Friday, 11 May 2012

Kate Daniels - Curran reviews megapost

It's time for a bunch of reviews of short stories told from Curran POV:

Curran Vol 1
Pages: 29
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Series: Kate Daniels

It seems I had forgotten to ever write a review so I read these stories again :)

The first one will be my fav as it takes place at their first meeting and Kate says the famous first words, Here Kitty kitty. And of course I did love the chicken-soup scene from his perspective and how he felt when he saw her and Saiman. All goof stuff.

A great companion to the Kate Daniel books and who would not like Curran's POV! ;)  A collection of scenes from the first few books.

Curran volume 2
Pages: 21

Curran is angry, you do not want to see him angry.

Again a nice novella how Curran feels after he wakes up and finds out that his pack has been challenging Kate. As this one takes place after Magic Bleeds, it has to be read after that to be appreciated.

Curran #3
Ohh I really liked this one. Jim is telling the story of who Kate really is, and who her father is. Exciting stuff. Sure I know it already but Curran sure has a few things to think about.

Yup I need more Ilona Andrews :=D This story takes place after Magic Strikes.

Curran #4 Hot Tub Scene
18 pages
I do fear that I am all reviewed out today, I have read a lot of short stories ;)

Anyway hot tub scene, hot. And the end where he thinks that she will be his mate *melts*

I love Curran. The scene takes place in Magic Strikes.

Conclusion: If you love the Kate Daniels books then these are a must, and best of all..they are free!


  1. I have not read this series, but it sure is loved by many. I did, however, read the hot tub scene. Not sure how I arrived there, but it got my attention! Where do you start with this series?

    1. Lol, you arrived there? Well I did for once start at the very beginning and read the 3 first books before checking out the Curran POVS

  2. Free short stories are always nice. :)

    And TGIF!

  3. I haven't read this series but I have heard of Kate Daniels before. It sure sounds like you enjoyed them!

    1. I do like the Kate Daniels series and it keeps on getting stronger and stronger

  4. These sound so good! I like that you titled this 'megapost'

    1. Lol, well I know there were only 4 reviews. But one had 4 stories or so so megapost ;)

  5. I love Curran and Kate - it's such a great relationship!

  6. Stop eet! You are making me want this series even more! You are such a book pimp! ;D

    1. NO! I will never stop promoting the goodness that is Kate and Curran! :D

  7. I haven't read this series..yet another one to add to my list..thanks for keeping me informed ;)

    1. You are welcomed ;) And if you start it then do check out the freebies

  8. Ooo I so need to read these! Thanks for the reminder.

    1. I did not even know about the last two before last week!

  9. I kind of remember downloading them but when they are saved on my comp? Search me...;)

    1. I just dl*ed them again cos yes my e-book files are a mess

  10. How I love Curran. Reading you talk about these makes me want to go reread the whole series, Curran POV's included!

    1. And now I have no more :/ Ok Andrea's book but that is not the same. I so need more Curran and Kate

  11. I haven't read this author. More books to add to my ever-growing list!

  12. I have books 2 and 3 now and I need to read those soon! Are these ebooks?

    1. Yes since they are just 18 pages long some of them

  13. You must be reading my mind this week! I mentioned Curran in one of my posts. I love love love him and I'm thrilled whenever we get more insight into his character. I find him really fascinating.

    1. I saw that :D Hihi, yes it was Curran's week for me too. But now no more Curran for me so it will be sad sad months

  14. I have to be honest, these are the best freebies I've ever had!! :)

  15. My favorite is also Vol.1, I still laugh every time I think about "Here Kitty kitty" LMAO

  16. Free!? Great! I may have to try these out!

  17. So glad you loved these! I have to get to reading 1 & 2. I was waiting to get through Magic Bleeds to get to them. :) I really need to get there now. I think they will be my treats to get me through to the next book. ;) Thank you!

    1. I would never (well never say never) have heard of them if it wasn't for you! So glad you read 3 and 4 :D I really should check author websites more often

    2. Yeay! So glad I brought them to your eye. :) I'll let ya know if I find any more. ;)


About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

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I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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