Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Review: Tempest Rising - Nicole Peeler

Living in small town Rockabill, Maine, Jane True always knew she didn't quite fit in with so-called normal society. During her nightly, clandestine swim in the freezing winter ocean, a grisly find leads Jane to startling revelations about her heritage: she is only half-human. 

Now, Jane must enter a world filled with supernatural creatures alternatively terrifying, beautiful, and deadly- all of which perfectly describe her new "friend," Ryu, a gorgeous and powerful vampire. 

It is a world where nothing can be taken for granted: a dog can heal with a lick; spirits bag your groceries; and whatever you do, never-ever rub the genie's lamp. 

My thoughts:
I was a bit torn between if I liked it or if I really liked it, but I think my reaction at the end sealed it for a really liked it. I finished the last sentence and just said NO out loud cos I wanted more at once.

Again I am wondering a bit about genres, yes it's UF, but she does kiss that vampire a lot. So let's just make it a UF PNR combined with a good dose of humor.

Jane lives in a shitty little town, ok so it's not shitty but most of the townspeople avoid her like the plague or say bitchy things to her. I really do not know how she suffered through that, all cos of something that happened when she was younger. Which we learn about and that just makes me more sad. The poor girl should have some fun because I like her. She is fun, nice and puts up with so much from the shitty town.

In comes hotty vampire Ryu. Sure I liked him too, but his job, his loyalty. Is she really first in his mind? Even as I liked him and high fived her for having fun there was someone else I thought could be fun too... ;)

The world in this one is hidden from humans. Lots of things live among us and not even Jane knew about them all until one horrible day. So many creatures, one I should google if I remember. I do like the mix of things.

As for the story it's all about Jane learning more and the hunt for something... and getting busy with a certain hot vampire. All in all making it a fun story and one that I enjoyed.

So yes I would recommend this series and I hope book 2 will be good too.

I did not like it at first, it looked so YA. But now I think it looks fun

Series: Jane True #1
Genre: Paranormal romance / Urban fantasy mix
Pages: 359
Published: 2009 by Orbit
Source: My own


  1. Book 2 was my least favorite but I loved Book 3. It is a fun series but you will probably be on the fence about all of them :)

    1. Oh no! Book 2! Yikes....we will see in the end

  2. I really liked this book, which surprised me since I don't like most UF. But I didn't like books 2 &3 and kind of gave up on the series after that. But you still might enjoy them.

    1. Oh no. This sucks. i hope it will not be a Chicagoland vampires situation. I liked book 1 and then it went downhill after that

  3. I enjoyed this series. Personally book 4 is my favourite, but I loved 2 and 3 too! :)

    1. Yay :D I was getting worried as the opinions were not so good

  4. This is such a fun series. I'm glad you liked it and I hope you get the rest of the series as well! It was a lot of fun! :-)

    1. I have book 2 :D Though i friend has borrowed it and thought it was her own.

  5. I like the idea of a UF/PNR combo with humor mixed in, sounds like a winner:) I've heard this is a hugely entertaining series, glad you're enjoying it!

    1. I do hope the rest of the books are good cos I am not hearing good things :/

  6. This is a fun series so glad you enjoyed it!

  7. Oh I so want to read these. I met Nicole and she is a hoot. I have the first and need all of them. I mean mermaids! What is wrong with me for not having read it yet???

    1. You met her? So cool :D Now why can't I meet authors? I so live in the wrong country

  8. This sounds like a fun series, nice review. I tend to google book related things as well when I'm reading. I like the cover, it's cute.

  9. That cover really bothers me! It looks like a little girl to me, which is really disturbing...

    1. Yeah, it's weird in the end. It does look cool but yeah

  10. Hot vampires are always a good thing. That cover totally looks like a YA book though!

  11. I don't think it's my cup of tea, but I really like the cover.

  12. Yeah!! I really enjoyed these books. Well, I've read the first 2 but bought each other as it's come out. I so need to get back to reading Jane, she is just too fun.

    1. Jane is a hoot :D I need to read more too and fingers crossed that I will like what I read

  13. Looks very YA, but sounds pretty good.

  14. Haha - I can just picture you (and hear you) protesting upon reaching the last page. Definitely sounds like the book is a good one.

    1. That evil last page. It's not like it ended with a cliffie, but it still made me want more :D

  15. I read a different book with the same title, i was confused for a minute :)

  16. This one I am sure I will like. And that cover is catchy. Adding it to my TBR.

  17. I have this series to read, I'm quite curious about it. It sounds like a nice book, I hope as well that book too would be great. I'm curious to see your opinion about it.

    1. I do hope you read it and enjoys it too :) And hopefully I will read book 2 soon and you get my thoughts on that oen

  18. I just love the covers of Nicola Peeler's books! I definitely want to read this one.

    1. They are sure cool :) I do like the more than the Uk ones

  19. I really need to get into this series, Blodeuedd! Especially because it's available in my local library :) Great review!

    1. it is?! Then what are you waiting for?! :D

  20. Really good you say! I'm over the moon now, let me tell you why: I have Tempest Rising here in my bookshelf :D

    1. Yay, good news indeed :) The tempest sure must be tempting now

  21. I was kind of torn on this one too. But at the end I liked it because Jane is a funny gal.

    I'm still not sure what to think about this all this crossing genres stuff. When UF has a lot of kissing, it only makes me want more. LOL

    1. Lol. Yes the whole mix of things confuses me. Sure it's more pnr, but then again, I personally want to put in more there

  22. Glad to hear you enjoyed this one, even if it took awhile!

  23. Cool cover, not sure it's for me but you did say it's fun so ... maybe.

  24. Books that make me feel that way at the end usually stick with me. Sounds like this one should be on my list.

    1. I will know more when I have read book 2 :)

  25. I like the world building for this book too, but I think the story telling quality is okey but not masterpiece.

    1. Could be why I was going between that 3 and 4

  26. Nice review, I have been on the fence about this series, but if you like it, well, that will tip my balance :)


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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