Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Review: Shadow Blizzard - Alexey Pehov

Shadow Harold, Siala's master thief, is on a quest for the Rainbow Horn that will restore peace to his world. After the loss of friends and comrades, after betrayal and battle, Harold finally reaches the dreaded Hrad Spein. But before he can complete his quest by stealing the magic Horn, he will have to brave the most fearsome obstacles yet--obstacles that have destroyed everyone before him...and Harold must do so alone.

My thoughts:
Where to begin? The journey started in previous books has come to an end, well ok not really. It's just getting started if you think about it.

Harold (I do love thieves) and his gang are approaching Hrad Spein. Kli-Kli, it's always good with a comic relief, the dark elves, and human warriors are with him. And they have lost a lot of friends already. Pehov does have a way of killing off people. But then not all should make it, people must fall during the way cos it's a dangerous road so I liked that he is not afraid to do just that.

Much of the book takes places in the darkness that is Hrad Spein. Fights, horrors, revelations, all to save a kingdom and the world. So much more than others think are actually going on. The Dancers, the creators of world, the Houses, and the person that created Siala. Not to mention that Harold is supposed to be a dancer too, which means that he could create a world. He is such an unlikely hero and that makes him better.

The second part took place outside of Hrad. The quest is not yet done and more battles are to come. It's fighting and quest fantasy. 

I did feel that there is so many more stories still to tell and I would like to stay in this world, but sadly this was the end of this trilogy. But Pehov has created a very interesting world, and a world I would he happy to visit again. And it feels like home too, it's a world I know, yet it's so very new.

Some of the fight scenes at the end did feel a bit jumpy, but eh, that's life and war. And something did happen that made me sad, but again that's life and sadness is needed in books too.

I do think there needs to be another Harold trilogy ;)

Series: Chronicles of Siala #3
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 464
Published: April 2012 by Simon and Schuster UK


  1. I think I have a book by this author that I won in a giveaway on your blog a long time ago! But I haven't read it yet :-)

  2. Sounds nice, all this sadness and fights till death...

  3. I'm so jealous that you've read Shadow Blizzard! I really need to buy book 3... :)

    1. Yes I did :D Sometimes I am quick..sometimes not so

  4. I'm so sad these books ends here! I loved these books so much. Have to pick this one up soon :)

    1. I hope you will enjoy it too :D *lips sealed*

  5. Sounds like this trilogy is worth trying out....

    1. It was fun..but then I love thieves, lol

    2. The only thief book that I could remember off the top of my head is Althalus, but this trilogy sounds even more awesome than Althalus :)

  6. I'm so so glad you've liked this trilogy, Blodeuedd! I've read all Pehov's books in Russian starting from these three, and there are still four more of the latest ones on my shelf waiting to be read. :) Him and his wife are phenomenal writers, no matter what they write about - thieves, vampires or magicians. As far as I know, there is one more book of his in english which came out under a pseudonim few years ago as a colloboration by him, his wife and their friend as a part of hugely popular in Russia vampire series Kindred. However here it wasn't so popular. }it's under the name Twilight Forever Rising by Lena Meydan.

    1. Aha, I did not know about that other English book. Only about these. That is the sad and good thing about translations. I get to experience new authors, but at the same time just think about all the books that never gets translated and what I am missing.

      And a vamp series..I do like vamps

  7. No! I hate sadness in books. I hate to cry and yet I keep on reading those type of books. I love to hate myself. ;) Sounds like a book series I need to put on my wishlist.

    1. It was not crying sad..ok it was, but the way it happens in this book you just have no time to be sad

  8. Replies
    1. *waves weakly back* I think I got hayfever

    2. *passes a box of tissues*

      It's allergy season here, too, plus work is breaking my brain today.

    3. Thanks, needed! Spring just arrived in full force. Worst in 20 years

  9. Maybe the author will bring another trilogy out of the same world. It sounds too good to let go of.

    1. That would be great :) Must check what he is up to

  10. This sounds like a book that kept you wanting more. That can be fun!

  11. Great review, but i do not think this one is for me :)

  12. Sounds like a good book! Great review!

  13. I have Shadow Prowler on my shelf to get into. I really do want to read it and the series one of these days. Darn that time thing! LOL> Thank you!

    1. Oh I know! *shakes fist at time* I NEED more time

  14. I bet you anything he is in the process of writing another trilogy!

  15. Sounds like a great series! I understand that there will always be casualities in a fight but I still always end up shedding some tears for the characters who get killed.

    1. He does kill off lots, but then there was quite the gang that rode out at first

  16. I'm assuming a loved character doesn't make it to the end of this one? That's always upsetting, I get super attached to characters, but like you said, in war situation sadness is to be expected:(

    1. Loved and loved. But yes someone dies, someone I..something..it was quite the shock

  17. Oh I hope there is another trilogy in the same world. This one sure sounds fun. P.S. I love thieves too :)

  18. I think its a little bit too much Fantasy for me but it sounds like a great read!! And I concur with others...I lurv me thieves characters, though they need to have a bit of goodness in them too ;))

    1. Of course. I can't have a bad thief, I need one that has good in him :)

      It's fantasy fantasy, so very heavy indeed

  19. If a series ends with you wanting to stay in that world and feeling as if there are more stories to tell - then I think it ended at the right stage. Too often fantasy series go on and on and on and on.

    1. Tell me about it, I do love The wheel of time, but enough is enough..the end is coming but it's so long

  20. uh oh, not sure if i would like the sad stuff.

    1. It happened so fast that I had no time to be too sad

  21. True, I never know :)
    That happens to me sometimes too, but at the moment everything i read reviews about seems to be book 1 or 2 in a series

  22. I actually purchased the first book in this trilogy because of you, but I have yet to read it. Sounds like I should get to it by what I could skim out of this review(didn't dare read it all - afraid of spoilers).

    1. Step away from the review then. I usually skim the end to see if the book was good or not

  23. I am intrigued, I have to go check out this series. Glad you reviewed it so I could hear about it =)


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