Monday, 14 May 2012

Review: Mr. Darcy's Proposal - Susan Mason-Milks

A Pride and Prejudice "What If?" Story... This retelling of Pride and Prejudice asks “what if” events prevented Fitzwilliam Darcy from proposing to Elizabeth Bennet that day at Hunsford parsonage? Darcy arrives with marriage on his mind, only to find Elizabeth has just received news her father is critically ill and not expected to live. In the process of offering his help to her in traveling home, Darcy discovers what she really thinks of him—and it’s not good. Should Darcy deliver Elizabeth home to be with her family and then disappear from her life, or should he propose another kind of help? Will Elizabeth be willing to sacrifice her future happiness to save her family from financial ruin? Or, do she and Darcy, two very stubborn people, have a chance of finding happiness together?

Pages: 408, Genre: Pride and prejudice variation, Published: 2011, Source. My own

My thoughts:
I got a JA addiction and I like it ;)

This was quite the different what if. Since it all happens pretty quickly it's not like I spoil things. Lizzy's dad has a heart attack and Darcy offers to take her back home as she is visiting Charlotte. Here is where the story differs as he also waits with his proposal and asks her when she is back home. When she knows her dad will not get better. When the whole family's future is at stake. And she says yes. This is a story of how he loves her and she is pretty indifferent. She sees that he has hidden depths but she does not love him. 

The story worked so well. I loved seeing him trying. Her not knowing how to act, trying to be a nice little wife. It was all so wrong, but at the same time so good. Because they had to find their way together another way. They had to take their time to fall in love, well Lizzy had to. It was quite heartbreaking at times too.

There are many what if stories out there, and they all manages to bring something new. And this was new and fun (and sad) to read.

I will end this with a I do like reading JA variations :)

Cover Corner:


  1. I love Darcy/Lizzy what if stories--they are always wonderful to read :) :)

    1. I know :D What if's are the best. It's so fun to think about how things could have gone

  2. I don't think I have ever read a Darcy & Lizzy what if. Most of my treasured JA books continue after the original P&P. I'm not sure if this is the one to try a what if story with...

    1. I love the what if's :) Sure the sequels are fun too but the what if's are just so, well different.

  3. I am unsurprised to discover that you like JA variations! ;p

    1. Lol, yes I did not think anyone would be shocked ;)

  4. I know a lot of people who would enjoy this one!

  5. "There are many what if stories out there, and they all manages to bring something new."

    So true! I love all the different variations out there, it's fun to see where the author's imaginations will take us:)

    1. And here it took us to a sadder beginning. Lizzy not in love, shocking and so fun to read about

  6. This sounds really good. Another book to add to my wishlist.

  7. Not a bad's not like you're a Twilight addict. haha. *ducks behind rock and avoids the onslaught of Twilight addicts*

    1. LOL!!
      *goes to hide behind a rock too when the stones keep on flying*

  8. I love your JA addiction too! It keeps me in the loop. :)

  9. You do indeed like your JA - perhaps it's time to host a challenge on them...? :-)

    1. Hm, well I am kind of taking part in one. That is I signed up and then forgot all about it

  10. This sounds like a really fun variation!

  11. Oh another variation I have to read. Although... sad? Don't say it! It has my HEA, right? RIGHT? ;)

    1. Sad..ish. In a good way. I mean it's sad that she does not love him when they marry and it takes a while for her

  12. I'm not a fan of the cover but I love to see Elizabeth gradually fall in love with Darcy.

    1. That I sure liked and as for the cover, I like it when it's more from that time

  13. Nice one Blodeuedd, I like the story behind this. A marriage of convenience, and falling in love after, is one of my favourites.

    1. I do like those too and Darcy is the perfect gentleman and that just makes me love him more

  14. Another one to read..loves your review!

    1. Thanks :D I want more now too! They library has actually bought in a variation and I was all YAY

  15. I haven't seen this one before, but it's added to my to read list. Glad you enjoyed it!

  16. This sounds good, and I do love Darcy.

  17. Replies
    1. They are the best :D I know some do not approve but I love them

  18. so wrong but so good LOL I like the sound of that!


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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