Monday, 28 May 2012

Wheel of Time Challenge: The Shadow Rising

The seals of Shayol Ghul are weak now, and the Dark One reaches out. The Shadow is rising to cover humankind.

In Tar Valon, Min sees portents of hideous doom. Will the White Tower itself be broken? In the Two Rivers, the Whitecloaks ride in pursuit of a man with golden eyes, and in pursuit of the Dragon Reborn. In Cantorin, among the Sea Folk, High Lady Suroth plans the return of the Seanchan armies to the mainland. In the Stone of Tear, the Lord Dragon considers his next move. It will be something no one expects, not the Black Ajah, not Tairen nobles, not Aes Sedai, not Egwene or Elayne or Nynaeve.

Against the Shadow rising stands the Dragon Reborn.....

My thoughts:
What to say now about my re-read of this book.. I shall ramble on!
First of all, Rand.. Rand, Rand, Rand. I always remembered him so fondly and I did love him in later books. But here, do I love him? Not so much. He is rather crazy, keeps to himself and mumbles. Oh well, maybe I will fall once more.

Perrin, I always remembered not liking his chapters back when, but now, damn that man is cool. Slays trollocks and saves a village.

Mat, he does not have an adventure of his own yet so he is just a follower.

The women, I put them all together since they are alike. Why on earth Nynaeve and Elayne is hunting the Black Ajah I do not know. Who puts "children" after bad guys? Crazy, but done for the story. Anyway they are more fun away from everything *coughs boring White Tower*

Oh yes the boring White Tower fell and people were slaughtered. Finally it got interesting there. Gawyn is an idiot and Galad *eyeroll*

I still hope the Seanchan will go back to the hell they come from. They must burn!! Together with those all holy White cloaks. I hate people who tries to convert others and if they do not want to they are killed.

Lots happened, 1000 pages after all. Aiel, The Waste, revelations about who the Aiel really were, and meeting Asmodean, yum.

So this was what I had to ramble on about. I can't review something I know too well. This seems to be more for people who know the books.

Series: Wheel of Time #4
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 1006
Published: 1992 by TOR


  1. 1000 pages! wow woman! You must love this series, the covers are great.

    1. I do admit that they are freakishly long!

  2. I'm trying to remember which one is Gawyn and which one is Galad... Wow it's been long time since I've read this! I liked the who had crush on Egwene more. The other one is just a jerk.

    1. The thing is that the both have a crush on her ;) But Gawyn liked her more and she liked him more. Cos Galad is just s stupid pretty boy

    2. Now that you mentioned I remember them both having a crush. And Galad runs with the idiot Whitecloaks.

    3. Yup. Arghhh darn Galad and his precious ideals. The whitecloaks suck.

  3. What a review! What a series! No, I haven't read that one yet ;).

    1. Just do not diss it! I like my cute little world that makes me feel like home

  4. Stop it! You're making me want to re-read the series!

    1. Well..DO IT! Lol, I had to since I really need to remember it all before the last book

  5. Not my kind of series, but you do know how to get me interested in it.

  6. Wow, 1000 pages? That's intense:) I think it would be a blast to go back and reread some of the books I loved from a while ago and see if they have the same effect on me now as they did then:)

    1. It sure is fun :D I wish I could reread other favs too but that would take forever

  7. Great review...makes me want to start at the beginning again!

  8. I already don't like these women - who put children after bad guys! Shame!

    1. Well, ok I should not call them children. They are of age but still they got no powers. They are still learning even if they are good

  9. Haha have me curious about Rand. Great review!

  10. I love the books. How can you read only one a month and not glutton on all of them at once?

    1. Lol, well I am trying to space them out as I want to read them before the last and not all at once :) But it's hard

  11. I have had so many people yell at me for not reading these. I suck. I so need to get on them. Especially since you love them so much for a reread. *sigh*

    1. READ THE;! No excuses now missy, read them

  12. You are going to make me read this looooong series, aren't you. ;D LOL Thank you!

    1. Oh yes I am so gonna make you. You're missing out

  13. If I were to have a crush on any of the characters it would be a tie between Rand and Perrin. You are giving me inspiration to reread these soon

    1. I do appreciate Perrin so much more this time around :)

  14. I was planning to re-read this series too, but I think I will do that once the second part of the last book comes out. I don't blame you rambling on, the author did! Robert Jordan rambled on about nothing which looked so much like page paddings...

    1. LOL! Like his 100 page long prologues, damn those drive me insane! But I will continue to read one once a month and then I will be all caught up in 2013


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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