non-historical reader like me :)

  20. Cherry
    Oooo really :D Nice work on my side then, yay, oh and historicals rock ;)

  21. I love that there is something else besides the action. Sounds like a good one to pick up.

  22. Melissa
    Not that much action really, so a nice mix

  23. Love the cover and this sounds like one I'd enjoy. Thanks for the great review B :)

  24. Teddy
    Thanks :D
    Oh the cover is so pretty

  25. Sounds like a nice read and OMG I like that cover. The swirly thingies are great.

  26. Susi
    Lol, I know they are so pretty

  27. Never read a book with a Swedish background. Thanks for the recommendation Linda! sounds fabulous :)


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