Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Review: Nadia Knows Best - Jill Mansell

When Nadia Kinsella meets Jay Tiernan, she's tempted. Of course she is. Stranded together in a remote Cotswold pub, with a snowstorm raging outside—let’s face it, who would ever know? But Nadia’s already met The One. She and Laurie have been together for years—they’re practically childhood sweethearts, and she still gets goosebumps at the sight of him. Okay, maybe she doesn’t see that much of him these days, but that’s not Laurie’s fault. She can’t betray him. Besides, when you belong to a family like the Kinsellas—bewitchingly glamorous grandmother Miriam, feckless mother Leonie, stop-at-nothing sister Clare—well, someone has to exercise a bit of self-control, don’t they? I mean, you wouldn’t want to do something that you might later regret.

Genre: Contemporary romance / Brit Lit, Pages: 480, Published: May 1st 2012 (2002) by Sourcebooks Landmark, Source: for review

My thoughts:
First of all, the blurb is very hinting that she is tempted and all that. But she is only looking and who would not. So no funny business, this is not a book about how the grass is greener in the other side.

As with other Mansell books this one is not only about Nadia. We have her sister Clare who is an artist and who dates this posh idiot and they are having issues. Then there is the father who has never really dated since their mum left them ages ago, and perhaps he should find love too. The grandmother Miriam is keeping secrets while the neighbor tries to make her fall for him. Clare was a bit of a bitch sometimes, Miriam was a very cool granny and their dad was sweet. It was nice reading about them all.

As for Nadia, honestly it feels I spoil things if I say what this book really is about. But I can talk about other thing, how she wants to do more than work at the boring place she works at. How Laurie is drop dead gorgeous, but that's it, he is a model and he is never home. And how things are not always what they seem to be. Nadia will have her own relationship troubles but as with all books like this she founds her way, and it's the right way for her. I liked her and how she helped take care of her family. They may not always be the best of friends but they all still love each other.

Mansell's books are like scones and tea (yes I had to go very British). The book is a nice mix of romance, family drama and real life troubles. Nothing is glossy and perfect, they all got issues of their own. And I enjoyed it for just that reason.

It was just like how I like my Mansell books. Fun and it kept me guessing about what would happen to them all.



  1. I enjoyed this one and am glad I listened to blogger's recommendations of Jill's books.

    1. I am glad you did too :) I do like her style

  2. I really want to read this one. I'm hoping to get to it soon.

  3. Sounds like a pretty nice book. I love when books have that realism about's easier to relate to

    1. It does feel really real. People do dumb mistakes, people are well just real. Not over the top perfect or pretty..except for Laurie then, but he is just pretty

  4. I love Mansell, so I can't wait to read this one! I especially enjoy how she puts the secondary characters on center stage for a bit.

    1. She is great and yes I do like how the secondary characters have their spotlight too.

  5. I have read two books of Jill Mansell, i just love her books and I`m looking forward to read this one as wwell:-)

    1. I hope you will enjoy it :)
      I have read..well a few, I can't remember how many at the moment and there are so many more out there

  6. When I saw the cover art I thought "not for me". When I read this part of your review:

    Mansell's books are like scones and tea (yes I had to go very British). The book is a nice mix of romance, family drama and real life troubles. Nothing is glossy and perfect, they all got issues of their own. And I enjoyed it for just that reason.

    I thought "maybe".

    1. Lol. Well the cover I fear is just very very meh. it does not do anything for me really

  7. I like Mansell's books - I haven't read any for a long time, but I do like them as they feel very british to me as well! ;-)

    1. And you should know ;)
      Lol, but I really like the British feel as it is very different from American books

  8. I like it when you go all Brit on me. :)

    This one sounds like a good summer read. I might have to pick it up!

    1. Well thank you my lady. I do like to go all British, it's so very..British ;)

  9. LOL! Scones and Tea! Yummy. You are a very good pseudo-Brit.

    1. Lol, I try my best, oh and it's raining here too. So British

  10. I have a few Mansell books on my Nook, but I haven't read any yet. I know I would love her writing.

    1. I am sure you would love it if you tried one :)

  11. i haven't read anything by her, but maybe i will the next time i'm in the mood for something like this.

    1. It's light, and yet not that light. It's the drama in it that makes it not fluffy

  12. That's exactly what I thought of this cover! :D

  13. Those who follow the series, might figure out what the books about with what you didn't say. ;D Thanks for sharing!! :D

    1. There is no series and as for figuring out..nah to tricky ;)

  14. You read the most interesting books. This looks like another good one.

  15. You captured the reasons I love her books!

    1. And you and should go to England and eat scones :)

  16. "Tea and scones" very well out. This wasn't my favorite Mansell book, but I adored Nadia, and Miriam.

    1. I think another one is my fav too, but still quirky and fun :D

  17. Mansell books are always great fun. Her characters are fantastic!

    1. She sure knows how to create great diverse characters. The ones you root for, the ones you do not like..but still know they are good and so forth

  18. I've read one book by this author and really enjoyed it. Unfortunately I never went back and read more by her. I really should as it seems that everyone enjoys her :)

    1. She has written quite a few so you will have a lot to choose from :D Which is a good thing, oh and hard since well you have to choose

  19. Thank you so much for your lovely comments! Thrilled and delighted you enjoyed Nadia and her mad family!
    Jill Mansell xxx

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jill :) And for writing such lovely and fun books

  20. Mansell's book are loads of fun, looking forward to reading this one. Love the scones and tea reference :)

    1. I am glad you liked the reference ;)
      And I am sure you will like the book too

  21. I already have this one! YEAH!

    I love fun books and haven't read her before. I picked it up because it looked very cute and fun :)

    1. It is cute and fun, and dramafilled too. just normal, in a good way

  22. Sounds like a solid read! I like that it has a nice combination of elements to keep things interesting:)

    1. That it had, and I was so curious about the grandmother's big secret

  23. Lovely, I used to read her books in Dutch when I still read books in Dutch at all. My sister collects them.

    1. Oh yes the olden days, the days when I still read in Swedish :)

  24. I can't wait to read this. I'll be reviewing it next week. I'm glad to see you liked it. I just love her books!

    1. I do hope you will like it then too, and i will look forward to your review

  25. like "like scones and tea "...this sounds so cute. I cant wait to read it myself.

    1. Enjoy ;)
      I am scones and tea obsessed, lol

  26. I am so glad you said that the synopsis was only curiosity as it turned me off immediately and i dismissed it..I might pick this up now.

    1. I know, when I read it I was a bit..ok, hm, but then I read the first 5 pages and that was the blurb. AND then the book started. The blurb is very misleading and not in a good way since it will make peeps think she cheated

  27. I haven't read this one of Mansell's yet and it sounds great!

  28. Do you think the father would ever get his book and his own HEA?

    1. Oh don't worry about that, they all get heas one way or another in this book

    2. I just could not say all but yes Mansell is good that way cos more than one person get a HEA

  29. I have three books of Jill Mansell and still haven't read any. I know I have to, someday, soon... I hope.

    1. Oh that someday thing, there are many somedays for me too ;)

  30. Hi again, everyone in my books who deserves a happy ending is highly likely to get one! And those who don't, won't! xxx

  31. I've only read Jill Mansell once and I'm starting to realized that her book focuses on multiple romances. I'm still not sure if this one excites me but it sounds like it would be a cool read.


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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