Thursday, 31 May 2012

Review: Nine Rules to break when romancing a rake - Sarah MacLean

A lady does not smoke cheroot. She does not ride astride. She does not fence or attend duels. She does not fire a pistol, and she never gambles at a gentlemen's club.

Lady Calpurnia Hartwell has always followed the rules, rules that have left her unmarried—and more than a little unsatisfied. And so she's vowed to break the rules and live the life of pleasure she's been missing.

But to dance every dance, to steal a midnight kiss—to do those things, Callie will need a willing partner. Someone who knows everything about rule-breaking. Someone like Gabriel St. John, the Marquess of Ralston—charming and devastatingly handsome, his wicked reputation matched only by his sinful smile.

If she's not careful, she'll break the most important rule of all—the one that says that pleasure-seekers should never fall hopelessly, desperately in love.

My thoughts:
I am trying to come up with something to say, I really should not write a review when I am all stressed out and annoyed but I will do my best. Perhaps do it in a different format.

Nine Reasons why this was a fun book to read

1. Callie is a woman, a true woman. A spinster with breasts too big too be fashionable, and too wide hips. And it all makes me like her more. Sure she has given up but now she takes the bull by the horns and decides to live and I admired her for that.

2. Ralston, he never saw her coming. He tried to be all smart by it, but his heart fell. It took a while for him to get it, and there will be heartache and drama but he falls. And I love him more for it.

3. "A kiss should not leave you satisfied..It should leave you wanting more."
Now how do you say no to a quote like that? ;)

4. The whole vibe of the book was fun and light.

5. Lots of temptation, and stolen kisses and embraces.

6. I have already mentioned them on their own but together they were great. I got why she liked him and I truly could see him fall.

7. Side characters. Nick, oh yes, I should read his book. I have already read Juliana's book and enjoyed that one too.

8. The pages flew by. That is sooo cliche but well they did.

9. The rules. To see Callie try all these things was fun to read about and she just did them. Even if she was a bit scared.

That was it. I enjoyed the book.

Cover snark:
I do want to see her head too

Series: Love by Numbers #1
Genre: Historical romance
Pages: 422
Published: 2010 by Avon
Source: My own


  1. I have been wanting to read more of her books after enjoying her YA, The Season.

    1. I think I'd like to read that YA book too :)

  2. Hahaha love the review format! I read one of the later books in this series...the one that has to do with eleven...and loved it. I'm looking forward to going back and reading this one!

    1. I read 11 too ;) But it's HR so it worked out well to read that one and to go back later to this one.

      Hihi, I am glad you liked the format. I was feeling very meh when I wrote it

  3. Sounds good. Love the review format.

    1. Thanks :D I totally needed something new

  4. I love your 'nine reasons review'! And agree with you!

  5. Love your 9 reasons, Blodeuedd! ;))) I said already that it's my favorite book in the series. It's got so many wicked moments ;) What about the fencing and gambling - the scenes were brilliant. i think i was buzing after reading this book. I would also recommend What I Did for a Duke by Julie Anne Long, I had the same sort of satisfied and joyous feeling after reading it. :)

    1. I can see the cover in my mind, and that must mean that I have had my eye on it at some time :D I must remember it.

      And yes those scenes were the best :)

  6. I hope you get to de-stress soon.

    I love the nine reasons. This sounds like a fun book. I'm reading a romance right now and may be in the mood for a few more this summer.

    1. It's more like..too much to do, so I do not do it. Then I stress, calm down and stress again :/

  7. I loved this book and Juliana's, middle one wasn't bad, but not as good as this one. She's an autobuy for me now.

    1. Oh..well I will make it through I hope :) And I got the first one in her new series waiting too

  8. I loved this book. I would highly recommend it :)

  9. Not stressed about the book, I take it? :)

  10. I like the new format, so easy to read! BTW, I love this series.

    1. I do enjoy her books :D They are fun and light, and passionate too

  11. This sounds like a fun book. But I don't know... only 9 reasons? ;D LOL

    I think I will add this one to my wishlist.

    1. I know right, only 9 measly reasons, so not worth it then ;)

  12. cute way to do your review! 9 points...nine rules. haha.

    1. Thanks :) I am glad you liked it. I am trying to spice things up

  13. Loved the 9 things you liked about this book!! Fun to read!

  14. This sounds good and I love the way you did the review!

    1. I am glad you all enjoyed the style :D Now if it could only make sense in other reviews too

  15. Yay you read it. I hope you are ok. Awesome review.

    1. Just stressed, I never seem to have time for anything, dunno why

  16. I read this one a while ago and really liked it.
    Fun review style :)

  17. I adore the format of this review! Very clever, girl!

    And that true! Sigh. Makes me feel like being kissed...

    1. I just loved that quote, cos in the end, so freaking true ;)

  18. Ooh you should get annoyed more often, loved the style of your review!

    1. Good :) I have just been feeling very..something lately. And I want to find a new way to do it

  19. Great review Blod, this sounds like something I'd enjoy. I hope your stress melted away :)

    1. Thanks to a weekend of doing nothing I hope it will :)

  20. This was my first Sarah McLean novel. Now I have to wait for each new one to appear...not very patiently I must add!

  21. I wish we could see her head too :) This was a great review for this book-love the list!

    1. Thanks :) I thought it would be a great fit

  22. Ha - fun way to review the book :-) I have read this one and thought it was cute even though I'm not a huge fan of the genre.

    1. That is why I like the genre, for the cuteness, so that is why i like the more cute ones :)

  23. Love the quote! I'm adding this one to my list.

    1. I usually do not stop for quotes but this one I liked :)

  24. This series is so fun! Love the review :)

  25. You have nine reasons to like this book, so why were you stressed out and annoyed?

    1. I was stressed out before I even started the book. The weekend, the following week, it was all kind of crap :/

  26. I'm glad you enjoyed this book, but I hope the stress and annoyance are gone soon!

    1. It does look brighter :) Still haven't written the letters I am supposed to though ;)

  27. Oh that quote is so true. I like. I hope you're feeling better.

  28. I want to read this! And the best part? I already own the book! And some others by this author.

    1. Oh wait..dang I am answering too many comments, I think I answered this for another book. oops. Anyway yay :D

  29. Wonderful review! I found this book quite cute too :)


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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