Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Review: Magic Bites - Ilona Andrews

 Kate Daniels, book 1

Genre: Urban Fantasy
Pages: 260
UK publication: September 2010 Gollanz

Quote:  "What kind of a woman greets the Beast Lord with "here, kitty, kitty"?"

When the magic is up, rogue mages cast their spells and monsters appear, while guns refuse to fire and cars fail to start. But then technology returns, and the magic recedes as unpredictably as it arose, leaving all kinds of paranormal problems in its wake.

Kate Daniels is a down-on-her-luck mercenary who makes her living cleaning up these magical problems. But when Kate's guardian is murdered, her quest for justice draws her into a power struggle between two strong factions within Atlanta's magic circles.

The Masters of the Dead, necromancers who can control vampires, and the Pack, a paramilitary clan of shapechangers, blame each other for a series of bizarre killings—and the death of Kate's guardian may be part of the same mystery. Pressured by both sides to find the killer, Kate realizes she's way out of her league—but she wouldn't have it any other way…

I finally got to meet Curran, it seems that everywhere I look there is always talk about Curran, and what a man he is. And he wasn't that shabby.

For a quick summary. Kate Daniels hunts down out of control magical beasts and so on. She can kick some serious ass, and she has magic. But then her guardian is killed and she heads to Atlanta to find the murderer. Here she meets Curran and his shifters, yay, and the vampires.

I must say that I would have liked some more info about how things came to pass. It seems that magic came back to the world with a bang, and that meant shifters and vampires too. Magic prevents cars from running when there is a big flow coming through the city, electricity is not what is used to be. Now one has to rely on magic, until the day is goes away again. So a story set in a near future, but a future that is totally different. I liked this even if I wanted more. She explained at one time why phones works sometimes and that is because people can't understand how they work, it's just like magic, so they work when magic prevents other things from working. That gave me a pretty good idea about the world. And what a world, riding a horse through a crumbling city, people trying to work magic, and evil things coming through the cracks.

The romance is there but not that much, there is this other guy first. And then there is Curran, those two sure has a lot of chemistry, or they really dislike each other. The bantering is hilarious and she is punching some great lines there.

Magic is everywhere, society is really different, and that means that this is a book has created something really interesting in concern to what if worlds. Because what if magic came back after being gone for millennia? 

The heroine is kickass, the action is good, and soon there is a mystery with her origin that I am dying to find out more about. Still not the best first book, but I have been told the rest are so much better. For that they are worth it.

Blodeuedd's Cover Corner: She looks a bit young
Reason for reading: From the publisher
Final thoughts: Not in love with Curran, sorry all, I am more in love with the fascinating world.



  1. Oh I didn't like Curran much in the 1st book. I think I pretty much disliked him. lol But he grew on me (like fungus!)
    I was also frustrated that we do not have all the info we need in the first book but we learn more with the following books. It's one of my favorite series. it's kick-ass and funny.
    I hope you'll enjoy the following books as much as I did *g*

  2. Oh oh - I'm going to be the last person left who hasn't read these!

  3. I felt the same way after reading book 1, but hang in there. The books get super good, and everything is explained much better in the coming books.

  4. Curran gets better and you won't be able to resist him. Just keep going hon.

    And I love Kate- she'S just hilarious. Exactly my kind of gal.

  5. Hmmmm based on the cover alone, I wouldn't have read this, but it certainly sounds like something I would enjoy. Great review! :)

  6. Great review B!

    I read this one - but it didn't grab me - so I haven't read anymore in this series.

    I am currently reading the second book in Ms. Andrews 'Edge' series and like it a lot more.

    The UK cover for magic Bites does have a younger looking lady on it than the US cover.


  7. Not in love with Curran... That can't be right ;) Read more and please remember to read the short Curran POVs after each book. You'll learn to love him... and maybe you'll even join some Curran fanclub ;D

  8. I'm not a huge fan of this cover, either. I've seen another cover I like better. This looks so good!

  9. Patte
    Like fungus, lol, so that is a good thing, icky fungus ;) But good to know, I'd like that.
    And yay for learning more things in the next books, I really need that.

    *nods* I do fear you will

  10. Buckeye
    Super good sounds nice :) And I am so curious about this world. So it seems worth hanging in for

    Not resist him, oh I am pretty good at resisting ;)
    Kate is a hoot, I love her comments

  11. Melissa
    Covers can be misleading, but it's worth it, the world, the kickassness ;)

    I did feel that something was missing, but then the reports came in about how teh next ones are so much better and that even Ilona said so. So going for it.
    But yes Loved her other series so much more, even if I have only read book 1

  12. Maija
    Lol, I promise to read the Curran POVS and one day perhaps I will join that fanclub :)

    They are great, and I especially love if they also are witty, sarcastic or anything like that

  13. Oh yes they get better..great sexual tension in these :)

  14. If you read ebooks, I did find a free one about Curan http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/18799 I haven't read the series, but I do have that one on my tbr ready to go when I DO get into it. :) Maybe that will change your mind about him? Would like to know since I haven't read the book.

    Btw, entered you in my giveaway. I'll get you #2 if you win. :)

  15. By all means, keep reading. They get better as they go and Curran is worth the wait.


  16. That cover is different from the one I have and I'm not a fan. And you're the first reviewer I've come across that didn't like Curran. I can't say either way whether or not I like Curran since I still haven't read the books but I'm still very much interested in the world.

  17. Oh, yes, keep reading - you'll get much more involved. The more you get to know Kate and, yes, even Curran, the more you'll want to read :)

  18. I really like this series. Your cover does have a younger looking Kate than the one I read did.

  19. Carrie
    I can't say I like that other cover either. Guess none work for me

    ooo that sounds really promising

    Aww thanks Melissa :) *keeping fingers crossed*
    I heard about it just a couple of days ago. Downloaded just this minute and took a look. Aha, I can read his POV after each book, ok that works, they are not that long

  20. CJ
    I must say, after reading from Curran's POV, well I did melt a bit

    He just didn't do it for me, but then I am a hard girl to please. I am sure he will grow on me, just as Kate will start to like him too :)

  21. Patti
    Everyone sure is obsessed with Curran ;) I do see the temptation. Will read more and fall in love

    Good to hear, yay.
    And yes I know she is young, but she looks a but too young here

  22. Curran sounds like an interesting character! I keep hearing about Ilona Andrews. I will have to check a book of hers out soon.

  23. Never heard of it before but sounds good. I'll check it out.

  24. I dont know if I'd keep reading the rest in the series if I didn't love the first. But this does sound promising.

  25. I love these kind of heroines - sounds like an action packed magical adventure!

  26. The first book is not my favouritest in the series but this series is one of my favouritest ever!! My major, major complaint about this series is that I have to wait for soooooo long before I can get my hands on the next book!!

    Oh, Blodeuedd, you have a very nice reading pleaure ahead of you with this books!! :)

  27. Vivienne
    Do :) I fell in love when I read On the Edge.

    I am sure you would like it, action, a little love, great UF

    Many good ones have ok starts so I have hope :)

  28. Alyssa
    I do love a kickass heroine that can hold her own :)

    Ohhhh, sounds good to me. I love finding new great series to read, and the world in this one is just so cool

  29. I rather enjoyed this book. I particularly appreciated the fact that the romance doesn't take over the story line, as with so many urban fantasies.

  30. Simcha
    I liked that too, I think that is why I like UF more than PNR cos the romance doesn't take over

  31. I've got to get my butt back into reading this genre!

  32. Staci
    Yes you are missing out on one awesome genre


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