Saturday, 5 May 2012

Flash Fiction Friday again on Saturday

Every Monday Dottie over at Tink's Place posts a picture and then on Friday (Flash Fiction Friday) we post a story to go along with the picture. The story has to be about 350 words, give or take. 

(pic has been removed: throne, woman and ravens)
Daughter of Shadows
by Blodeuedd

Where you doomed from birth? Did you carry the sins of your parents? Did their actions shape you? Did they make you cruel and evil? If you were born of Darkness, did you become darkness?

As the beloved daughter of Pestilence and the Dark God of Shadows (ok beloved was a bit too much, they were there, she was there, that was it), but as this Azariela had pondered over this several times in her life. Was the evil? Her father was the God everyone feared, the God other Gods fought, the God who young heroes tried to take down. He was Darkness itself, he was cruel and unforgiving. Her mother was not evil, she was more a tool of her father’s, but she could still be held in line by others and by prayers. Azariela had no title, she was young and she was her father’s only child. It was not like prophets screamed out in the streets, the Heir of Shadows has been born, but she knew they knew about her. She knew other Gods plotted her demise. But did that make her evil? She had her moments, but she had never killed anyone, maimed anyone or even truly hurt someone. But still she was feared by her father’s lackeys, still she wore black and raven’s flocked to her. Maybe she was evil after all.

She did not really spend a lot of time looking at the outside world. Her mother fled back to her fellow Godlings and was taken in. Pestilence was the subject of the God of Death after all. And Azariela did not see how her father grew more and angrier, how the Demons and monsters prepared for war. How the prophets heralded a new era. How a farmer with a heart of gold would take down Evil and purge the earth. Now she mostly sat in her chambers reading about the world, and trying to decide what to be Goddess of.

But as it always happen the young farmer did kill the God of Shadows and the Gods and humankind rejoiced. And Azariela was brought out in the Big Hall by her father’s lackeys. They placed her on his dark throne and swore allegiance to her. So she sighed and said Let it Be. Her first order was for the farmer to be killed and all his kin slaughtered. 


I seems to have been a bit philosophical today with my flash. Not much happened really.


  1. I loved it, especially the ending. Slay the murderer of your daddy, no matter what, you might repent later. ;) It seem these darker pics are good not only for my imagination!

    1. I am so happy you joined in :D And as soon I making to my backlog of blogs I am coming to you. let's hope you show up soon on my dashboard.

  2. Blodeuedd, you are back to your dark self :)

  3. Great piece- I liked it! That's a cool picture as well.

  4. Feels like forever since I've read one of your FF! I missed them. Love the darkness of this one. Thanks, B!

    1. I am glad that you enjoyed it :)
      And yes a bit of darkness is always good

  5. You can really expand this flash into a full-length novel. It has so much potential.

    1. Aww thanks :D I am glad that you think so

  6. trying to decide what she should be goddess of, LOL!! :)

  7. I think she's a crow shifter. Possible the Queen of the crow shifters.

  8. I really, really like it. It fits the picture very well. :) It does have a nice philosophical meaning in between the lines.

    1. Thanks :D SOmetimes I just write different stories, so fun

  9. I liked it and so dark too.

  10. I really liked this one. Not much action, but still a lot going on.

    I just couldn't come up with anything for the picture.

    1. Sometimes it just does not work for you. Been there too

  11. This is such a good start for a character lead book. I like the darkness even though it has no HEA. ;D

    *puts away whip*

    *Congratulates Blodeuedd*

    1. Thanks Melissa :D
      Aww so sweet, I wonder what the book would be about, hey maybe she would even fall in love with farmboy one day

  12. Ok, see, you did amazing with this one! I was so lost, and didn't know what to do. I think I'm losing the touch these last few weeks. I need to get back in grip of myself here. WONDERFUL!

    1. Yes please do get back to us!
      Thanks :D it was fun, as always, even if I am always a day late


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